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Cold and dark, I knew trying to save Bonnie and Damon from death was a Bad Idea. I started to slowly wake up and I saw the bright blue sky when I awoke. I tried to get up but my body ached in pain, I looked around and I was in the middle of the street in Mystic Falls. "Hello?!" I yelled as I took my first steps and I looked at the house I was in front of, it was Elena's not burnt to a crisp house. "Mel is that you." I heard a familiar voice call my name but I was too focused on the house in front of me.

"Great she's deaf now." I moved my head quickly as the voices were closer to me and I saw Bonnie and Damon. "Where are we?" I asked and Bonnie shrugged her shoulders and Damon just now noticed Elena's house. "I wish I could tell you- wait why is her house here." God mortals are so slow I swear. "Last time I checked I was trying to save your asses from dying." Bonnie and Damon started to walk up to the porch and I followed. "Look how well that worked for you." Damon looked at me and laughed and it pissed me off.

I looked around at the deck and it was filled with little kids toys and the cars around us were older models. "Can't you just go to the underworld and get back to Mystic Falls tell the others and save us." I sighed in frustration. "No Damon this year is before I got to Earth, so my dad never set up a door to the underworld in the woods so no and if I could I would be gone by now." Damon pretended to be hurt about me leaving them and Bonnie looked at me strangely, she always does this it reminds me of the Gods back home they never understand me, they just fear me and judge me. "I think this is a prison world." Bonnie said to me and Damon as we both looked at her in confusion about her statement about a prison world.


I walked down the Salvatore steps for what seemed like the hundredth time, Bonnie was right about being in a prison world. We've been trapped here for months and I swear to god if I see one more god damn happy pancake I think I might snap. I walked into the kitchen and I saw Damon dancing while cooking, He turned to me as he heard me walk in. "Guess what I'm cooking." He had a stupid big grin on his face. "Let me guess Damon Salvatore's famous smiling pancakes?!" I faked being excited. "NooooOoOO" He went back to dancing, this shocked me, I'm not having pancakes?! I don't have to look at a stupid happy face?! I watched Damon slide a plate on the table. "You get a sad face with mean eyebrows because it suits you." Damon grinned at me and I just frowned and he laughed.

I took a seat at the table and looked at the pancakes and Damon walked behind me. "It's like looking in a mirror." He laughed walking away from me and I slammed my fist on the table. "Damon I swear to god I will haunt your dreams for a month, have fun looking at a dead Elena." I looked back to see a pissed off Damon but I just smiled. "Mel I swear I-" Bonnie walked in clearing her throat and Me and Damon turned to her. "I loved being stuck in hell with two five-year-olds." I shut up and picked up my fork and was about to eat when I threw it back right next to Damon's head barely missing him. "Dang it, I missed." I pouted and Damon was madder than before. "See what I'm stuck here with" He sighed throwing his towel on the counter and Bonnie looked at me with that cut it out look.

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