Jamanlal explanation

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Roli expressed her happiness on seeing the first person she has met in the village.

Yes.  Siddhant Bharatwaj was the person she has met in the field and near the temple.

Roli: Grandma!  I know this guy already.  You said someone coming who did not see me earlier.

All were looking at Siddhant with surprise where they met.

Siddhant was feeling awkward looking at his parents who looked at him with a query that how he might have met the girl already!!

Gauri & Roli's parents too were surprised hearing that...

Gauri: ROli, please sit quiet...

Roli sat quiet and showed displeasure on  face on controlling her like this.

Gauri slowly opened her question.

Gauri: You both have met already.

She asked looking at Siddhant.

Sid: Yesterday i saw her when she was coming through the fields.  I helped her to reach the village.

Jamanlal down his face as he knows how Roli's dress was the previous day when she was coming through the field.

Gauri: Oh OK! 

Gauri too was aware how ROli was at that moment.

Gauri as well as ROli's parents were not sure what will be SIddhant's decision on this marriage now.

They looked at each other.

Nirmala & Siddhant's parents was surprised to hear her calling Siddhant 'Dude' & talking to him as if they know each other for years...

They looked at each other.

Jamanlal was thinking deeply for a while...

Jamanlal: Siddhant beta, can i talk to you for a while?  If others dont have any objection.

Nirmala: We dont have any objection.  You can talk with him.

Siddhant got up..

Jamanlal took Siddhant to backyard away from others.

Meena took Roli to her room again.

All others were waiting...

Siddhant was waiting for Jamanlal to start the conversation.

Jamanlal: Siddhant beta, you may wonder why i bring you here to talk & what i might have got to talk?

Siddhant: I can guess you wish to talk about your daughter.

Jamanlal: yes.  you are right.  you said you met her yesterday in the field.  I know how she was yesterday.

Siddhant nod his head as acceptance.

Jamanlal: Siddhant beta, i dont know what you feel about her.  But i wish to tell about my daughter to you.

Siddhant looked into his eyes to know what he wish to tell.

Jamanlal: Roli was born & brought up in US.  We got no chance to even come to India all these years due to one or other reasons.

Siddhant: Ok..

Jamanlal: The city where we live is not having much Indians and our neighbours, Roli's friends all are americans.

Siddhant: Ok

Jamanlal: SO ROli since childhood have not seen any Indians other than myself & her mother.  So Roli grown with US style of dressing and habits.

Siddhant: Yes i saw yesterday.

Jamanlal: But i can assure she is not a girl with bad habits or anything like that.  She is very intelligent and good girl.  I am not telling because she is my daughter.  She is innocent in nature.  Ignorant to our tradition & culture.

SIddhant: Hmm..  I do understand..

Jamanlal: I have taken utmost care that she dont catch to bad habits.  KNowingly or unknowingly she dont have any habits like drinking or smoking or boy friends till date.

Siddhant: Ok

Jamanlal: But how long i can hold her staying there.  So I bring her here before she get into any of those and decided to get her married to Indian and i wish she lead her remaining life as Indian girl.  Then only i told my mother to search for a boy and she advised me that you are suitable for her.  I know she never misguide or give wrong advise.  That is the reason i believe you are good enough to handle my daughter understanding her innocence and ignorance and accept her.

Siddhant did not reply for a while.

Jamanlal: I wanted to clarify the exact position to you and was not at all interested to hide anything and face any problem in future.  I have told whatever i wanted to.  It is purely your decision now...

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