|Chapter Six| We're not kindergarteners

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Theme song: I won't let you down by Loving Caliber

●A Purplla Publish●

"No." The judge scoffs. "Why on earth would I just let them out?"

This was their option. To beg for the lives of their friends.

"Your honor, they aren't bad people at all." Aaron tries to convince them, "They didn't know they were breaking a law."

"Well, this isn't elementary school. Everyone knows, whether you're from Lucrua or Lockington or Surmise Falls! Everyone knows the drills." She stands up and begins circling him.

"Your little girlfriend has a big mouth, don't you think? Must have some mommy and daddy issues. Be a shame if she said the wrong thing one day and gets herself killed."


"No, you listen because as of right now, your little girlfriend and her party are under my watch. I can do whatever I want to all three of them." She mentions. "I could ship them off overseas, make them work in labor camps, even... marry one off."

"You wouldn't dare!" Aaron growls. The judge hooks his chin and laughs in his face.

"Oh but I would. And I could." She lets go. "You don't have the physique of a normal man. You hold some kind of power, am I right?" He nods.

"Ohhhh you're like your girlfriend. Parent issues. Aphmau is the last thing you have to protect in this wicked world." She glances farther into his eyes. "Oh the little moments you've had. How you met..."


Too many things were happening at once. He has to go out and clear his head. Not long after he got out and into the town, he saw Blaze in the village.

That was the last thing he needed. So he ran. Just to get away from ant responsibilities for the night. Just as he was running, he bumps into a girl and everything flies out of her hands.

Watch it, bozo!" Aphmau groans. He held his hand for her to grab. She did and he lifted her up. He picks up her bags and hands them to her.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes. He catches a glimpse of her face and the world was still for a moment. She was absolutely beautiful in his eyes.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for overreacting." She looks at the town clock. "I better get going." She turns to walk away.

"Wait." Aaron says. She looks back at him and he takes off his hood to reveal who he was."

"K-King Aaron." Aphmau stutters as he walks closer to her.

"Let me help you. Get home of course."


"But you didn't take her back. Instead, she lead you to a clearing where you got to know her better. Where you really started liking her..."


"You coming?" She pats the grass beside her. Aaron sits right next to her.

The moon glistens above the sea and the wind blows in their hair. The cricket chirp, the stars tinkle, not a care in the world was heard.

"I come here a lot, especially when I was a child," Aphmau starts the conversation. Aaron looks down at her. "This is my safe place. Where I can just be myself without getting called a devil spawn."

The Ultima King: Graeria Region {Ultima Series}Where stories live. Discover now