Chapter 5

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The two peaceful boys were rudely awoken by aggressive banging on their door at around 10 am which they quickly learned was Daichi.
"Hinata! Kageyama! If you don't want me barging in there you better be up and ready to go to breakfast in ten minutes!" He shouted and both the first years groaned. While the threat was not enough to stir Hinata who just cuddled closer into Kageyama's chest, Kageyama was easily persuaded by it.
"Sho, baby, we gotta get up," he mumbled, his voice deeper and rough from sleep. Hinata grumbled again and squeezed Kageyama.
"Don't call me baby before I've woken up, it makes my heart beat to fast..." Hinata grumbled and Kageyama let out a breathy chuckle.
"Okay, whatever, come on Dumbass," he stood up and hooked his arms under Hinata's arms, hoisting him up to his feet.
"Freak you Tobi, I'm still sleepy..." Hinata wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's chest and hoisted his legs up and his waist, koalaing his boyfriend into vertical cuddles.
"Shou... come on, it's breakfast time... you can have a smoothie~" Kageyama stated convincingly, remembering the blender he'd seen downstairs the day before. Slowly, his boyfriend pulled his face away from Kageyama's chest and instead focused on his eyes.
"Okay..." Hinata grumbled and let go, wobbling slightly as he landed on his feet. Kageyama placed a hand on his waist to steady him and used his free hand to grab Hinata's suitcase the throw it on the other bed. Hinata grumbled and walked over to open said suitcase and rummage through it. Kageyama sighed and ruffled his boyfriends hair before pulling an already organized together outfit from his own suitcase and heading to the bathroom. He took a quick shower and got dressed before leaving the bathroom and letting Hinata do his own thing. He took the towel from around his shoulders and ruffled it around on top of his head to dry it then threw it at the laundry basket in the corner of the room, which was something Kageyama had never seen in a hotel. He went back to his suitcase, pulled out his comb and tamed his hair then zipped it back up and collapsing on the other bed, staring at the ceiling and waiting for his boyfriend to return. It didn't take very long, Hinata was back out, dressed, hair still sopping wet, and Kageyama chuckled as his boyfriend yawned and scratched the back of his neck his other hand holding the towel around his shoulders. He stood, walking over and pulling the towel from Hinata's grasp. He put it on top of his boyfriend's head and ruffled his hair to dry it, causing Hinata to let out a cute giggle that made Kageyama's heart jump. Kageyama leaned down and began peppering Hinata's nose, cheeks, forehead and jawline with kisses, after a minute he pulled the towel off Hinata's head and back to his shoulders, his hands on either end so he could pull Hinata into a kiss. He felt Hinata smile against his lips then kiss him back, wrapping his arms around Kageyama's neck and jumping to wrap his legs around Kageyama's waist. Kageyama chuckled into their kiss and let go of the towel, letting it rest on Hinata's shoulder again as he held onto Hinata. They continued to kiss for a few minutes, and in doing so, didn't even hear the knock on their door.
"Kageyama~San, Hinata~San!" Suga called, only to have his voice quickly leave when he saw Kageyama and Hinata, making out in the doorway to their bedroom.
"Ah!" He exclaimed, shutting the door behind him quickly, so as to not reveal their secret to anyone else. The two boys pulled away when they heard the door shut, and Kageyama practically threw Hinata on the bed, the boy landing with a harsh "oof".
"Sugawara~Senpai!" Hinata practically shouted, tugging on his white t-shirt's hem.
"Sugawara!" Kageyama stated at the same time, pulling his hands behind his back, a blush lighting up both their faces.
"Boys..." Suga eased, pulling off his jacket, as he realised the heat was on strangely high in their room, though that could be blamed on Hinata's small frame, Suga was never convinced the boy wouldn't just fly away like a kite in strong winds. He folded his jacket over one of his arms then pulled out a stool from the kitchen island, and moved to sit on it, still staring at the two boys.
"We-Uh..." Hinata mumbled as he scrambled off the bed and grabbed his own jacket. (which Suga realised was actually Kageyama's, because it was far too long on the petite boy.)
"We can explain!" Kageyama remarked, causing Suga to send him a poker face.
"Mm, and... what is your explanation?"
"Uh... well..." Kageyama stumbled over his words and Suga offered him a pointed glare before looking at Hinata.
"And you?" He asked. Hinata frowned and Suga could practically see the gears in his head turning.
"It's ah, it's not what it looks like!" Hinata defended. And Suga frowned at him, not because he didn't support the two, but because he really thought he'd gained their trust by now.
"Well, it looks like you two were making out in your bedroom." Suga leered.
"Then..." Hinata sighed, and looked at Kageyama pleadingly. The taller boy shrugged, offering his boyfriend an apologetic and slightly upset look.
"Suga, Hinata and I are dating, we were making out, and uh, we're... sorry..." Kageyama explained and Suga huffed. He stood up and grabbed both boys by their shoulders, pulling them into a hug.
"You both know very well that I don't mind inter-team relationships, love is love, be with who you want. I'm not angry with you, I'm more so sad that you didn't tell me, or any of us for that matter..." Suga's voice was soft as he pulled away and cupped both of his little kohai's faces and made them look at him.
"It's not that... we don't trust you, or the team Suga, we just... we were trying to keep it for ourselves... though I've realised recently, it's only putting strain on us as we get closer and," Kageyama nuzzled Suga's hand, "thank you, for understanding that is." Suga smiled at them and nodded then removed his hands from their faces and leaned back.
"Now, just because I know does not mean I'm gonna go babbling about how our favorite first years are an item, I just want to know, if you plan on telling so I know whether or not I can tell my own boyfriend." Kageyama and Hinata chuckled then looked at eachother.
"Uh, we were kinda planning, to keep it to ourselves a little longer, so... if you could... not, tell Daichi, that'd be great." Hinata explained and Suga smiled happily.
"Okay then, I'll try to contain my excitement at being right." Suga explained then sat back down on his barstool.
"R-right!?" Hinata exclaimed, and Suga laughed.
"Of course, I suspected you two were dating for months now, you're sweeter with eachother, and Kageyama, that stunt at dinner last night, close-call, you may have to bully Hinata slightly if you want to keep a secret." Suga joker, and Kageyama's face fell into a frown.
"Still seems rude to just wake him." Kageyama grumbled and Suga looked amused.
"You didn't have a problem with it at our first event, so in Noya's eyes, why should you now?" Kageyama huffed and grabbed Hinata by the waist, pulling him over so that Kageyama could bury his reddening face in his boyfriend's neck. Suga chuckled and sighed.
"Welp, better get your shoes on, we're due to meet Asahi, Tanaka, Noya, and my Daichi downstairs soon, hurry up boys!" With that, Suga threw the door open and slipped away, slamming the door behind him. Both Hinata and Kageyama rolled their eyes fondly at Suga, then turned to eachother. They leaned in quickly to share a soft sweet peck on the lips before they both put on their shoes and left their room.

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