Don't touch me

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Siddhant wake up and saw ROli still sleeping on his shoulders hugging him tightly.

Siddhant smiled looked at Roli..

Her so called casual dress was making him restless.

He wrapped his hands around her and hug tightly.

He kissed on her forehead.

He turned slowly and made her lay down in the pillow

He looked at her beautiful face and admired for a while.

Siddhant caresses her hair...

He moved towards her lips while he noticed movements on her face.

He stayed away.

Roli: Mom, bring my bed coffee...

She said not even opening her eyes.

Sid: Roli...No bed coffee will be provided by your mom here.  Get up now.

ROli now realised where she is.

She slowly opened her eyes.

Roli: GOod morning...

Sid: Good morning...

ROli not realised his hands around her.

Roli: stay away from me & dont touch me.

SId: Hmmm.  Then why you slept hugging me the whole night.  Remember you kissed too yesterday night.

Roli: you accepted to become my pinky thats why.  

Sid: Oh! So you was hugging & kissing pinky.

ROli: Yes.  Of course

Sid: Ok.  THen think now your pinky is hugging & kissing you.

Siddhant lean towards her and hold her lips...

ROli tried to push him.   But she was unable to...

Siddhant did not leave her for long...

After a while.

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