Making her jealous

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Siddhant was getting ready to go out for some field work.

Roli was in the kitchen.

Sid: ROli 

Roli: Hmmm

Sid: I think i will be having tight work today.  So can you bring food for me to the field.

Roli: Oh Sure!  Tell me where should i come.

Sid: Bring near to that pond.

ROli: Ok.

Siddhant went out.

Roli prepared lunch.

Roli packed the lunch box for ROSID.

Sujatha: ROli you have food.

Roli: No Maaji.  I will have food with him.

Sujatha: ROli i am very happy how you accustomed with us.   

Roli: Nothing big Maaji.  He will be hungry and how can i eat.  Thats why.

Roli left from there.

Mataji: Sujatha, See ROli not yet realised that tendency is what our culture is.

Mataji & Sujatha smiled looking at each other.

Roli with a smile took the lunch box for them towards the pond.

ROli to herself: Why i am waiting for him to eat?

Then she console herself.

Roli to herself: It is because he kept fasting for me.

Roli smiled herself.

Roli went near pond that is when she heard that...

Roli was shocked to hear Swathi voice together with Siddhant.

Sid: Swathi, you look nice in this saree.

Swathi: Thank you.  

Sid: next time when i go to town.  I will buy a nice saree for you.

Swathi: Really.  Thank you.

Sid: Tell me what else you like.

Swathi: I like bangles..

Sid: Oh Good!  I will buy that too for you.

Swathi: Anklets.

Sid: Good.  Anything for you.  

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