She got her Pinky

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Roli was combing her hair while siddhant came behind her taking bath.

Roli looked at him through the mirror.

It was usual that siddhant do some mischief in such scenerio.

Whereas today it was different.

He was just combing his hair 

Roli was realizing this difference on him.

Roli: siddhant 

Sid: hmmm

Roli: is this Saree nice.

She asked seeking his attention.

 Sid looked at her.

Sid: roli this red color saree & its design are nice.

He finished combing by now & moved from there.

Roli got upset.  

She was wondering why she is getting upset.

Sid: roli I am going out.  

Roli: breakfast?

Sid: I will have now going down.

He did not wait for her 

He rushed down.

Roli to herself: he never go down leaving me.  Moreover he never have food leaving me.  Now why is he doing like this?

Roli went down.

She saw siddhant having breakfast.

After finishing breakfast he waved bye to all other than roli & left the house...

Roli was standing surprised on all these...

Siddhant returned by noon.

Roli prepared favorite dishes of siddhant.

Siddhant had it.  But not given any comments.

 He again went out.

By evening only he returned.

 He did discussed with family members for sometime...

Then they had dinner.

Siddhant went to his room to sleep.

Roli who entered into the room finishing works found sleeping siddhant 

Roli lay down beside him.

Roli was not getting sleep.

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