Chapter 7

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(Hope enjoy that video to Kuroo dancing, it's one of my faves recently. Lol.)

Suga was right, Hinata was definitely the most excited.
Daichi had unlocked the house and swung open the door, letting his team follow him in, Hinata was just behind Noya and Tanaka with Suga and Asahi behind them. Everyone dropped their bags off in their respective rooms, which Hinata realized there were way too many of, but before he could ask Suga or Daichi why there was a knock at the door and Daichi practically jumped to go get the door while Suga's split into a grin. Then there was a voice that had Hinata running to the door as well.
"Sup Papa Crow!" He heard Bokuto great in his loud and excitable voice. He almost knocked the third year over with the force he used to hug him. He couldnt stop grinning as Bokuto squeezed him back and laughed at enthusiasm. Hinata had his legs wrapped around Bokuto's waist and his arms around his shoulders, clinging to him like a monkey.
"Bokuto!" He shouted happily after hopping down, he then turned and gave Akaashi who was there as well a much more tame hug.
"How ya doing Baby Crow?" Hinata grinned again.
"I'm doing great! Especially now cause you guys are here!" He heard Suga laugh slightly from behind hi. And turned around quickly to point at his captains.
"You two knew and you didn't tell me!" He exclaimed and they both nodded cheekily, Hinata missed the look Daichi gave the other two over his head.
"We wanted it to be a surprise!" Suga explained before hugging  Akaashi too then turning to hug Bokuto as well.
"Best surprise ever!" He shouted making the other four laugh. That was when Kageyama came in and his lips quirked at his two superiors.
"Bokuto-Senpai, Akaashi-Senpai," he greeted simply while walking over to ruffle Hinata's hair, he sounded cool and collected but Hinata could tell that he was holding in all of his excitement. He didn't push.
"Isn't it amazing that they're here!?" He asked excitedly again, grinning at Bokuto and Akaashi again as everyone began to move into the AirBnB. The third years all laughed while Tanaka and Noya ran over to talk to Bokuto excitedly as well. Akaashi stood and talked to Suga, Daichi, Asashi, and Tsukki while Kageyama and Hinata joined the second years to talk to Bokuto.
The Fukurodani members had been there about fifteen minutes when there was yet another knock on the door that had Hinata sprinting up to see who was at the door with Daichi and Suga while Bokuto and Akaashi followed.
Hinata thought he was going to combust when Daichi opened the door and Kenma, Kuroo, Yaku, and Lev were standing on the doorstep waiting for the door to open. He tackled Kenma in a hug so forceful they both went tumbling to the ground. Kenma wrapped his arms around Hinata's middle too, squeeze  in by him back almost as tightly.
"Kenma! Oh my god!" He looked up at the other three Nekoma manners here. Yaku was hugging Suga while Kuroo had a conversation with Daichi. Lev was next to Yaku, grinning at his boyfriend like the Libero had hung the stars.
"Does he always look at Yaku like that?" Hinata asked quietly, causing the cat-like boy underneath him to glance up at his teammates. He sighed nodded.
"Yeah," he then sent Hinata a smirk, "it's not different from the way you look at Kageyama though," Hinata's face lit up in a blush and he swatted at Kenma's shoulder. Before smiling like an idiot again. He pulled Kenma back into a bone crushing song.
"Ah! It's been way too long to have not seen my bestfriend!" He exclaimed into his shoulder. He felt a soft pain in his leg when Kageyama lightly kicked him. He kicked back and glared up at his boyfriend.
"You don't count," he mouthed annoyed, and Kageyama's face lit up. He snickered as he slowly pulled away and stood up, holding a hand out for Kenma to take and stand.
Kenma really was Hinata's bestfriend, he was the only person Hinata had convinced Kageyama to let him tell about their relationship, and it was only because Kageyama knew how important the cat-like setter was to him. Hinata was still grinning uncontrollably.
Hinata's attention was stolen however by a loud ding, he realised it was from Suga's phone, which he was checking, and he was about to turn away if it weren't for the face Suga made before grabbing Daichi and pulling him away. Hinata stood between Kenma and Kageyama and looked very confused. He stared after his senpais for only a little longer before being pulled from his thoughts by his boyfriend and bestfriend who were ushering him inside to start playing Animal Crossing with them. He laughed and nodded, rushing inside where he Fell back on the couch, leaning against Kageyama's side with his feet in Kenma's lap. Kenma was leaning against Kuroo who was talking animatedly with Bokuto, who was next to him. Akaashi was sitting on a floor pillow between Bokuto's legs leaning into Bokuto's touch as the taller man ran his fingers through his hair. He was talking to Daichi, Suga, Asahi, and Yaku, who was holding Lev's hand to keep him in place while the younger boy spoke with Tanaka and Noya. Hinata couldn't help his fond smile at all of his friends before he was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by some loud and excited laughs.
"Hinata's being sappy!" Noya called, standing up to poke his Kohai's face. Hinat scrunched his nose and swatted him away, glaring at Noya.
"No I'm not!" He shouted, jabbing at the Libero's ribs.
"You totally are!" Tanaka shot back while Noya jumped back to glare at Hinata.
"So what? I missed you guys! And for once in our lives none of you look stressed!" Suga, Daichi, Akaashi, and Yaku all looked at him with soft smiles like proud parents while everyone else just sorta grinned. He threw a pillow at his captains and stuck his tongue out at the other two "parents".
"Shut up!" He whined, pulling his knees to his chest and covering his face in his hands, then turned his head into Kageyama's arm that was sitting on the back of the couch. He heard the unimistskable sound of Suga's mom laugh amongst other chuckles behind him and let out another whine.
"He's right Y'know," Akaashi points out after a few minutes.
"Yeah but he's still being sappy!" Tanaka teased. Hinata groaned and dropped his hands into his lap and rubbing his face on Kageyama's honestly far too toned bicep. He blushed even darker at his thoughts.
"Oh let him!" Suga exclaimed and pulled Tanaka and Noya away from the first years.
"He's seeking cuddles from his boyfriend anyway!" Noya shouted as he was drug back down on the couch. Kageyama and Hinata flinched away from eachother like the touch had been painful while Noya and Tanaka burst out laughing. Kageyama and Hinata looked at Suga, terrified, but the vice captain just subtly shook his head at them and they both let out a breath. So Noya and Tanaka were joking. Good.
"C'mon guys, leave them alone," Asahi chastised pulling on his friends and holding them down with a hand on each of their legs, but Hinata saw how Asahi's hand was on Tanaka's knee while the other was sitting considerably higher in Noya's thigh. Noya poured but didn't continue while Tanaka burst out laughing. Hinata smirked.
"Oh, so it's your boyfriend that's the only person who can stop you Noya?" Hinata teases his upperclassman. Noya's face lit up in a bright blush and the other threw a throw pillow at him. How fitting.
"Shut up Hinata!" Both Asahi and Noya shouted at the same time, "we're just bestfriends!" Hinata sent them a poker face.
"Not such a pleasant feeling huh?" He grunted as he sat back up and tucked himself back into Kageyama's side.
"Oh f-," Noya stopped himself, catching a glare from Suga, "Frick you Hinata!" Hinata only shot him a smug grin and reached for Kenma's switch, which signaled the other boy to hand it to him and pull out his DS.
"Does he just have games all over his person?" Daichi asked after witnessing the action, but it didn't seem like Kenma even heard him. Kuroo laughed and nodded, reaching for the DS, which Kenma easily let go of after seeing his boyfriends hand and instead pulled out a second DS. Akaashi our his hand up and batted at it, and Kenma handed him that one, and pulled out his phone. Daichi looked on in pure disbelief before shaking his hand and sighing. He wrapped an arm around Suga, leaning back into the couch to continue his conversation with the fellow team-parents.
(Also! I'll be posting more updates on my chat board so if you have any questions or want to know what's causing issues regarding updates, just, watch what's up over there.)

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