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Wendy sighed and looked down on the bag on her lap. She felt insecure all of a sudden.

This is why I don't like taking the bus.

Whenever she sees beautiful people, she finds faults in herself. Like why can't she be a little bit taller? Why are her cheeks so round?  Random right?

Good going, Wendy. You're going to start your day being insecure.

Wendy was busy playing with her bag when the phone rings. It's Hoseok.

"Hello?" Isn't he busy?

"When can I finally have a date with you? " was the first thing he asked her, it made Wendy laugh.

"Tomorrow?" Since she's busy today. It made her feel bad that although nothing is set between them, they might be 'dating' because of the ring, Wendy wants to treat him with all her best. It's just that she was busy with her book and today she's attending a signing event.

She heard him sigh on the other side. "Finally. These past few days I was wondering if I still have a girlfriend or what."

Wendy laughed out loud. "You really know how to make someone guilty." She looked outside the window, it's a nice day. "How about this, I can go with you wherever you want." Even if it's not her comfort zone, she'll try to accompany him.

"Really? You can't take back what you said okay? I'm recording this."

"Hey!" How can he be so cheap? "You're going to threaten me with that?"

Hoseok sighed feeling helpless.
"You know that I'm on the losing side already, I'm a man with power yet I'm going to resort to this kind of thing just so you can come with me."

Wendy grinned. Right. He's known for being powerful and yet she likes it that he gives her the upper hand most of the time.

"Alright, alright. You're so childish. I'll see you tomo-" Wendy said and was about to say goodbye when the bus suddenly halted. Wendy's heart almost jumped out of her throat. She held onto the chair in front of her.

"Wendy?" Hoseok asked when he heard screaming and screeches. "What happened? Are you alright?"

Wendy was flabbergasted from what happened, it took her a minute to realize that she hadn't hung up her phone yet.


"uh? Oh... I'm here. I'm fine." She looked outside and saw that there's a collision.

"What happened?"

"There's an accident but it looks like no one's hurt." Wendy sighed out of relief when she looked outside.

"I see, that's good then. Can you still go to the book signing?"

Wendy gasped. The book signing! It seems like it'll take a while before the bus starts again. What to do?

It seems like Hoseok heard her predicament and said to her in a calm voice,

"Get off the bus, I'll send someone over."

"No it's okay, I'll just run, it's not that far from here-"

"Don't lie to me." Hobi cut her off. "I know where you are and it's still far from the mall that you're going to." still Wendy hesitated and Hoseok sensed that. He sighed, "Come on Wendy, let me be of use to you. It's times like this that you should take advantage of having a rich boyfriend."

That put a smile on her face. She sighed, giving up. "Alright, then my rich boyfriend, can I trouble you to send someone over to pick me up?" She asked getting off the bus.

Hoseok chuckled. "You're welcome, girlfriend."

Wendy waited on the side of the road with Hoseok still on the phone. A black sedan car stopped in front of her.

"Text me when you arrive, okay?" He said when she told him the car is already there.

"Yes, sir." Wendy giggled and said their goodbyes.


Hoseok signed the last page of the document before leaning on his swivel chair, closing his eyes to stop the straining.

This really isn't for me. I'll get old too fast breaking my back on signing too many documents.

He picked up his phone on the desk but still no message or call from Wendy after she texted him that she arrived safe at the venue.

I wonder how she's doing.

Hoseok isn't a fan of books but he still bought a bunch of Wendy's books and told her secretary to give it to the female employees in their company secretly. He even read one himself, after that he read her other works. He was actually expecting it to be cheesy or cringe but all he finds is humor and life lesson, may it be love or in life.

It entertained him to know how she's able to write characters when he can only see her as a closed-off person.

I'm curious how she is in front of her readers. Is she also shy around other people?

Argh... Why am I here thinking?

Why don't I see it for myself instead?

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