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I sat in the cave upset and mad at Bonnie and Damon, I tried to save there lives and this is the fucking thanks I get

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I sat in the cave upset and mad at Bonnie and Damon, I tried to save there lives and this is the fucking thanks I get. Kai was just throwing stuff and yelling he was honestly worst then I was but I can't blame him he's been stuck in this hell hole longer than me. "Kai we are stuck, can you just move on." Kai just sighed in anger. "Sure let me calm down when my only fucking chance out of here just left." Kai let off a sarcastic tone and I got up and started to make my way back to the Salvatore house. "Don't think I'm happy about this either, I tried to save their lives and they said hey let's leave me with the one guy who tried to end mine." I threw my arms in the air and Kai laughed.

"Aw boo hoo you scared yourself." Now he was mocking me and I turned around picking Kai up by the collar and holding him against the tree. "Aw did I hit a nerve." He had a sinister grin on his face and I dropped him and kept walking. "Where are you going?!" Kai yelled out but I just kept walking as he noticed I pasted the car. "Lynn!" He was following me and he was right next to me and I wish he would go away. "WHAT!" I yelled stopping dead in my tracks along with Kai, he was silent and I was over him at the point and I kept walking and he grabbed my arm to stop me.

"What do you wan-." Before I could finish, Kai had kissed me and I wanted to push him away but I couldn't. He pulled away and we looked at each other in the eyes in silence. "To shut you up." I hit Kai's arm and we both laughed and we kept walking. "Wow, so a kiss can make you not hate me." Kai moved in front of me blocking my path. "N-No It's j-just, ugh go away Kai." That all but familiar burning feeling on my cheeks was back and I pushed past him covering my face because I would never hear the end of this.

"I'll take that as a yes." I could just see the smug look on Kai's face from my reaction. God, I hate this, there is for sure something wrong with my brain, This guy just pushed me off a fucking building. "No, that doesn't fix what you did Kai." I spat while Kai just laughed. "What I just pushed you, what happens in your mind is not my fault and aren't you used to this crazy crap?" He had a point even though he was an ass for pushing me, I can't blame him for what I did to myself and I hated how Kai was right so I started storming off. "You know I'm right." Kai shouted but I wasn't going to acknowledged him.

I had got to the house and I was sitting in my room reading a book when I heard the front door open and I sighed. Kai walked up the stairs loudly and came to my room and leaned on the door frame. "I'm taking a shower so stay out of the bathroom." I looked at him and nodded and he walked away without saying anything else. "Or don't." He winked and I threw one of my pillows at him and he walked away.


"Gosh, girl just go with the bad boy!" I shouted at my book laughing at myself, but I stopped when I heard the bathroom door open which Kai with only a towel around his waist walked past my door. From what I could see he had a pretty toned body and what also stuck out was scars on his back. I wanted to know more about them so I quietly got out of bed and followed Kai to his room. I examined the marks and I put my finger on one of them, which was a bad idea because Kai shot back at me and grabbed my hand, I knew I had struck a nerve.

DEATHS KISS x Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now