Chapter 10

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The next day was probably Hinata's favorite day of the entire vacation. It was just perfect the entire time. He woke up snuggled up to Kageyama, his unnaturally attractive boyfriend looking so peaceful while he slept. Then he got to eat Açai bowls for breakfast with some of his absolute favorite people in the world. And he got to play video games for a couple of hours with Kenma, Kageyama, and Kuroo, which was a lot of fun, cause Kageyama had this super-focused pout on his face the entire time, and even if the staring caused him to come in last a LOT, worth it. After that, Suga had pulled them out of the house to go to dinner, equipped with a surprise for them all, a good one for everyone but Kageyama of course.

"Chibi-Chan!" Oikawa had called as he watched the massive party enter the restaurant. He ran over with his arms outstretched to hug Hinata, who immediately jumped into his arms, hugging him aggressively.  He watched over Oikawa's shoulder as his boyfriend approached, hands shoved in his pocket and a scowl on his face. He grabbed Oikawa by the shoulder and pulled him off of Shoyo.
"You're going to suffocate the kid Oikawa!" Iwaizumi growled before locking Oikawa in place with an arm around his shoulder. Kageyama approached the stand next to Hinata, suppressing the urge to wrap his own protective arm around the short spiker.
"Oh you're just upset cause your beloved setter found a new spiker Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa sang, "Now lemme hug my baby!" Sugawara was suddenly behind Tobio and Hinata, smiling menacingly.
"You may want to rethink your wording a bit there Oikawa," he sang, the cold blood so evident in his voice. Oikawa backed away from Shoyo before pouting.
"Fine, Tobio can be mine then," he grabbed the tall setter by the shoulder and dragged him in to ruffle his hair. Kageyama grunted in annoyance, pushing away from Oikawa.
"Don't claim me as yours, you don't like me anyway,"  he grumbled and Oikawa pouted.
"But you're Iwa's favorite, and my oldest, therefore you are my child," Oikawa declared and then ruffled Kageyama's hair again before turning to grin at Iwaizumi. The Seijoh ace, who had been wearing a fond smile before immediately fell into a scowl and rolled his eyes, grabbing his boyfriend's arm and pulling him away from the pair. Kageyama stepped back into place next to Hinata, and his small boyfriend giggled sweetly. Suga's giggle behind them however was not sweet, he sounded menacing, like he giggled before sneaking a kiss on Daichi. He leaned forward to talk to Kageyama.
"You just seem more and more similar to Iwaizumi every time I see you two next to eachother," he leaned slightly closer and dropped his voice to a whisper, "You seem to have inherited his protective boyfriend trait, and the tsundere trait," he pointed out and Kageyama blushed before punching Sivan's arm playfully and turning away, scurrying to join Iwaizumi and Oikawa at their table. He was so caught up with leaving his embarrassing vice captain behind he failed to realize the presence of his former teammates, Kindaichi and Kunimi. Once he did though, he tensed. He didn't like to talk about his past, he didn't want to, and he hated that version of himself, so the idea that they simply loved to talk about it made him feel queasy. His worries were dimmed when he felt the familiar warmth of Hinata slide in beside him and lean his head on Kageyama's shoulder. Not that he could escape any torment.
"So, how's the king been?" Kindaichi growled and Kageyama tensed. He wanted so badly to shoot back, to fire back but he knew that would ruin the evening and Suga and Hinata would both be mad at him so instead he tried to ignore it.
"Still doesn't have any manners I see," Kindaichi muttered and picked up a piece of sushi to pop it in his mouth.
"He doesn't need to be polite when you're not either." Hinata shot back and the table went quiet suddenly. Daichi and Suga had been talking animatedly with Oikawa and Iwaizumi while the others just chatted amongst themselves as usual, but now all the attention was on Hinata and his hardened glare sent toward the Aoba Johsai freshman.
"Hinata it's fine," Kageyama insisted but Hinata shook his head.
"No, I have been far too civil for far too long. If I could forgive you in a week, even though I didn't experience the brunt force of your middle school angst they can sure as heck forgive you in a year," Hinata didn't look away from Kindaichi, glaring angrily.
"I like being around other people, I like being around Oikawa and Iwaizumi but your bad attitude is gonna sour the entire experience and I'm honestly not up for it," he declared finally and sat back, shoving a bite of onigiri in his mouth and glaring at the table while one hand went under the table to lay his hand over the hand Kageyama had laid on his thigh.
"He's right Kindai-Chan, you have to learn to move on," Oikawa chastised his underclassman, who's eyes widened before they darted down to his plate of sushi. He began to chew quickly while Hinata nodded in confirmation then looked at Kageyama.
He leaned slightly closer, "Are you okay?" He asked softly and Kageyama swallowed, "Do you wanna go outside for a minute?" Hinata asked again and Kageyama thought for a moment before nodding. Hinata nodded and squeezed his hand before pulling away and hopping off his stool. Kageyama had barely realized the seats were raised. He followed Hinata and they ignored the concerned glances from their companions as they excused themselves.
"Are you okay?" Hinata asked as he turned around and grabbed both of Kageyama's hands with his own.
"I will be..." he muttered and dropped his head onto Hinata's shoulder. Hinata nodded, a troubled expression taking over his features. He just didn't understand how people could be so rude for so long. And how those people usually didn't think about how they effected others, or just assumed that the person they treat badly couldn't feel bad in the first place. Kageyama was a special case of anxious. He didn't get anxious in most situations, but Hinata knew that in any situation where the people closest to him could "easily" be stripped away, he locked up. Hinata hated it when Kageyama locked up, he'd been on the wrong side of that wall far too many times, and he was not going to let some entitled brat from another school ruin that for him.
Hinata rubbed circles in Kageyama's back, evening out his breathing perfectly, and tapping on Kageyama's wrist to signal him to follow, they'd decided that would be a good signal after a particularly stressful game for the both of them. Once Kageyama's breathing was even he leaned back, putting a hand on the back of Kageyama's neck and looking at his tall boyfriend lovingly. Said tall boyfriend was visibly less panicked now and he moved his hands from being anchored around Hinata's waist to rest on his hips instead. He leaned forward and bumped their foreheads together. Hinata hummed, a small smile falling into place on his lips. He leaned up and pressed his lips to Kageyama's, and the other hummed into it, moving his lips comfortably against Hinata's. It was soft and sweet and comfortable, until they heard a jingle as the door to the restaurant opened. They leapt away from eachother, but were too late as they heard a wolf-whistle. There in the doorway were Iwaizumi and Oikawa.
"Ooooh! Get it Chibi-Chan!" Oikawa exclaimed and the first year's faces lit up in a bright blush.
"Congratulations Kageyama," Iwaizumi said, an almost smug smirk on his face.
"Thank you, but you can't tell anyone." Kageyama insisted, still not making eye contact with his senpais.
"Aww! Tobio-Chan is embarrassed!" Oikawa exclaimed, running over to pinch Kageyama's cheek, but his hand was quickly smacked away.
"I'm not embarrassed, why would I be embarrassed? No, we were just trying to keep it to ourselves, but this trip is proving that difficult," Kageyama growled and grabbed Hinata's hip, pulling him into his side.
"Why would you keep it to yourselves? There's no reason your teammates would reject you Tobio-Chan," Oikawa muttered concerned and Kageyama couldn't help but growl.
"Well clearly Oikawa, we're all gay in Volleyball," he pointed out, "No, everyone says that when they find out! Is it such a crime to want to keep this for just me for a minute? Just us!" Kageyama groaned and threw his head back, rubbing at his eyes with the heals of his hands. Hinata pouted concernedly, reaching for Kageyama's shoulder but before he could, Iwaizumi was there, hands on either of Kageyama's shoulders.
"We're sorry Tobio, it's fine to want to keep any relationship to yourself, even one that is easily accepted, okay?" Kageyama huffed, leaning forward to thump his forehead on Iwaizumi's forehead. Oikawa huffed and crossed his arms as he watched his boyfriend work so easily with their difficult Kohai, as he always had. Hinata sidled up next to him.
"Y'know he really looks up to you," Hinata whispered next to him while he watched his boyfriend who was still worked up calming down in the arms of his Senpai.
"I just wish I could read him like Iwa can, but I never seem to get the right idea..." Oikawa whispered and Hinata sighed, turning to look at Oikawa.
"Tobio is the most important person in my life," he said, "but even I took months to figure out how to handle him when he gets upset," Hinata gave Oikawa a hard stare.
"I know you care about him Oikawa, because you get that same look in your eyes as Suga gets when Yamaguchi hits a perfect float serve when Kageyama gets the perfect set," Oikawa blushed and glared at the ground, "And that tells me that you care deeply for him but you have to understand that Tobio's mind works far differently than any of your current Kohais or yourself, he is extremely similar to Iwaizumi, so maybe you should try handling him the same way you do him," Hinata suggested and Oikawa sighed, and turned to smile at Iwaizumi and Kageyama.
"Iwa, we should get back inside, you too love birds," he sang and shoved Hinata at Kageyama. The taller first year caught his boyfriend and huffed but nodded. Iwaizumi gave him one last pointed look then turned around and grabbed Oikawa's waist, pulling him into the restaurant. Kageyama and Hinata followed quietly, and sat down in their spots to eat. Hinata began stuffing his cheeks with sushi while Kageyama chastised him about eating too fast, not that it lasted long before Suga reminded him of the BBQ incident when Akaashi had to save his dumbass.

So yeah, despite the altercation with Kindaichi and Kageyama's personal issues, it was Hinata's favorite, and it only got better from there.

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