Chapter 6

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After breakfast the 7 teenagers headed out on the town to go shopping in the thrift stores before they left. Hinata and Suga in particular really enjoyed shopping in thrifty districts, simply because they liked finding hidden gems.

*insert epic shopping montage*

Hinata had actually left the thrift store with an old vintage coach purse for his mom and a few shirts that he liked a lot. Big sweat shirts and graphic tees to be exact. Suga had bought a cheap Jack Sparrow costume, plaid dress pants, an antique wine bottle, and an old picture frame. Then Suga drug them all to a "food place" because he refuses to disclose exactly what this "food place" is.
Turned out, the food place was a bakery with half priced cheesecakes today. They are, then Daichi rushed them off to the hotel to get ready and packed before they had to leave. Kageyama and Hinata brought a whole cheesecake for the trip, like the cute dumbasses they are.
Once everyone was loaded back up in their seats, that's when the interesting stuff started to happen.
Hinata and Kageyama went back to their seat, draping the blanket back over their shoulders and intertwining their fingers under the blanket again. This time, Hinata pulled his knees up to his chest and curled into Kageyama's side, leaning his head on Tobio's shoulder. They were the worst at finishing shows, and lived up to it by watching their third show this trip, Criminal Minds, Hinata was a total sucker for Morgan, and Kageyama took quite the liking to Reid. 
Hinata giggled every time Garcia and Morgan had a conversation, which always made Tobio have to try real hard to not smile, because that would raise suspicion. Daichi and Suga failed to tell the team where they were going next, so as far as the team knew, they were driving to nowhere.
But, that was not the case, Daichi had gotten in touch with Kuroo and Bokuto and they were gonna meet up at a rented Airbnb and stay the night there for a few days. As far as they knew, it was gonna be Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yaku, Bokuto, and Akaashi. Everyone else was either busy or uninterested.
Daichi yawned widely where he sat I. The drivers seat and Suga furrowed his brows. Daichi must have been getting tired, but he seemed so set on getting to Tokyo. He grumbled and stood up, slowly moving to the front of the bus, where he crouched down and set a hand on Dachi's forearm. The older man immediately glanced down to his boyfriend, glaring at first before realizing it was Suga, which made his eyes soften.
"How long Daichi?" He asked softly and Daichi sighed, glancing back at the sleeping team.
"About an hour baby, I'll be fine," he tried to convince his boyfriend, but Suga only looked at him concerned.
"Dai, please, if you get too tired you have to take a break, we can keep going in a couple hours, after you sleep, it's been hours sweetheart," he tugged on Daichi's sleeve and gave him puppy dog eyes, he could tell that Daichi's resolve was crumbling, and decided to pull out his last card.
"I want my cuddle buddy," he muttered and watched as Daichi's entire resistance crumbled all at once.
"Okay, okay baby, fine, I'll pull in at the next gas station, and we'll stop for a bit, okay?" Suga nodded contentedly and moved back to their seat, waiting patiently for Daichi to reach the next gas station.
Once reached, Daichi kept his word and locked up the bus, shut it off, and stood to join Suga in their seat. Suga giggled excitedly and got up to let Daichi stretch out across the seat, his upper back and head rested against the wall with pillows behind them, and his legs spreading over both seats. Suga grinned and grabbed their comforter from the seat behind them and crawled to lay over Daichi's chest. He draped the blanket over broth of them and entangled his legs with Daichi's, pressing his face into Daichi's neck.
As promised, they slept for a few hours before Suga felt himself being jostled and lifted away from the warmth of his boyfriend. He grumbled and cling to Daichi as he was lifted.
"Suga, I need to get us to Tokyo..." he mumbled, earning a groan of disapproval from his boyfriend.
"Nooo, it's so cold!" He wrapped both his legs around Daichi's waist and his arms around his shoulder.
"Koushi..." Daichi muttered and dropped a kiss on Suga's head. He wriggled free of Suga and placed him back on the seats, engulfed in blankets, leaning on the warmth of the pillow Daichi had been using.
The first and second years along with Asahi were all still sleeping. He smiled fondly at his team and took his place in the drivers seat.
As anticipated, Daichi reached the Airbnb after an hour of driving. He pulled into the driveway and grinned back at Suga who was awake and staring out the front window. Suga giggled and jumped up to kiss Daichi on the cheek before going to wake up his baby crows.
Suga stalked back to the seat where Asahi was sitting and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, before shaking him slightly. Asahi's eyes fluttered open and he giggled at the groggy look on his friend's face.
"Up and Adam, Asahi, we're at our next destination," he muttered softly, like any mother would their sleeping children, making a stirring Noya giggle as he stretched and reached out to poke Suga's cheek.
"Morning mom," he greeted, making Suga giggle too, before moving back to Tanaka, who he awoke with the same gentle attitude.
He made sure the other third years and the second years were off the bus before he awoke the first year love birds.
"Hinata, Kageyama," he sang softly, pulling on Hinata's arm, slowly stirring the two.
"Mmm, what's up Sugamom?" Hinata grumbled whole Kageyama just barely opened his eyes before grumbling and shutting them again. Suga chuckled as Hinata rubbed at his own tired eyes before blinking up at Suga like a lost puppy. He smiled at his underclassmen and rubbed his arm, before nodding to Kageyama.
"Wake up your boytoy, we're at the next stop, I and I think you'll probably like it the most," Hinata was slightly confused, but very intrigued at Suga's suggestion but he nodded eagerly and turned to Kageyama. He leaned forward to kiss his shoulder, then his cheek.
"Wakes wakes eggs and bacey, we're at the next stop!" Kageyama grumbled again before turning to Hinata and wrapping an arm around his waist to tug HianT into his  arms and shove his face into Hinata's neck. Hinata's face lit up in a deep blush that Suga had to withhold giggles from, and he swatted lazily at Kageyama's shoulder.
"C'mon! Yama!" He swatted again, "Suga said I'd like this place!" Suga chuckled and turned around to get off the bus and let Hinata do his thing, he stood in front of the bus to block the most second years.
"Where are our baby crows Sugamom?" Noya asked when he shut the door.
"Kageyama's being stubborn, so I left Hinata to deal with him, he explained.
On the bus, Hinata had managed to tug himself free, only to be pulled into Kageyama's lap as the larger boy once again tucked his head into his boyfriend's neck. Hinata huffed indignantly, but couldn't help but giggle at how cuddly his boyfriend was when he was tired.
"Yama, we need to go before Noya and Tanaka come to get us..." he pointed out, pulling away from Kageyama, who looked up at him with his striking ocean blue eyes and stuck out his lips for a kiss. Hinata shook his head in mock annoyance and leaned down to kiss Kageyama's nose. That only earned him a small grumble, a glare, and a squeeze.
"Lips," Kageyama said childishly, once again making Hinata giggle, 'And they called him Childish'. He leaned down and pecked Kageyama's lips, once, twice, three times before pulling away and stumbling out of his boyfriend's lap to gather their things.
"Come on Tobi, legs get a move on!" He called, picking up some backpacks.
Kageyama grumbled, but stood up as well, pressing on last soft kiss to Hinata's ear before helping him bring in their bags.

Hello! I know that I really suck at updating and I'm soooo sorry! My ADHD has been OUT OF CONTROL this Quadra time, so staying focused on a fandom long enough to write without being distracted by like... Voltron... has been a real struggle! Nonetheless! I've been reading more Haikyuu stuff lately, so I thought I'd come work on this! Hope you enjoy!

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