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Kai's POV

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Kai's POV

I woke up to Lynn laying on my stomach her dark brown hair was a mess and the sunlight was hitting her just right, 'shit maybe I love you'. "What are you doing to me Lynn, for fuck sakes you're a goddess and I'm a witch," I whispered to myself, but why does she see anything in me I'm a monster, my whole life everyone avoided me and turned away from me. I've shown her my worst and nothing, she'll still do everything to save me and I've never had that happen. All these new feelings confuse me, what do I do, what if I can't answer her questions, and what if she leaves.

Lynn started to move around and she slowly opened her eyes at me, she had the softest smile on her face as she looked up at me. I wish I could stay like this forever but today I had to merge and I couldn't tell her.

"Stop staring at me, Kai." Her voice was raspy, which made me laugh and she rolled off me looking the other way. I grabbed her and moved her back placing kissing all along her neck. "My girl is laying in my bed looking beautiful in the morning I'm going to stare." Lynn paused and her cheeks turned bright red. "Kai! you can't just say that." She laughed pushing off me to cover her face, but I don't know why I can't say that. I look at her with confusion because it's not like I said something bad.

She lifted her head to look at me and saw the confused look on my face. "Sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way it's just no one has ever called me that, not even Stefan." She paused looking away. "Sorry I know you don't like him, but I'm saying you usually say that when you're dating someone... what are we Kai?" Lynn looked at me once again, her eyes were a softer brown than before and I didn't know what we were. I've also never dated before and the merge is tonight, I know I'm stronger than Jo, but there is always a what-if. How do you even be a boyfriend, I've never really had to care about anyone, but Lynn is different. It's like we both want to keep the other safe, it's like we can't let the other one go. 

"Lynn I don't know how this relationship stuff works." She sighed and moved closer to me hugging me. "I know that but I just need you, no one makes me feel the way you do." She stopped to look me in the eye. "You made me feel alive when my world was surrounded by death." A tear fell down her cheek and I pulled her in kissing her head. "You pushed me off a roof, killed me and almost left me in a prison world, told me to stay away and left me in the woods, but you saved me in the bar, you threw me against the wall at my old high school, you almost got yourself killed distracting me, but you also saw me at my ugliest time and even after I hurt you, you didn't leave and after all that I still love you." I hugged her tighter as she cried.

"I won't lie I don't want you to ever care about a guy like you care about me and I never want to see you leave, I don't know if it is love but I do care about you, wow I care about someone and I really said that out loud, WAIT I felt a real emotion, I'm started to think you're an actual witch." She laughed and we sat there peaceful silence for a while. "I'm telling everyone I'm dating a goddess, a hot one too." Lynn's face was filled with joy as she looked at me. "That's not fair yours sounds cooler because if I say I'm dating a sociopath they'll think I'm crazy...oh my god were dating." I got out of bed putting a shirt on and Lynn stretched out in bed. "Hey want to get dinner tonight because I have classes till five." I wanted to say yes, but I had a merge and I couldn't have her to try to save me today. "Can't I have witch stuff but tomorrow for sure. She nodded and got out of bed stealing one of my shirts so I could drive her to her dorm. 

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