Chapter 14

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Hinata and Kageyama were forced to emerge from their room an hour later when someone came knocking.
"Baby crows!" Oikawa sang from the other side of the door and Kageyama groaned falling back on the bed. Hinata threw his head back and cackled at his boyfriend's reaction to the setter's voice.
"Tobio~" Oikawa sang even louder and Kageyama let out an even louder growl in response. Hinata giggled and got up off the bed, waking to the door.
"Hello Oikawa-San!" He exclaimed and the tall setter grinned down at him.
"Hello Chibi-Chan!" He greeted back and leaned over to loom behind Hinata at a clearly moody Kageyama.
"I'll leave it to you to gather your boyfriend," he said much quieter and Oikawa smiled.
"We're meeting downstairs in a few minutes," Iwaizumi said from a couple feet away, Hinata hadn't even realized his presence, but he smiled and waved when he did. Iwaizumi chuckled and waved back, reaching out to ruffle Hinata's curls, "The extroverts are gathering their introverts, Kuroo says Kenma might come out of their room if you go," Hinata giggled as he imagined his cat like friend staring at Kuroo like he was an alien as he suggested they join the others in the living room.
"Okay, I'll get Yama, you two can head on down,"
"Yamayama!" Hinata shouted as he pounced on his boyfriend. Kageyama let out a low protesting grunt and glared down at his boyfriend.
"Oikawa says to gather your introverts and meet them downstairs, you're my introvert, we're going downstairs," Hinata announced, sitting back up and pulling Kageyama with him.
"Can I change first?" Kageyama asked, looking down at his black jeans. Hinata giggled but nodded, also moving to change. He changed into some blue sweats and a too-big hoodie, that belonged to Kageyama, it was the one he regularly stole, even before they were dating.
He turned around and smiled at Tobio who was now wearing white and grey basketball shorts and a black t-shirt.
"Ready to go?" He asked excitedly, and Kageyama let the smallest smile slip onto his lips as he nodded in reluctant agreement. Hinata bounced to the door, dragging Kageyama with him, their hands intertwined.
When they reached the last flight of stairs, Kageyama finally realized,
"Dumbass!" He exclaimed, letting go of Hinata's hand and throwing his arms in the air. Hinata looked at him confused and slightly offended until he saw the bright red blush decorating Kageyama's cheeks and his eyes focused on Hinata's chest.
"That's my hoodie!" He shouted and Hinata started cackling, "I've been looking for it everywhere!" He yelled over Hinata's laughs, as they entered the living room.
"Trouble in paradise?" Tsukishima joked and Kageyama sent him an annoyed glare.
"Hinata stole my hoodie, A WHILE AGO, because it's been missing for literally months," Kageyama growled and Hinata shrugged his shoulders.
"You would have given it to me if I asked anyway, now c'mon!" Hinata tugged Kageyama by the sleeve into the living room where everyone was already lounging about. The living room had an interesting set up. There was a dip in the middle of the floor where there were three levels of couch's on platforms and stairs one side to reach the bottom two layers.
Along there were two spaces open on the top and middle rows, one next to Kuroo and the other next to Kenma, Hinata hopped down and sat next to his boyfriend while Kageyama wordlessly settled in behind him, one leg on each side of Hinata's shoulders. Hinata leaned back and smiled cheekily at Kageyama who sent him a playful glare and ruffled his hair.
"Shrimpy, you stealing clothes?" Kuroo asks and Hinata send him a snarky smirk.
"I think you know that I get everything I want," he said with a wink and Kuroo's eyes widened but he chuckled and nodded, going back to talking to Bokuto and running his fingers through Kenma's hair. Hinata smirked at Kageyama above him then wrapped his arms around Kageyama's calves to keep him in place and looked up at the TV on the wall above where the stairs were.
"Guys you wanna watch a movie?" Hinata hummed in agreement as everyone else also agreed, and he kept his gaze trained on the TV where Netflix was pulled up.
He watched as Shirabu was scrolling through the options on his account, as Avatar: The Last Airbender passed by. He jumped slightly, accidentally knocking both Kenma and Kageymaa away.
"Avatar! Let's watch Avatar!" He exclaimed, pointing excitedly at the TV screen. Shirabu sent him a small look and and moved back to Avatar.
"Everyone okay with that?" He asked, and most people nodded in agreement, while other shrugged.
"Why you wanna watch so bad Hinata?" Tanaka asked and Hinata shrugged.
"I used to watch it a lot with my sister, and To- Kageyama and I watch it a lot, it's one of my favorites," Kageyama felt himself blush as he remembered some of the things they'd accomplished while watching Avatar.
Kageyama had actually come out while they were watching, as he and Hinata had an argument as to whether or not Zuko was gay and Kageyama piped up that if he and Zuko acted so similar there was no way that Zuko was straight, because in no universe would he ever be straight, so the same applied to Zuko. Hinata was surprised Tobio had come out like that, but he grinned and let Kageyama win the argument as he congratulated Kageyama on coming out, not that the setter had even really thought about what he said.
Kageyama had actually confessed to Hinata while they were watching the show, he'd just been hanging out with the small redhead at his house when he'd suddenly blurted it out upon noticing how beautiful Hinata looked while smiling.
Then they'd shared their first kiss with it playing in the background while they ate meat buns, it was, surprisingly magical despite the circumstances. They were sitting on Tobio's couch watching Avatar, playing Uno, and eating an unreasonable amount of meat buns and sushi, both in baggy clothes that belonged to Tobio. Kageyama wouldn't change a thing.
"Okay, I've ordered some sushi, should be here in fifteenish minutes. Kageyama felt his blush darken as he continued to be reminded of he and Hinata's first kiss. Hinata clapped in joy and turned to look at the screen as Avatar began playing.

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