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Waking up in my college dorm was the worst feeling in the world, but not as bad as being alone without Kai

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Waking up in my college dorm was the worst feeling in the world, but not as bad as being alone without Kai. I was only excited about Jo's wedding, luckily my dress was already in my room. Glancing over to my desk a very bright purple and sparkly dress laid on my chair, totally not a color I would wear, but it was Jo's special day. My eyes looked back up to the ceiling, the bland, boring, white ceiling. My chest was heavy, A feeling I thought was gone, but that feeling is still following me around.

Finally getting up and getting ready I looked in the mirror, moving my hands down my dress to flatten it out. Going in more I check my makeup, putting my fingers up to my lashes to fix the clumps of my lashes. Before I could finish someone opened my door storming in causing me to poke my eye. "God damn it." Looking over with one good eye to see who walked in, I saw Bonnie standing there with a worried look. This made me nervous because the last time I saw Bonnie she gave me bad news.

"Okay so I know I haven't been the best friend in a while but you need to know this." She stopped as if she was regretting coming here. "They played you again, they have this whole plan to separate you and Kai because they think a guy like him shouldn't have a mega-powerful goddess of death on his side. So they made a plan, they told you that you're in the wedding so you could feel happy. Then they told Kai that they would kill you if you showed up, and I'm telling you this because I hate Kai with every bone in my body but you love him. I won't let you watch him die." Bonnie caught her breath, but watch him die? What the hell where they plaining on doing.

Scared of what was to come I tried to run past Bonnie, but she blew this weird powder at me and I fell to the ground unconscious. 


I felt the cold ground underneath me as a got up slowly with my head throbbing as if I was hit with a baseball. Scanning around me I could see that it was night-time, but I was too weak to get up. Maybe my dad was right, maybe I will lose my powers if I stay here, but I couldn't focus on that I had to save Kai. "God we need to work on communication Parker." Laughing under my breath while using the chair to help me balance.

Before leaving my room I chose to change my pretty heels for some nice combat boots. With that, I grabbed my keys and I was out the door, past the stairs, and out the doors to the college. Driving to the venue I could see I was speeding, but I couldn't care less, the only thing I cared about was finding Kai and getting him back. Pulling up to the place I saw the windows were broken, I parked my car scared to get out. My hands were trembling, what was I to do if Kai was there lifeless on the ground dead.

I took deep breaths before opening the door and getting out, on my way up the sound of glass crunched under my feet. Walking in it was like a tornado hit, a tornado of death and I know who caused it. I grew more worried about how silent it was in the room, but then in a matter of seconds, my heart shattered. Kai laid on the ground cover in blood, running over to him quickly, I saw what was the cause of it. He had slit his throat with a shard of glass, I fell on the ground covered in glass, making cuts on my knees. I grabbed Kai's head and laid it on my lap as my tears fell on his face.

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