I am sorry

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Siddhant went near her and wrapped his hands around her shoulder.

Roli removed his hands and looked at him.

Sid: Roli.. 

Roli: Siddhant dont talk to me.  I am angry on you.

Sid: I am sorry.

ROli: What sorry?  you know what you did yesterday.

Sid: Hi Roli...

Roli: You did not keep up your words too.  Yesterday i said you are good. But no.  You are too bad.

Sid; ROli, I said sorry right.  you know i was not in conscious.

Roli: You made me sleepless the whole night.  You know my body is paining.

SId: Oh GOd!

Roli:You know about me and i told you on our marriage day itself.  Still.

Siddhant hold her chin and requested.

Sid: Sorry Sorry.  THis will not happen again.. I dont remember anything ROli.

Roli: Oh you mean you forgot that i told you to be my pinky in the night otherwise i cant get sleep.  Also you forgot you told me you wont ask for fees to take me to meet my friends.  

Siddhant was surprised to hear this.  

He realised nothing has happend as he was worried.

He managed himself to talk to Roli to know exactly what has happend.


Sid: I dont forget that.  But i forgot why i did not become your pinky yesterday night.  Can you tell me what happend yesterday after we come here.

Roli: My Dad made you to drink something what he used to drink you know.

SId: yes.  Then what happend.

ROli: I bring you to this room and made you lay down in the bed.

SId: Ok.  Then...

Roli explained him what happend the previous night...


Roli made him laydown on the bed and she lay down beside him.

Roli as usual went near him to hug him and sleep as he is her pinky in the night.

Siddhant turned towards her and removed her hands from him.

Sid: ROli,  Daily why i need to be your pinky.  Today i dont become your pinky.

Roli: Then?

Sid: You are my pinky today and i hug you.  Ok.

Siddhant hug her tightly...

ROli: Siddhant i wont get sleep without hugging pinky.  

Sid: That i dont know. But i will not leave you today.

He pulled her closer and hug more tightly.

Sid: Now give me my fees.

ROli: Fees for what?

Sid: For taking you to meet your friends.

ROli: You said you will not claim fees for that.

Sid: Is it?  Did i say.  I dont remember.  But now i want fees.

Siddhant moved much closer and kissed on her cheeks.

Roli: This is cheating Siddhant.

Sid: let it be.  

Roli tried to open her mouth to tell something while he hold her lips with his.


ROli was not even able to move from his tight hold.

He didn't leave her for long...

THen he moved apart.

Roli: Siddhant you are too bad.  I told you to stay away & dont touch.  Ok.

Sid: OK Ok.  But i am hugging & kissing my pinky.  Not Roli..

He kissed her cheeks again.

He was tightening his grip around her more & more...

ROli: Siddhant its paining.  How can i sleep like this?

Sid: ROli, Dont disturb me.  I am sleeping with my pinky...

Siddhant slept in a while.

Roli was unable to sleep and also her body was paining on his tight grip.

Almost near the dawn he left her and turned the other side in sleep.

That is when ROli got up slowly and sat in the bed...


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