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I let go of Damon and he pushed me back, I was still pissed at him and the gang this whole time I believed I was a monster

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I let go of Damon and he pushed me back, I was still pissed at him and the gang this whole time I believed I was a monster. "Fine, Klaus had a plan to attack Mystic Falls and take it over because he is power-hungry and we couldn't do it so we used you." This confused me, why not ask me because if I could have put town hero on my résumé I would. "Ok, but why not tell me what I was doing?" I asked but Damon looked like he was hiding something, I knew there was a reason why they lied to me. "Damon! why did you guys not tell me?!" I shouted. "Klaus is finding a way to kill you because your dumbass manage to find a white oak stake and killed his brother Kol." My heart began to race and from what my dad told me eariler I'm basically a dead girl walking. I started pacing back and forth but my panic got cut off by Damon talking.

"He stopped talking." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, how could Damon be thinking about this when I'm Klaus Mikaelson's next victim. "He never stops talking." The wind picked up around us, I knew what Damon was talking about and I could hear someone chanting and I looked over to Kai, it was him. I covered my face as the leaves blew in front of me messing up my vision around me and I heard a loud thud to the right of me, I looked over to see Alaric on the ground. Damon rushed over to Kai but he disappeared, I sighed. "God I need a drink." I said out loud to myself, but no one said anything almost like they couldn't see me. "Come on you can't just ignore me after what you did." Still nothing, I'm beginning to think they can't actually see me. I walked in front of Damon and waved my hand in front of his face, but nothing.

"It's cute how you don't understand magic." I quickly turned to the voice behind me, it was Kai leaning against a tree with a big grin on his face. "So I guess you didn't read that letter because if you did you'd be gone right now." Kai had a serious look on his face but I just laughed. "Don't flatter yourself I was here to haunt some people, but if we ever get stuck in a prison world again." I paused making my way slowly over to Kai. "Don't lie to me and don't leave me for dead." He laughed at me but I was serious, he played me and I hated that, I hated that I let him cloud my judgment. "Looks like you're mad at yourself, not me." The nerve on this guy?! I thought to myself as Kai started to walk away and I wasn't done with him yet.

"Malachai Parker you are unbelievable! I am mad at you because guess what I opened up to you because I trusted you, you made me think that I wasn't what everyone else thinks I am but guess what you lied to me, you proved everyone right that no one cares about me and then you gave me that stupid letter making me question a lot of things. So tell me Malachai what do you want from me because I can't do this so if you walk away I'll leave you alone as you asked." Kai didn't turn back at all I could see him move his head to the side, I thought he might stay and prove me wrong. Kai just turned his head back and disappeared again, this time it felt real.

"God girl your an idiot! To think Kai every cared about you...He has no emotions."

"Shut up!" I yelled at the girl in my head, but I knew I couldn't dwell in the pain. I made my way to the Grill to have a couple of drinks to maybe forget today.

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