Chp 8 : Clichè

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Ryan POV

It's been a week , a whole week , and lots of stuff have changed in one week . Andy has finally become more healthy , like at least he's more than 80 lbs , but he's still noticeably underweight . He haven't hallucinated nor talked about his imaginary world nor friends , not even that Elliott guy .

We've been to two therapy sessions , one on Tuesday and another on Friday . Andy didn't talk in both , I barely think he even listened to the therapist , all he did was cling on me . Not gonna lie I kinda like it when he do it , cuz he only do it with me , but that's wrong cuz he's scared from communication with other people .

He was also on good terms with my friends , especially Brook , but not that good that he will go with them anywhere without me holding his hand .

Andddd the stutter is finally gone , just with me though , he still stutter a little with Jack , Sonny and Brook , and alot with strangers , but he's trying hard on stopping it completely and I'm proud of him .

Right now , I'm sitting in my office behind the desk trying to work some company paper shit , while Andy in my lap , and by lap I mean directly on my dick , and of course I was hard in my pants . Actually this reaction happened alot when I'm around Andy , he always sits on my lap , if he was anyone else I would probably call them a tease , or to fix what they've done , but it's Andy , and he have no fucking idea what the fuck he's doing to me .

"RyePie look what I draw , is it good ?" He said excitedly . Removing my eyes from the paper in my hand , I looked at Andys sticky note .

The fuck

Taking the sticky note from his hand I asked "did you really draw this" in an amazed voice . It was a draw of a really and I mean really pretty brown eyes . "Baby I didn't know you can draw like that , it's amazing" I said , and I wasn't lying , it's actually so good .

"Nah , it's not that good" he said in small tiny voice , as if thinking out loud .

"Hey hey mister , this is a master piece . The end" I said trying to act frim and serious which I massively failed at when he let out a small cute giggle . "Who's eyes are those baby,  they really pretty" I said trying to find out . He stared at me with lust in his eyes for like a minute , then as if going back to reality he removed his eyes quickly .

"No one it just came out of no where" he said quickly , I knew he was lying,  he actually suck at lying , he always have this strange look in his eyes when he lies .

Deciding to ignore it , I quickly changed the subject "are you hungry lets go eat okay?" I said earning a soft giggle .

Picking Andy up and making my way to the kitchen . I made some pasta and vegetables , finishing our plates-me feeding Andy and him complaining how full the spoons are , when it's completely not-it was that time of the day again uhhh .

Making my way to the cabin I brought the 3 different type of medicine , some for anxiety , depression and other for health . "Hey baby look" I said mentioning to the bottles in my hand,  his expression turned from soft to frown .

"Baby I know it doesn't taste that good and it's hard to swallow , but just try for me okay" I said softly . Bringing the pill to his lips , same for the glass of water . He  swallowed the pill while giving me a disgust look , laughing at his hilarious expression . We did the same processes for the second two pills .

It was a nice day , actually everyday with him is a nice day . It was barely night time when we decided to go out and watch the sunset . Going up to the roof we layed down beside each other looking at the somehow yellow somehow orange sky now .

Looking at Andy beside me , he was looking at the sky softly . I realised that I've never really looked deeply at his soft features before , I mean I've always seemed to be too focused on his mental state more . His soft gold blond hair is now a small mess , falling lightly to his eyes then falling back from the slight breeze , his crystal eyes watching the sky with amaze ,  his soft pink lips slightly open , his button cute nose looking small , his chest rising every now and then to take a long breath , his fingers slightly curled on his stomach , his legs swinging a little every now and then . He was gorgeous , he is gorgeous .

Turning his head , Andy's eyes met mine , I didn't know what to do , he just caught me staring at him like a total creep . We didn't remove our eyes though , looking directly at each other,  as if reaching our souls out .

 The scene was so clichè , like it was right out of Nicholas Sparks movie . I swear it felt like an eternity of us just staring at each other . But I dont know it felt nice ? Good ? Amazing ?

Then suddenly a drop of water hit my face,  breaking the staring match , looking up at the sky . It was raining . I swear the weather can be a bipolar bitch sometime .

Hearing a happy laugh , I looked at Andy he was standing fully now with his hands up as  if feelng the rain . Smilling at my soft adorable  baby , I stand up as well .

And like that , we played , ran and slowdanced in the rain , such a simple thing made me happy , seeing him happy , hearing him laugh loudly is like music to my ears .

I'm falling for him , and I'm falling so hard

"COMMON LET'S HEAD INSIDE BEFORE YOU GET SICK" I said loudly because of the rain . Pouting at me but listening , Andy made a grabby hands , picking his wet figure and heading to the apartment .

But the minute I closed the door of the apartment , I heard a sneeze . Andy's sneeze .


A/N : ~I'm FaLlInG fOr HiM aNd I'm FaLlInG hArD~

Heyy beautiful people thanks for reading ... again

Okay soo I was supposed to post this chp like two days ago cuz like I've already wrote it . But guess what , my phone decided to shut down completely and it won't turn on again . It was the first day of school .

And if you're wondering  (Ik no one cares but let have my moment) my first day at school was shit . I started two days ago and I already started examsss :((

And it's too much pressure...

Back to the storyyyy . What do you think of this Randy moment is it cute or shit !????

Sorry for the Grammar/ Spelling mistakes English is not my first language .


Don't think twice and do whatever the fuck you want , you only live once YOLO . LOVE YOU =))

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