Chp 30 : Before

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You see here I'm eating so I can't proofread (I have a good excuse sry)

Ryan's  POV

They didn't let me get into his room even after he woke up . And I could only imagine how he's feeling .

He didn't really think I would leave him here alone right ?

He can't .

I tried to make the doctors tell him that I'm here but they didn't , saying he wasn't stable yet , and he would get in a shock .

But all I wanted was to hold him tight and tell him that everything is going to be fine .

I learned that I would be allowed in after the therapist who's gonna be here in any minute now . Even if he was somehow physically fine , they wanted to know if his mental health was stable , and so am I .

Couple minutes after , an old women wearing all white with a black long heals and a gentle smile , came to my way .

"You must be Ryan" she said in a soft voice that so belonged to a therapist .

Shaking her hand , I didn't want to sound like a creep for knowing who she was and said , "And you are ?" .

"Oh yeah sorry , I'm Sabina , the therapist" letting her hand fall and nodding my head knowingly , she made her way to my babys' room .

And once again I was watching him from that one-way see window like I've been doing since I got here .

When Sabina entered the room , Andy immediately looked at the door with eyes full of hopes , but his hopes were down once again .

There voices were muffled but I could here a couple of things . And it was mostly Sabina asking questions and Andy not answering . Concerned and worried wasn't enough to describe my state right now .

Why isn't he talking ? Does he not want or can't ?

I haven't heard his voice since alot . I missed it .

But then Sabina told him a thing that made Andy nod his head hysterically , but I couldn't  here it .

"So are you alright ?" Was her question .

"I-I  F-f ... d-don't know s-som-mtimes"

His voice was hoarse , and rarely audible .

"You're not okay" she concluded ."So can you tell me what's wrong" She said again softly , as if she was talking to a small kid .

And yet again the answer was a small short head shake from Andy saying no .

Excusing herself , Sabina was out of that room after a while  . I immediately made my way to her , I wanted to ask what she told him to make him answer that simple question truly .

And as if she heard whatever running in my mind,  she said  "I told him you'll meet him if he answered truly"

And if that didn't break my heart I don't know what else could . He was  literally an angel , and after all of this , he still want to meet me . Me the reson of all of this .

Fucking hell I need to get in that fucking room .

But I didn't .

Without asking for permission I can't , it's for his health .

And once again here I'm looking at him from that one way see window . He looked as if he was lost in a big maze , like the hope that were in his eyes once upon a time is long gone now  . And fucking hell I wanted to cry so bad . 

I didn't just liked him . I loved him .

And as if suddenly my heart skipped a beat
And my chest ached for a second .
I realized what I just said , or maybe happened . But the main question was
Why didn't I tell him when he was here ?

Why I didn't think of that before

But wait , Why I am blaming and beating myself everyday for a mistake more like a fate I didn't know was bond to happen .

And so I did the only thing I could think of right now , or more like not thinking a straight I did the lme thing I wasn't able to do .

And I opened the door-



A/N : to be continued

Why I feel like a bitch for doing this lol

If you hate me now I don't blame you ;)

The next chapter will literally take a life time cuz my school is fucking  S H I T  and  today to my SURPRISE I didn't have alot of studying to do and actually managed to find be more 11 p.m or midnight schoolcansuckatree .




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