Her friends

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In the evening, Roli came to Siddhant...

Roli: Siddhant, i wish to talk to my friends.

SId: Talk to them Roli.  No problem.

Roli: Shall i use your phone for US Calls.

Sid: Do you wish to call in the phone or skype is ok.

ROli: Skype is ok Siddhant.

Siddhant opened his cupboard and bring the laptop.

Roli was surprised as she was not knowing he has laptop.

SIddhant gave the laptop to her with datacard.

Roli switched on the laptop and connected to internet.

ROli went online on skype.

Roli connected to her friends.

She put the headphone and talked to them excited..

Siddhant was admiring her happily talking to her freinds.

Friend: Roli when are you returning to US.

Roli face expression changed...

Roli: Hi i wont be coming there.

Friend: What are you telling?

ROli: I got married.

Friend: What??

Roli: Yes.  I got married here and i will be staying here only.

Friend: Come on. Are you kidding?

Roli: No dear.  I am telling the truth.

Friend: How come Roli?  You were not even interested to go to India and how you got married with some Indian.

Roli looked at Siddhant who was pretending not noticed her all these time.

Roli: But you know.  He is nice guy.  

Friend: oh great!  Ok dear.  We are moving out.  will catch you tomorrow.

ROli; Ok.  Bye.

ROli disconnected the line and shut down the laptop.

ROli went near him to give back the laptop.

She sat beside him.

She lean on his shoulder and hold his hands tightly...

Sid: ROli, What happend?

ROli: Nothing.  Can i sit like this for sometime?

Sid: Sure ROli.  I never told you to stay away & dont touch.  SO you can.

Roli looked at him lifting her face and kissed on his cheeks..

Siddhant shared a smile with Roli..

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