04. HOME?

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A gust of cold air hit my body causing me to open my eyes, I was surrounded by woods, I wasn't in the Salvatore boarding house anymore

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A gust of cold air hit my body causing me to open my eyes, I was surrounded by woods, I wasn't in the Salvatore boarding house anymore. I panicked and an envelope fell off my body while sitting back against a tree I grabbed the envelope and open it. In it was a letter my eyes quickly look at the bottom to see who it was from, it was Kai. Anger filled my body, I wanted to rip the letter up and walk away but, something in me stopped me.

Dear Lynn,

I guess you're wondering where you are now, your home. I'm never going to say this to your face so I'm writing it. Sorry, when I started to walk away from you everything in my body told me not to. A feeling I've never felt in a while that's also why I'm writing this and not telling you this. I can't have you around me, you risk messing up my plans. So stay away.


I ripped up the letter sighing to myself. "YoU RiSk mEsSiNg Up My pLaNs." I mocked, I made my way out of the woods and to the only person I wanted to see, Macaria.


"Hey, let's leave me an hour away from where I need to be, thanks ass hat." Sighing to myself walking up to the Whitmore college steps where me and my sister go to. Walking in and up the stairs made me feel normal for once in the last couple of months. I made my way to our floor when I reached it I could see Bonnie, Elena, and Mac standing in a circle. "Mac since when have you socialized with people." Happy tears fell down my cheeks as Mac turned her head running towards me. I ran to her and we hugged like we haven't seen each other in years. Mac smelt like cookies, I missed that smell, she always made me feel at home and happy.

We pulled back from our hug and she slapped me, my hand shot to my cheek in confusion. "Next time you try something stupid like that at least tell your sister." A soft laugh left me mouth and Mac just smiled. "I miss you keeping me in check." Mac just hugged my hard, I could see Bonnie and Elena walk over to us and join our hug. After a while they finally let go of me and I missed this I didn't think they cared this much, but I realized Kai was out there and Bonnie doesn't know that. "Bonnie we have a problem, Kai found out I was trying to leave and hitched a ride with me but he took all my magic so I don't know where he is." Bonnie sighed and it seemed she already knew this, which made me panic did she know I was lying.

"He attacked Liv but we lost him." I sighed in relief, she didn't know I was lying but something across the room caught my eye, it was him. "Bonnie why is he here." Elena looked at Bonnie and then at me, I'm getting really tired of people doing that. "Ok, Bonnie the last time you did that face you left me in a cave with Kai." My sister pushed me out-of-the-way and that confused me and Elena. "I though Kai grabbed her and you tried to save her but it was too late, but from what Mel is telling me that doesn't sound like the case." Bonnie was silent. "Bon she's right what happened." Elena asked and I couldn't believe Bonnie and Damon lied about what they did to me.

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