Delhi to meet friends

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Roli contacted her freinds that evening as they said will contact tomorrow.

Friend: Hi ROli!  We are planning to come there to see you.

Roli: Really!

Friend: Yes.  But may not come till village and all. Just come to Delhi Airport.  We will met you & your hubby in the airport and return in the next flight as you know we got classes.  But also we wish to see you.

Roli: Well dear!  I will come.  

Roli noted her flight details..

They did talk for sometime and disconnected the line.

Roli was excited to see her friends after few days.  

Roli rushed towards Siddhant who was reading some book and hug him tightly.

She kissed on his cheeks.

Sid: ROli, you are very much excited.

Roli: Yes Siddhant.  You know my freinds are coming to India to see us.

Sid: Oh! SO you are very happy to see your freinds.

ROli: You know Siddhant.  I never thought when coming from there that i will not go back to US.  But you are aware right my marriage happend suddenly.  I was upset that i may not be able to see them again.  

SId: May be your freinds too were missing you and coming all the way to India.

Roli: Yes Siddhant.  But due to their tight schedule they are coming till Delhi airport only.  We need to go there and meet them.  They will return from there itself.

Sid: Ok Dont worry. I will take you.

Roli: Thank you.

ROli got tears filled on her eyes and kissed him again...

Roli by now was trying to do washing, cleaning on her own remembering how Siddhant did.

Also tried to help Sujatha in kitchen work too.

Mataji & Sujatha were happy that Roli got interest to learn and trying to do.

SO they always encouraged her and helped her in doing.

Siddhant maintained distance from her from going himself to her after she cried and he committed to her that he will not touch her.

Roli herself will go to him when she is excited or when she feel dull.

She hug & kiss herself.

Though SIddhant did not respond to her, he did not tried to compel her.

He decided to give her time to come herself and accept his relation...

ROSID were getting ready to go to Delhi.

Siddhant already informed his parents & Mataji that ROli's friends coming to Delhi and they need to meet them.

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