09. GONE

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Two weeks had gone by, two painful, lonely weeks, alone

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Two weeks had gone by, two painful, lonely weeks, alone. I woke up every day looking up at the boring plain ceiling and I would turn over hoping to see Kai, but he wasn't there. Getting up out of bed I walked to the kitchen and in the fridge to see it was empty. "God I miss Kai's cooking." Sighing grabbing the milk and drank out of the carton. "What a slob." A familiar voice echoed from the living room causing me to look over. It was him. Kai. The milk fell from my hands landing on the ground and I was in shock because I made up a couple of fake Kai's in my head before. Kai got up off the couch and walked over to me with his hands in his pockets.

He looked so different. "God, you look even better than before. After you left I felt a deep pain in my heart almost like heartburn but not. I tried everything to figure out why and I went to google and it was like you have cancer, which I don't have." He laughed. "And I don't know what's wrong because this emotions stuff is really new to me-" Kai paused and I walked over to him putting my hands on his cheeks, a faint smile fell on his face. "I need you in my life Lynn, that's the only thing I know right now." We stood there enjoying each other presents, I was just happy to see Kai, but I knew I couldn't come home.

"Kai they want me dead." I dropped my hands to my waist and I walked to the door to let Kai out, but he just laughed at me. I turned around and he was having a laughing fit. "Care to fill me in on what is so funny?" I asked and he took a deep breath to pull himself together. "Sorry, but they played you." Kai said. "WHAT?!" I shouted walking over to Kai in confusion. "Well your 'BFFs' Carrie and Steven were trying to get you out of town and they also gave you a fake knife." My anger was through the roof and to think I wanted to have a fresh start with them when they still have the very thing that could kill me.

"But as much as I would love to see you kick some ass I need you." I crossed my arms and bit the inside of my cheek. "Because I have to go to a prison world with Damon, Elena, and Bonnie." He walked over to me and put his arms on my shoulders before I could flip. "Before you go crazy, I'm asking you to come with me so nothing happens." Kai smiled at me and I contemplated in my mind whether to agree or argue. "Ugh fine but I swear once we are out I'm getting that knife back." This felt nice to have Kai back even if it was only for 20 minutes, it beats being alone.

"So we have about 3 hours of spare time and I was thinking you move in." Move in? I've never lived with someone before besides my family. Thinking of waking up next to Kai, next to someone. "I'd love to." I smiled.


"God moving is not easy." I opened Kai's car door hopping in and Kai laughed looking at me like I was crazy. "Your kidding right." He asked and I shook my head no. "Lynn you had to carry a suitcase, oh wait correction you made me carry it all the way up." We laughed, but I wasn't looking forward to being in a room of people who probably hate me now and may kill Kai. The same people who I used to have movie nights and fight the tough times. I guess I have someone else to do that with now. It scares me to think the only person in this messed up world is him and I could lose him today.

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