Chapter 3

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Hinata was once again the first to wake of the two boys, and it was because his dream was rudely interrupted by Nishinoya shaking him awake. It took a few seconds for Hinata to become aware of his surroundings, but when he did, he was almost immediately overwhelmed. Nishinoya, Tanaka and Asahi were all swarmed around them, watching Hinata and Kageyama as they slept. Luckily for Hinata, the blanket had stayed up on his shoulders through the night and he and Kageyama's intertwined fingers were hidden. They must have done it subconciously in their sleep, all Hinata knew was that if Nishinoya or Tanaka saw, he was dead. He tried to pull his hand away discreetly, but Kageyama's grip was firm, and there was no waking him. Hinata decided to just pull out his other hand and rub his eyes.
"Hey there Hinata!" Nishinoya exclaimed loudly while Hinata rubbed his eyes. Hinata grumbled, as he rubbed his eyes, and when they were clear, he looked up at Nishinoya.
"Good morning Nishinoya~Senpai!" He exclaimed excitedly as he opened his eyes, and smiled up at his three teammates.
"Hey Hinata, enjoy sleeping with your boyfriend?" Tanaka asked, pointing at Kageyama.
"H-hush Tanaka~Senpai! Or I'll tell Suga that your harassing me again!" Hinata fired back, covering the blush that spread on his face with his free arm. Tanaka looked ready to walk away but Nishinoya decided to be cocky.
"Oh yeah, well guess what Hinata, Suga doesn't scare me!" He retorted, getting up in Hinata's face. Kageyama began to stir and he opened his eyes, looking at the situation to his left. He huffed, trying to go back to sleep, and released Hinata's hand from his own, hoping it would make neutralizing the situation easier.
"Noya, please, I don't want you getting in trouble with Suga." Asahi complained, grabbing Noya's sleeve and attempting to pull him back.
"No, Hinata thinks that Suga scares me, and he's wrong. I could take Suga any day." Noya answered, holding his ground, glaring down at Hinata.
"Oh yeah?" Hinata asked, "you think you could take him? Any day? He doesn't scare you?" He continued questioning Noya in such a fashion that he knew would antagonize him.
"Heck yeah!" Nishinoya exclaimed.
"You're sure?" Hinata asked again.
"Yeah! I could care less what Suga says!" Nishinoya shouted, grinning down at Hinata, triumph visible on his face.
"Oh yeah?" Suga's voice echoed from the front of the bus, where he was apparently talking with Daichi.
"Uh..." Nishinoya's face paled and his eyes widened.
"Well, if you really think that Noya, why don't you come prove it and stop harassing the first years." Suga suggested, crossing his arms, his voice lower now, proving that he was challenging the short second year. Noya swallowed quickly and walked to the front of the bus.
Hinata only watched him leave before turning to Kageyama and poking his cheek with his index finger.
"I know you're awake Bakageyama, you let go of my hand when Noya started yelling." He whispered, glancing over to make sure no one was looking, then moved his hand to cup Kageyama's cheek.
"Mmmn, I was hoping you'd be able to more easily neutralize the situation if I let go but," he grabbed Hinata's hand, "it seems to have been pointless." Hinata blushed profusely, his face turning the color of a tomato. He looked down, burying his face in Kageyama's shoulder.
"Come on lovebirds! We're at the hotel!" Suga announced from the front of the bus. Hinata squeaked, releasing Kageyama's hand and jumping up to look at Suga, who smirked at the small boy, but quickly changed it to a heartfelt smile, in hopes that he wouldn't realise. But Hinata did realise, and now he was suspicious, what did Suga know?
"Ok Sugawara~Senpai!" He exclaimed as he turned around and reached over his seat to grab he and Kageyama's bags. He pulled them up, handing Kageyama's bag to it's owner, then heading to the door of the bus. He hopped down the steps, each foot hitting each step at the same time, followed closely by Kageyama.

"Alright," Daichi clapped his hands as he walked over to the couches where his team was seated, "So, Suga and I decided already that we only really needed three rooms, one with only one bed and two with two beds. We figured that one of you," he gestured to Noya, Tanaka, and Asahi, "could sleep on the couch." They all nodded in unison and Daichi looked to Suga who stood up next to him.
"Yeah, so the first years will share a room, the second years and Asahi, and then Daichi and I, any objections?" Suga asked, eyeing the first years, waiting for them to speak up, but to his surprise, neither objected.
"Well, alright then, we'll head up to the rooms, all on the fifth floor with a balcony off each of them, oh yeah, and the bathtubs have jets." Daichi started to rant about how good the rooms were. Even though he was their serious captain, he was well known to get excited about little things like jetted bathtubs and balconies.Maw
They arrived on the fifth floor, twisting and turning as Suga led them toward their rooms. He stopped at room 534, and handed Asahi a keycard.
"I'm entrusting this to you. Don't lose it. Or your locked out of your room and you'll be sleeping in the bus the rest of the week. Got it?" He stated sternly, his gaze turning serious. Asahi nodded quickly, unlocking the door then tucking the card in his pocket. He then quickly rushed into the room behind Tanaka and Noya.
"Alright, first years, your room is here." Suga explained moving down the hall three doors, "and Daichi and I will be on the other side of the hotel in the area with the one bed rooms, ok?" Suga asked as he handed a keycard to each Hinata and Kageyama, then tucked a third into his pocket.
"Wait, why do we have two and them only one?" Hinata questioned as Kageyama turned to the door to unlock it.
"Well, Daichi and I both decided it'd be better if we had copies of everyone's keys. I'll be the only one with yours though, he thinks it's necessary for both of us to have individual copies of their key, does that answer your question and any oncoming ones?" He quickly explained, leaning into Daichi's touch slightly when he came and wrapped his arm around Suga's waist.
"Yeah, thanks Suga." Kageyama answered for him, holding the door open with his arm, just above Hinata's height so that he could easily duck through into the room.
"Alright, well, call if you need anything Daichi and I will be coming around to knock on doors at 8:30, barging in at 9, and then we're on our way to dinner, sound good!" Suga announced, stating more than asking.
"Alright, bye Suga! Bye Daichi!" Hinata called before ducking into the hotel room. Kageyama followed him, closing the door behind them.
"Tobi!" Hinata exclaimed, jumping up and down in the middle of the room. It was massive compared to any hotel room he or Kageyama had ever stayed in. There was a large living room with a kitchen attached. The kitchen had a full sized fridge, stove, oven, dishwasher, microwave, and a massive sink. In the living room there was a white couch with blue accent pillows and a massive smart TV. There were two doors, one leading to a bedroom with two beds, the other to a bathroom.
"It's so big!!!" He shouted, gesturing to the massive hotel room. Kageyama chuckled and nodded,
"Yeah Sho, duh." Kageyama answered sarcastically, walking to the couch and having a seat. He was sitting to the far right, his right leg draped across the couch and his right arm in the back. Hinata bounced over, plopping himself down in between Kageyama's legs and making himself comfortable. Kageyama snakes his arms around Hinata's waist and pulls him closer, causing Hinata to giggle excitedly. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, then signed in to his Netflix account. He turned on Full Metal Alchemist then turn around in his seat and wrapped his legs around Kageyama's waist. Kageyama moved his hands to rest on Hinata's waist and stared up at his big brown eyes. There were loud crashes and bangs coming from the TV but he ignored them, admiring his adorable boyfriend.
"You know, we still have 4 hours before dinner..." Kageyama stated, his cheeks turning a light pink. Hinata's however turned bright red and he looked down.
"Do you mean-"
"Yeah." Kageyama interrupted holding his gaze.
"Are you sure?" Hinata asked, slightly squirming.
"For sure." Kageyama assured him, then slid Hinata off of him and onto the couch next to him. He walked over to his bag and rummaged around, searching for the console and controllers. The night he and Hinata had stayed on the phone for hours, they had planned for Kageyama to bring his PS4 and two controllers so that they could play when they got here.
"Ok, but just so you know, I get really competitive." Hinata warned, taking the remote from Kageyama.
"I knew that Boke." He responded as he took his seat on the couch, sitting criss-cross-applesauce then widened his arms so that Hinata could sit in his lap. Hinata quickly obliged, seating himself comfortably and also crossing his legs. He set his controller in his lap while Kageyama wrapped his arms around him and set his controller in Hinata's lap as well. He clicked start on the game and they began to play.
About three hours later, Kageyama noticed just how tired Hinata seemed to be getting and he paused the game. They'd repositioned themselves to be lying on the couch, Kageyama's upper back rested on the arm and Hinata laying on his chest. Hinata pouted, moving to looked up at Kageyama with a confused and sad glare.
"You seemed tired, I think it's time for a nap." Kageyama explained, to which Hinata reluctantly nodded, but he didn't move, he just rolled over and but his eyes on Kageyama's chest. Kageyama chuckled and lifted the smaller boy and walked to their room. He dropped Hinata there then moved their bags into their room. He messed up the sheets and blankets in Hinata's bed so that it looked like someone had been sleeping there, then went back to his bed and crawled into bed alongside Hinata. The spiker wrapped his arms around Kageyama's waist and pulled himself closer to the setter. Kageyama chuckled, wrapping his arms around Hinata's waist and kissing his forehead. He then rested his chin atop Hinata's head and went to sleep as well, his small boyfriend cradled between his arms.

At 8:30, Suga and Daichi did exactly what they said they would, they walked to each of their teammates' doors and knocked loudly on their doors, then as Daichi was heading back to their room, Suga stopped him.
"Hey sweetheart, I'll catch up on you, I'm gonna go to the lobby and get us some snacks, ok?" He explained, painstakingly lying through his teeth, not wanting to let Daichi know he wanted to spy on their little first years, but also hating the taste it left in his mouth to lie to him. Daichi just nodded, kissed Suga's forehead and walked toward their room. Once he was gone, Suga turned back to the first years' room. He quickly pulled out the key and slipped into their room, shutting the door lightly behind him. He snuck over to the closest bedroom to the door, and opened the door very quietly. He peered in to find the two first years cuddled up on the bed, their hands lazily draped around eachother.
Suga smiled to himself and pulled out his phone, he snapped a quick picture then raced downstairs to get some snacks.

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