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I walked down my hallway for the hundredths time I could look out the window and see Mac in a patch of green grass surrounded by dead grass

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I walked down my hallway for the hundredths time I could look out the window and see Mac in a patch of green grass surrounded by dead grass. I walked down more to Zag's room and I could see him with a girl, like always and I walked down a little more to my room the door was closed. I opened the door and it was dark before I could turn back I felt something push me in. "Melinoe you're a monster." A voice said next to me. "Melinoe you're not a god, you're a disgrace." Another voice shouted. "No, I'm not I swear I can change." I yelled and fell to the ground crying and from the darkness, I emerged.

"Melinoe why lie to yourself, don't you miss that feeling of making someone going insane, the screams of people, that fear fuels you and you know it the only thing that makes you feel happy is others pain." I said to myself and I let it set in and I try everything to not be an abomination to others I want to change but the screams of pain and agony called to me. Before I could let my thoughts go even wilder, I saw him.

"Kai?" My room started to get brighter I could see my room back home. "I went mad from being trapped in my mind and I won't let that happen to you." I was so confused, how he was here? "How are you here?" I questioned and Kai laughed and leaned down and looked in my eyes. "I'm not you made me up to save yourself and you need to wake up." My brows furrowed with confusion.

"Melinoe?" I woke in a sweat and breathing heavy I shot up from my bed looking around and I saw Kai standing at the doorway. "You look like shit." Kai laughed and I sighed and flopped back down in my bed. "But the good news is were leaving today." I shot back up and look at Kai with wide eyes the thought of seeing my sister again and being out of this hell hole sounds amazing. Kai left my room and walked back downstairs, I jumped out of bed putting on a pair of jeans and a jacket. I walked to the bathroom and cheerfully got ready and I put my hair up in a bun making sure to fix my bangs.

I left the bathroom and made my way going downstairs and a not so happy Bonnie and Damon and a wide grin Kai were there to greet me. "What did I miss?" I asked and Bonnie looked at me annoyed. "Kai is making us dig a hole while he goes and gets things and to top that he won't tell us the spell." Damon sighed. "Bonnie who cares I just want to get home to Elena!" Kai just laughed at the two and I walked past their argument to get food in the kitchen.

"Oh I forgot to add Mel doesn't have to help because Kai needs her help looking for useless crap." Bonnie made me stop in my tracks, why does Kai need my help. "Someone's jealous." Damon said and I turned around and laughed. "Let's go dig that stupid hole, Damon." Bonnie grabbed Damon's arm and pulled him out the Salvatore house and then it was just me and Kai. "So why do you need my help?" I made my way over to the couch and sat down while Kai leaned on the wall. "I don't actually need your help but I don't want to dig a hole so I thought hey who is the least annoying person and I remembered Lynn is cool and then I was like how should I spend my day and then it hit me because of yesterday and with the whole omg what is happening to me moment I want to help you experience human things that you have yet to try." Kai finishes rambling and I just laughed.

DEATHS KISS x Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now