Roli is compelled

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Siddhant entered into hall and sat in the seat.

All looked at Siddhant face searching for his decision.

Jamanlal was looking at him with more tension.

Siddhant: I am interested to marry her..

All were happy.

Jamanlal looked at Siddhant with an expression of thanks.

Siddhant expressed as 'I will take care'

Jamanlal distributed sweets to all.

Nirmala: Gauri, we will look for auspicious day for marriage and inform you.

Gauri: Sure Nirmala.  We wait for your good news.

Bharatwaj family got up to leave from there.

All stepped out the house while Jamanlal hold Siddhant's hands..

Jamanlal: Thank you.  Thank you so much for understanding...

Siddhant: Dont worry.  From now she is my responsibility.  I will take care of her..

Jamanlal got tears filled on his eyes.

Bharatwaj family members left their house.

Jamanlal entered into the house with happiness.


Jamanlal: Maaji, I am very happy to get such a person for my daughter.

Gauri: I enquired completely in the village. Nirmala herself is nice person.  So i too prefered this alliance.  I was really shocked when came to know he met our ROli yesterday.

Jamanlal: All for good only Maaji.  I took him to backyard and told completely about her.  It should not be like we hide something which they come to know later.  He already saw her yesterday.  So he himself knows about her.  Now he agreed means i am happy.  You know he also told me that she is his responsibility from now.

Gauri: Very happy to hear.  Very happy.

All were excited when they heard ROl's voice from behind.

Roli: Dad!  Can you tell me what is happening? What am i hearing?

Jamanlal: ROli, we have seen alliance for you.

Roli: Alliance means?

Jamanlal: We have seen bridegroom for you.

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