Chapter 9

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The next day it was pretty obvious that Kuroo had remembered. Because he kept sending knowing glances at the two Karasuno first years the entire day. First in the morning when he was stepping out the door as Kageyama and Hinata awoke. He had smiled at Hinata and mocked tipping a hat at him. Hinata let out a loud whine and hid his face in Kageyama's shoulder.
Once again, the younger only tightened his grip on Hinata, half asleep.
Hinata couldn't hold in his giggles, he did what he always did, kissed Tobio's forehead, and started poking at his cheek, trying to wake him. And as always, it worked, Tobio's brilliant midnight eyes fluttering open, and then softening so beautifully at the sight of Hinata. This obviously caused Hinata to blush profusely before shoving his hands in Kageyama's face.
"Don't look at me like that!" He whispered shouted. Kageyama chuckled.
"Like what?" Kageyama whispered, voice so soft and loving it only worked to make Hinata redder.
"Like I'm your everything!" Hinata whined through his hands. Kageyama chuckled in that gruff and slightly raspy way he did when he had just woken up.
He pulled away Hinata's hands and pecked his nose, "That's cause you are baby," he pointed out, rubbing Hinata's cheekbone with his thumb and smiling fondly. Hinata whined again  and pushed his boyfriend away.
"Noooo! Tobi you can't just say stuff like that!" He climbed out of bed, immediately turning away from his boyfriend in hopes of blocking his prominent blush from view, though he knew that it was practically impossible.
"I can, and I will because it is the truth," Kageyama grumbled, standing up and kissing Hinata's temple before walking over to his suitcase and grabbing his clothes for the day. A pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, a hoodie, and a baseball cap with the silhouette of a crow on it that he had gotten from Hinata for his birthday.
He got dressed, then turned around to take in his boyfriend in all his glory.
Hinata was wearing a pair of light wash skinny jeans,  a black t-shirt and an orange beanie. Kageyama groaned when he looked down at the kanji on his boyfriend's shirt.
"Ugh! You're like Midoriya!" He whined and Hinata giggled, bouncing over to wrap his arms around Kageyama's middle.
"And you're like Bakugou and Todoroki mixed," he suggested then looked serious all of a sudden, "now give me a hoodie, I like yours better." Kageyama huffed at Hinata's accusation but reached over to grab a hoodie for Hinata. The boys put on their matching pair of black vans, customized to have an orange crow outlined in white on the top, then stepped out of their room, immediately met with the alluring and familiar scent of Suga's pancakes. They both wondered where he got the time to buy the stuff.
When they got downstairs they realized that they were the last people to arrive and both internally groaned at the teasing to come.
"Ah, the king and his queen finally emerge," Tsukki mocked from wear he was standing at the island, nursing a cup of coffee with Yamaguchi hanging off his arm.
"Don't mind boys, Tsukki and Yamaguchi only joined us ten minutes ago," Suga pointed out, shooting a glare at Tsukishima.
"What!" Kuroo exclaimed, looking at Tsukishima offended, "So Suga can call you Tsukki but I can't?" Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
"Yamaguchi is my boyfriend and oldest friends, Suga is my most respected Senpai, you're not even my Senpai, so no, you can't call me Tsukki, and yes, Suga-San can." Tsukishima explained as if it were some kind of science. Kuroo pouted and diverged his gaze, meeting eyes with Kageyama this time as the first year setter sat down at the island and looked expectantly at Hinata for him to sit as well.
He smirked at the first year and the setter tried to hide his blush as he glared at the ground. Kuroo held in a loud laugh. Hinata took his seat and absentmindedly leaned closer to Kageyama, who Kuroo watched stop himself from pressing a hand to the small of Hinata's back.
The next time Kuroo had looked at them with that particular look was while they were out in the city after breakfast. Daichi, Suga, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Hinata, and Kageyama has broken off into a group while some others also went off in another direction. They had been walking past some stores when Suga had spotted two kids around their age in the park playing with two toddlers.
Or, that wasn't right. Suga had panicked and scooped up a runaway child, sobbing and being chased by a frantic brunette teenager.
"Ahhh!" The child had only screamed louder, beating at Suga's chest and trying to get him to set him down while Suga looked worried as well, torn between actually letting the toddler go and keeping him in place for the kid obviously chasing him.
"Ah!" The earlier mentioned boy exclaimed as he caught up to the toddler, "I'm so sorry!" He took the fussing toddler out of Suga's arms and cradled him to his chest. It was then that another set of kids approached them. A much taller dark haired teenager with a mint-haired toddler, whom was much more docile, in his arms.
"Ryuu, did you get him?" The taller asked in a very monotone voice, so similar to Kageyama's it was crazy. Everyone in their group practically gaped at the taller man and his striking resemblance to Kageyama.
"Ah! Yes Haya, he's here," the brunette assured, turning to reveal the sobbing toddler to the taller teenager. Said teen adjuster the toddler he was holding to sit on his hip and bopped the sobbing one on the head.
"Stupid Taka, you're causing trouble for Ryuu." He scolded, while the toddler only wailed louder and buried his face in the brunette-Ryuu's-shirt.
"Mean Nii-Chan!" He shouted and Ryuu looked even more distressed, glaring up at the teenage boy he'd referred to as Haya.
"Hayato, please," he had chastised, rubbing the toddlers back. Hayato tsked and turned to Suga.
"Thanks for grabbing the brat, he's always running away when he's angry." The tallest teenager said, looking at the group of volleyball players.
"Oh, I'm sure he's not so bad," Suga cooed reaching toward the dark haired toddler with a finger. Said child looked at him with wide eyes before glaring and biting his hand. Suga yelped and pulled his hand back, holding it to his chest.
"Taka!" Ryuu exclaimed and while Hayato was glaring at the toddler, the mint haired one in his arms reached out toward Suga's arm, pulling at it. Suga let him, watching as he pulled it up and pressed his lips against where Taka had bit it.
"All better!" The toddler called and Suga grinned.
"Yes! Thank you!" He nodded and Suga had to hold back a joyous giggle.
"Apologize idiot," everyone heard Hayato growl at the younger dark haired toddler. He pouted but looked up at Suga.
"I'm sorry I bit you." He said and Suga just shook his head.
"Oh it's fine," he assured him and Taka turned to stick his tongue out at Hayato, who just glared back.
"I really am sorry about him, Ryuu confessed, looking distressed at Suga.
"It's fine, I probably scared him, picking him up like that when I'm a complete stranger," Suga assures him and Ryuu smiled.
"Still doesn't mean he should have but you," Hayato growled, glaring again at the toddler, Ryuu sighed at the teenager then put his smile back on.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Ryuu," he pointed to the other teenager, "This is Hayato," the mint haired toddler, "My little brother Kotaro," he gestured to the one in his arms, "And this is Taka, Hayato's little brother."
"Ah! I'm Sugawara, this is my boyfriend Daichi, our friends Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi, and my children, Hinata and Kageyama," Suga introduces and the first years immediately perked up.
"You can't make that joke with new people! They might believe you!" Hinata jumped up in front of the group of kids.
"I'm Hinata! This my bestfriend Kageyama, and were first years!" Ryuuichi smiled at Hinata, setting Taka down and holding out his hand.
"I'm also a first year actually, nice to meet you," Hinata immediately took his hand and shook it excitedly. Kageyama stepped up beside them and looked for a moment at Hayato. The two shared a nod of acknowledgement then turned back to look at their boyfriends.
"Wow, you two are literally the same person," Kuroo pointed out from behind the group. Hinata and Kashima both looked at him with their heads cocked to the left, while Hayato and Kageyama both looked at him with the same skeptical look. Kuroo began cackling and Kenma immediately panicked. He looked up from his game to cover Kuroo's mouth.
"That's so loud, and you're gonna scare the kids," he scolded. Kuroo shut up and smiled at their new... friends?
"Sorry, you just all moved in sync, and Kageyama and Hayato really do look the same," he pointed out. Hayato tensed.
"Uh, call me Kamitani, it's my surname, only Ryuu, Taka, Kotaro, and my mother call me Hayato..." Kuroo nodded in understanding and then pointed at Kageyama.
"You sure you aren't like, distant relatives? Cousins thrice removed?" He asked and Suga could help but crack a smile. He shook his head then knelt down to look at the toddlers.
"Hello there, I'm Sugawara Koushi," he introduced and Taka looked up at him confused.
"Hewo Kou-Chan!" He called and Kotaro nodded with a small, "Ung," in agreement. Suga smiled at them then sat back up.
"Well, have a good day, I might see you again some time, if we're in Tokyo..." Suga suggested and Ryuu' a face looked struck.
"Oh! We're not from around here either! This was just a day trip! But I'd love to meet up again! Can I get your number?" He asked and Suga smiled excitedly. Daichi and Kamitani both grabbed at their boyfriends arms as they pulled out their phones. Ryuu turned to look at Kamitani confused while Suga looked at his unimpressed.
"He's dedicating his weekend to bringing his little brother to a park in Tokyo, do you really think he could hurt me?" Daichi sighed and put his hands up in defeat, drawing a snicker from both the other captains with them. He glared at them. They quickly backed down.
"Hayato, he literally panicked because he didn't want to scare Taka but he didn't want to put him down and let him keep running, let me make friends!" Ryuu whisper shouted, then turned back to Suga.
"Uh, here, you just put yours in and I'll give you mine?" Suga nodded excitedly, and took Ryuu's phone. The boys exchanged numbers, and the volleyball players were off. Suga and Daichi took the lead, followed by Bokuto and Akaashi, then Hinata and Kageyama, and then Kuroo and Kenma. After a bit Kenma sped up to walk next to Hinata, so Kageyama fell back in step with Kuroo.
"You really love Chibi-Chan," Kuroo whispered softly, looking at Kageyama out of the corner of his eye. Tobio visibly choked for a second before shooting Kuroo a look.
"You said you wouldn't say anything." He growled and Kuroo shrugged.
"I haven't said anything to anyone who doesn't know," he pointed out and Kageyama huffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning back slightly. They both zeroed in on their boyfriends in front of them, fond smiles pointed across their faces.
"I do though," Kageyama said after a few moments, and Kuroo looked ag him confused.
"What?" He asked and Kageyama almost laughed, but he blushed bright red.
"Love him Kuroo, I love him," he said so resolutely, Kuroo couldn't help but smile.
"I wish I would have been able to admit that so readily my first year, then Kenma and I would have been together so much faster," he sighed. Kageyama chuckled and turn back to looking at his boyfriend, Kuroo joined him.
"You're completely whipped," Kuroo snickered and Kageyama blanched, shooting a glare at the Nekoma captain.
"Says you, you look at Kenma like he doesn't insult you 24/7," Kageyama teased and Kuroo rolled his eyes and shoved the first year a little.
"He doesn't mean it, you'd be surprised how often he reiterates how much he doesn't mean it." Kageyama laughed but nodded in agreement. The giggles from the two tall boys drew the attention of their friends and boyfriends.
"What are you two laughing about?" Hinata asked and both of them shrugged.
"Nothing." Hinata shrugged as well, then turned back to talking with Kenma. Kuroo sent Kageyama another knowing look, causing the first year to avert his gaze again, focusing solely on Hinata.
It happened a couple more times. At lunch, at the arcade, and the ice cream shop, while they were playing video games back at the Air BnB, and last when they were laying down to go to sleep.

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