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The city cheered in celebration, an almost everyday practice

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The city cheered in celebration, an almost everyday practice. I just sat on my balcony and watched as the mortals passed by with the biggest smiles like all their troubles flowed away. It had been months since I moved to New Orleans and I thought leaving would make me happy but the darkness followed over me. Every day I look at that stupid ring, I should have thrown it away, but every time something was stopping me. So I put it on a necklace and I find myself putting it on every day.

What happened that night...

'Hello fake me I know I haven't been able to reach you but please tell me what happened.'

God, I'm losing my mind, it's like I lost my adventure in life, every day I do the same thing. Wake up and go to the diner for breakfast, then come home and question what happened that night. Then I go to the bar to sing and come home to watch people enjoy there lives.

Standing up I leaned my elbows on my railing looking over the town until I was interrupted by knocking at my door. Whoever it was they were frantic, I walked over quietly and I could hear two people talking. I put my ear up to the door to see who was talking and what it was about. 

"Kai what the hell did I tell you!" A man, clearly Damon yelled, which wasn't weird he was here. The only weird thing was Kai, I thought he was dead? "Damon I need to see her." He pleaded with Damon. "Look there something I may have left out." The knocking continued. "Lynn are you there?!" Lynn, why does Kai saying that sound so...Loving. "Damn it, Kai, she thinks you're a monster." The knocking stopped.

Before things could go south, I opened my door and there stood Kai and Damon. "What the hell did you do to me." Kai's smile fell to a frown as if he was waiting for this moment all his life. "Let me take a wild guess and say you compelled her." My eyes shot to Damon as he stayed silent. 

Kai grabbed him by the collar and threw him against the wall. "Kai stop!" I held on his arm and he slowly let go. "I think you guys should leave." I didn't want to deal with this or have anyone call the cops on us, but Kai just looked at me like I was crazy. "So you don't ever want to get your memories back, it's nice to see that I mean nothing to Kai." Damon put his shoulder on Kai to calm him down, but Kai threw him off.

"Damon go downstairs and give us a minute." I could see how hurt Kai was and I don't know if I want to remember him, but something inside me wanted me to do this. Damon walked away and I invited Kai in. I shut the door and followed Kai as we sat on the couch together. "Do you still have the ring," Kai asked. "Yeah, I wear it as a necklace because a part of me wouldn't let me throw it away." I took it off and handed it to Kai and he sat back putting his hands over his face sighing. 

"I shouldn't be here." I looked at Kai confused and he slouched down looking forward. "I'll get out of your way-" Getting up out of my spot I walked in front of Kai. "Malachai Parker has never given up in his life even though you never have the best intentions you don't just give up." Kai looked at me as if I said something bad. "Don't call me that." Confused to why saying his real name would offend him. "Sorry I didn't mean to snap, but every time you said my full name and went on a long rant I would kiss you to stop you. I'm sure you don't want that to happen." He sounded so hurt, but everything I knew about him makes me hate him.

 "I'm sorry Lynn but I can't do this, I waited all these months to come back to my girl and live up to the promise I wrote about." Promise? My head started to hurt as if I was working overtime to remember something.

"There are no words that could describe how much I love you, but there's this thing people do when they love someone so let's hope I come back one day to finish it."

The letter...Kai wrote it on the day of the wedding. "I tried to bring you back." Kai looked at as I mumbled under my breath. "But I couldn't reach you so I ran to our apartment and you left a letter and a ring." A tear fell down my cheek because the pain I was feeling was because I watched Kai die in front of me. They took that memory away from me, but not everything was coming back.

But every part of my body was craving for him and his love. The more I thought about it, the more I remembered. "I went in your mind when we first met, what I great first impression." We laughed as we both started crying, we missed each other, we needed each other.

"Did you brag about your hot goddess fiancé," I asked. "Of course." Within a matter of seconds, my and Kai ran to each other with our lips colliding. I felt whole again like every bad thing had gone away. We spent the rest of the day catching up and I showed Kai what I've done while he was gone.

"Wait so dad met the devil?!" I nodded to my daughter's question, she always asked the weirdest questions. "And after we had you I decided to let Kai turn me so we could stay together forever, does that answer your question of  how I was turned and how I had you starr?" She sat there in aw about the story she just told.

"My dad is technically a god, my mom is a badass, my dads been to hell, my mom used to rule the underworld basically, YES you answered my question." Starr got up out of her chair and hugged me as she had to leave for school. Shortly after Kai came into the room hugging me from behind.

"She is just like you Kai it's crazy." He kissed the top of my head as he laughed. "Well let's hope she doesn't get my crazy genes." I turned around looking at Kai. "Honey, you were like that because your parents were terrible, but Starr has us, most importantly she has you to look up too and if worst comes to worst maybe she'll find someone like me to help her." I loved these moments I had with Kai, I loved being his reminder of how special he is.

"She's not dating anyone till she's 30." Kai was serious, but I just laughed at him. "Okay I have to get to work know, also don't forget that meeting with Alaric at the school, we need to fly out Monday." Kai pulled me in tighter kissing my neck. "Why can't you take a sick day." He hit the sweet spot on my neck. "O-oh okay, I h-have to go." Finally getting out of his hold. "I love you." I kissed his cheek and I was out the door of our house in New Orleans, but we decided it would be best if Starr went to the boarding school in Mystic Falls. She is a siphoner like her father and cousins, I hope this goes well because maybe today I'll find the courage to tell Kai were going to have twins.

Authors note; so this is an end to Melinoe and Kai's story and to be honest, I thought of every possible ending. The one I liked best was this one because it shows that they are still going on an adventure together, forever. It's been a hell of 6 months with these two. So thank you for all the support y'all have given me and don't worry I have another book coming out soon! 

-Love Alysa 

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