You love me

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Roli looked around...

She saw a stick and took it.

ROli went angrily and hit the guy who hit Siddhant.

Roli hit all the persons around Siddhant and free him from their hold.

The guys who were not expecting her sudden attack was unable to escape from her.

Finally she went near Vireender.

Roli: What are you thinking in your mind?  How dare you can hit my husband?  I will kill you.

Roli lift the stick forcely to hit on his head...

Sid: ROli.. Stop...

In the meantime, the police too reached the spot.

They arrest Vireender & other boys and took them.

Siddhant sat in the floor holding his legs.

Roli rushed towards Siddhant.

Roli: Siddhant are you ok?

Sid: I am ok.  

Roli looked at his legs...

Roli: See you got bruise in the leg..

Tears filled on her eyes.

Rajender, Sujatha & Mataji were standing speechless on Roli's sudden actions.

Roli: Siddhant lets go to hospital immediately.

Roli helped him to get up and put his hands on her shoulders for support.

Rajender came to hold him on other side.

They helped him and went to hospital.

Doctor treated the injury and gave tablet and ointment to apply.

He confirmed nothing much to worry.

They reached home.

ROli made him lay down on the bed.

Roli sat beside him.

Others went down after a while.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

Sid: ROli, nothing happend?  WHy do you cry?

ROli: What nothing happend?  See you got injured.

Sid: Roli It is nothing.  Leave it.  But tell me one thing.

Roli: What?

Sid: when we both were caught by them you were afraid right?

ROli: Yes.  I was very much afraid.

Sid: Did you tried to hit them or save yourselves at that moment?

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