|Chapter Fourteen| Irene, why him?

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One word to describe the day? Terrible.

The gang has been walking around in circles, looking for any type of clue the High Priest or Ein had left behind. Everyone was growing tired, especially Katelyn. "We've been walking around in circles for hours now."

"Yes, because we have no idea where we're going." Travis responds, just as tired as she is.

"You said coming to Lucrua was a good idea."

"Lucrua is the top trading and magic city of Graeria Region. You would think an evil priest and a lonely werewolf would come here to hide."

'Well, maybe you were wrong."

"Umm guys?" Aphmau gets ignored as Travis and Katelyn continue to bicker.

"You act like you've been around here before." Travis blurts out. "You can't judge me for not knowing where these guys are. I haven't even met them before!"

"Okay but still! You said you were going to help us and we've been going into circles for hours this entire trip! You'd think you'd know at least where yo start!"


"I do! Again, if your priest is some magical being, then he'd hide out here. Where in Lucrua? There is no telling because it's a big city. But this is the only magic city of Graeria. So I'm going to need you to actually look instead of yell at me."

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Katelyn gets all in his face.

"You, sweetheart." He responds and she grits her teeth.


Blaze jumps in, "I think we should all calm down, take a few deep breaths and think about the situation." He puts his hand on Travis's shoulder, "Travis is only trying to help us and he knows his way around here better than all of us combine, in which nothing, nada, zero, Katelyn. I think we should give him some credit."

"Thanks mate."

"Oh so now you're on his side?"

"I'm not taking sides."

"Yes you are!" Katelyn, Blaze and Travis start bickering before you know it. Aphmau was fed up,

"Will you shut up and let me speak!" She exclaims, grabbing their attention immediately, along with Aaron and Garroth. "We've been standing in front of this temple and no one's noticed?" She points to a gray three foot building.

"Oh." Katelyn and Travis. "My bad, dude." Katelyn backs away from him.

"No worries. I liked the view." He winks at her and she growls.

"Katelyn, we can argue some other time." Garroth says. "If I know Zane, and I do, this is a place he'd hide out in."

"Then stop fighting and let's check it out. Maybe we could find something that can help us out." Aphmau groans.

"What if we don't find anything? We could just be wasting time in there."

"Stop stalling and come on."

●A Purplla Publish●

The gang walks through the temple, looking in every nook and cranny for clues. "I have an idea." Travis says, "A group of us looks upstairs and the other looks down here. The search could be cut in half."

"Works with me." Blaze says, Garroth and Aphmau nodding with him. Katelyn throws a thumbs up in the air and Aaron just keeps looking.

"So me, Aphmau, and Aaron will stay down here. Katelyn, Garroth and Blaze will look upstairs. If we finish down here, we'll go out to the third floor." Travis instructs.

"Why can't I get Aphmau? Why do I get the two losers?" Katelyn whines.

"I divided strengths and weaknesses together. To me, you and these two are our best bet. I'll keep Aaron and Aphmau down here and you look upstairs."

"Just for about an hour." Aphmau mouths. Katelyn rolls her eyes and starts walking up the broken rubble stairs.

"Come on, losers. Let's get this over with before I explode." She says as Blaze and Garroth follow her up the stairs.

Aphmau grabs Travis's jacket collar, "Did you really just team me with Aaron?"

"No, I teamed you with me AND Aaron. Not just him, I'm here too." He corrects her. She huffs and walks away from him to look for any type of clue.

About 20 minutes have passed and no one has found anything that could help. "Anyone find anything?"

"Nope, dead end here." Travis calls. Aaron doesn't respond, he just keeps working.

"Aaron, anything?" She asks again, still getting no response. "Okay, this isn't going to work." She stomps over to him and grabs his shoulder. "Stop ignoring me."

"You shouldn't stomp. This temple's old."

"I can't do this. You ignoring me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner or that I said it in the first place, I was already stressed and I didn't want to make things worse."

"You could've said you weren't ready. I would've understood that you had a lot on your mind."

"Oh and you didn't think that before you said it? Wow, such wise words coming from you, King Aaron!"

"Hey, I thought it was a good time."

"You knew there was so much shit going through my head at the time! What made you think "I love you" after two weeks was going to do anything for me?" She stomps closer to get all in his face.

"Well, I'm sorry!"

"Oh, now you're sorry! Now you're sorry for saying it! Where was this when I was sorry?!" She yells, backing away from Aaron but she continues to look him in the eye.

"Let's talk about this some other time."

"No!" She stomps one foot on the ground, "You've been ignoring me since and we're not going to be able to move on unless we talk this out."

They were pissed now. Aphmau was fed up with Aaron's behavior towards her and he was upset that she was being stubborn. Then something they were too angry to think about happens.

Aphmau feels the floor crack.

She looks down to see the floor with several more cracks on the floor. Soon, she feels herself slowly sinking.

"Aphmau, stay calm and don't move." Aaron feels the floor under him sink as well.

"Okay, okay, I won't move." She says as the floor stops moving. "Can I now?"

"Not yet. I'm going to get us out of this."

"Hey guys I think I-" Travis walks towards them and Aarom turns his head around quickly. The floor shakes again, scaring Aphmau.

"Aaronnnnnnnnnnn!" The floor breaks apart and they both start falling down.

●A Purplla Publish●

Until next time,
~Purplla 💜

The Ultima King: Graeria Region {Ultima Series}Where stories live. Discover now