|Chapter Thirteen| Listen to me

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"Come on, you have to take a spoonful if you want to get better."

"I said no. Let me do it myself."

"We just tried that and you refused to put it in your mouth," Travis holds the spoon full of syrup in front of Aaron's face, "Just close your eyes and swallow it like a champion."

"Well, I don't want to."

"Aaron, just take it so we can start your search for this Priest and you can get home."

"No, that's disgusting. I'd rather eat dirt." Aaron crosses his arms and turns around in the chair.

"That's disgusting, drama king." Katelyn takes the spoon from Travis, "Open wide."

Aphmau steps in, "Guys, I don't think we should pressure him into-"

"I don't need your help," Aaron responds, "But, yes. What she said."

"Ugh fine," Katelyn lowers the spoon from his mouth. "So what's the plan on trying to find Zane? Any ideas?"

"Well, actually, I was thinking of-" Katelyn scarves the syrup down his throat. "Ack!" He spits.

"Hey, at least you took your medicine. Now we can get this over with."


"So what is this High Priest like?" Travis asks as the gang wanders the city for a while.

"Pale as shit."

"Blue eyes."

"Worst haircut in the world."

"Looks like a Pope who steals from children."

"Pale as shit."

"Didn't we establish that already?" Travis asks.

Garroth shrugs, "She didn't lie."

"He's your brother." Aphmau reminds him.

"Your point?"

"Wait, the enemy is your brother?" Travis laughs at the sentence, "Isn't blood thicker than water?"

"Not if Zane poisoned the blood all those years ago." Garroth jumps in, "As of from that moment, we are nothing but enemies."

"Righttttt. So we're about to kill blonde's brother and shorty's half brother because they're holding hostage her father." Travis analyzes, "Graeria was boring until you guys came along. What's next? Someone here murdered their best friend's mother who was secretly their aunt?"

"Don't be weird." Katelyn degrades.

"Oh and you travel by portal to other world to save their friend's father from a priest, someone who was supposed to be a holy man, and a crazy werewolf boy daily? Because that makes no sense at all."

"Hey, why don't we stop to eat something?" Aphmau stops the argument, "It's been a while."


"Why aren't you with your girl?" Travis sits down next to Aaron at the bar table, "Hey, how about two ales?" He snaps at the bartender.

"Has your girlfriend even pretended to love you so you don't look like an idiot?" Aaron looks at Travis before putting his head back down towards the table. "No? Didn't think so."

"I don't believe it. Aphmau? A liar?"

"She normally doesn't. The fact that she lied about something major and kept it until the guy who kissed her basically ratted her out. I don't know how he knew, but he sure did hell of a job getting out of her."

"Question. How long have you known Aphmau? Like how long ago did you meet her?"

"Ummm two months ago?"

"And when did you start dating?"

"I want to say two and a half weeks."

"Yeah, the problem is obvious here." Travis laughs as the bartender brings over their drinks, "Love doesn't happen overnight."

"Well, it's how I feel about her. I still do."

"She can't love you if she doesn't even know you. Just saying," Travis takes a chug of beer and puts his cup down. "You're definitely interesting folk."

"What do you mean by that?"

"There are no other people I've met that have so much drama as you guys do. A king hiding something from the girl he wants to love him, the girl happens to be going through a tough time. She is hurting while trying to lead a group. A group willing to risk their lives to help an entire kingdom. On top of that, you made her feel guilty, adding another weight on her shoulder."

"Is this your way of scolding me?"

"Yes! I know she lied, but she is going through a lot. She doesn't seem like the type to lie for no reason . If anything, she was probably going to try to talk it out. And you can tell she feels guilty, it's on her face."

Aaron looks back at Aphmau glancing at him, but she turns around. "That girl really likes you. You should talk to her before it's too late. She may like you but give a girl the wrong impression and she will back away."

"I'm still mad at her." Aaron drinks his beer all in one go,

"Did you really think your relationship was going to be easy? There will be arguments, there will be uncertainties, but at the end of the day, you're together. You like each other," Travis takes his cup and stands up, "Act like it." He walks over to the group and sits down next to Blaze and starts talking to the group.


"Boys suck." Katelyn sighs as Aphmau keeps laughing.

"You have to admit, that was hilarious." Aphmau holds her stomach as she keeps laughing. "You haven't stopped blushing since dinner. Does someone have feelings for... Travis.?"

"He's disgusting. No way in hell I'd even consider it."

"I didn't hear a no." Aphmau sings as she sips her water, "I don't know, you guys would be pretty cute together."

"Aphmau, shut up." Katelyn hits her in the arm.

"You know you love me, honey~" Aphmau teases. Everyone stops talking when Aaron walks over,

"Hey, Garroth. Can I talk to you outside? It's important."

"Sure." Garroth stands up.

"Don't be long, we gotta hit the road real soon if we want to beat the moon."

"Yeah, me and Garroth will be quick. Three minutes top." Aaron puts his hand on Garroth's shoulder and whispers, "It's about Aph."

●A Purplla Publish●

Until next time,
~Purplla 💜

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