|Chapter Twelve| Lucrua

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"It's best we hit the road now before the morning crowd hits Lucrua," Travis suggests, "It is the largest trading city in the region after all and the people aren't warm and friendly."

"What do we do when we get there? We never exactly established that before." Katelyn turns to Aphmau,

"Lucrua is our best luck to even finding out where Ein and the High Priest could be," Aaron responds. "Think like a criminal. The bigger the city is, the more places they have to hide. I might add, the High Priest loves a little chaos."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The bigger the city is, the harder it will be to find him. The longer he has time to move. It's been about a week. I'd be surprised if he hasn't changed locations by now."

"Nice observations. I like a man who has his research done." Travis comments, "Now come on, we don't have time to waste."

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"What did you do?" Blaze grabs Garroth's attention.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not stupid. I can tell Alpha is really upset with you and Aphmau. I especially noticed it when he came back to camp and stared specifically at you. Katelyn and Aphmau are good friends, we barely know Travis, Alpha and Aphmau's relationship was going well... and then there's you. You clearly have feelings for Aphmau."

"You can tell? I thought I was hiding it really well."

"Oh yes, actor of the century," His sarcastic remark left Garroth speechless, "So what happened with you followed Aphmau into the woods?" Garroth was sheepish about explaining, but he did anyway. He told Blaze all of the confession, the kiss, the fight, the way he basically tore them apart. 

"Have you seen what you've done to them?" Blaze focuses towards how Aphmau kept stealing glances at Aaron, but he never looked back. No emotion, nothing. "I have never seen Alpha like this!"

"Woah, why are we yelling at Garroth?" Katelyn joins in, "Not that I mind." Blaze tells Katelyn everything Garroth told him. "You're an asshole."

"Katelyn, you don't even support the relationship! Why are you getting indignant with me?"

"Aaron may not be the guy I imagined her with, but as long as she's happy and he treats her well, he's a keeper in my book." She admits, "Do you realize what you've done? You basically just messed up a relationship because you were selfish."

"She has a part to blame. She lied to him when he told her that she loved him!"

"I know about that! She told me about it that day."


"Katelyn, I'm a terrible person," Aphmau pulls her to the side.

"...Good morning, how are you doing?"

"This isn't the time for jokes!" Aphmau whines. "I just lied straight to Aaron's face and I feel absolutely terrible about it!"

"Okay okay, calm down, take a few deep breaths," Katelyn instruct as Aphmau does so, "Now tell me what happened."

"Aaron told me that he loved me and I froze because it was so soon! So, to avoid any problems, I kinda told him I loved him back too."

"Okay? I don't see the problem here."

"I'm not finished. I don't exactly feel that way towards him. I mean, I like him! I really really like him, but the word love is too strong for me to use especially since we've known each other for a little over a month and now I don't know how to face him and I am just struggling over here and-"

"Aphmau, chill. Just because he feels that way right now doesn't mean you have to. Do you think you'll love him later?"


"Then talk it out. Don't talk it out. The choice is honestly yours."

"Thank you for helping. Even though you don't necessarily like Aaron that much."

"I mean, you could do worse and he seems like a good guy. I just don't want you to end up getting hurt."

"He won't." Aaron joins them,

"Hey, we finished camp and we're about to do one of those lame middle school camping trips. Not my ideas, it was all Blaze and Travis," He ridicules, "Please help me get through the night."

"Yeah, we just finished up our conversation."

"Lots of girl bonding." Katelyn adds.

"I'm glad you girls are getting along again." Aaron drapes his arm around Aphmau.

"Barf. Get a room!"


"So you knew this whole thing that she didn't love him and you just kept it to yourself?" Garroth asks.

"Garroth, this is the first time I can say that Aphmau was really happy with Aaron. So what? They've only been dating for a week! Give them a break. She may not have exactly loved him right then and probably not now, but she's getting there. Maybe if your head wasn't up your ass, you could see that." She walks away to catch up with Aphmau.

"I agree with her. I get feelings make you do crazy things, but you didn't have to go too far."


"Hey, Blaze and Garroth just told me everything that happened last night. Are you doing okay?"

"Far from it. Turns out I hurt him before he had the chance," She laughs, almost painfully, "He won't even look at me. Let me apologize. I don't know what on earth is going through his head about the situation and I can't know why. He doesn't like Travis or Garroth, him and Blaze have never had a heart to heart, and neither have you two."

"I'm sorry this all happened so soon. I honestly wish I was there when everything was happening."

"Nothing would've changed. Aaron would still be mad at me, I'd be upset with Garroth. I'm mostly to blame. I shouldn't have lied to him about something so serious."

"You're a better person than me," Katelyn admits, "If I were you, there wouldn't even be silent treatment, I'd end the whole relationship. It isn't worth the tears-"

"We made it!" Travis exclaims. "Everyone... welcome to Lucrua." 

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Until next time,

~Purplla 💜

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