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"Kai has Elena

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"Kai has Elena." I froze as those words left Caroline's mouth, sure Elena lied to me like everyone else but she was also someone who was always there for me. At this moment I was torn between Kai and my friends, but I know deep down his stupid little revenge plan doesn't need to involve Elena. I was about to ask Care more about what happened but her eyes were puffy, red, and they had dark circles like she hadn't slept in days. "Hey it's ok we'll get Elena back." My hand rested on her arm to comforts her but Caroline started crying and I didn't know what to do. Me and Care had never really talked after I stared dating Stefan because she loved him and I didn't know.

She started to laugh threw her pain and wiping her tears away she sighed. "No, it's just my mom is getting worse..." Care paused. "It's so hard keeping a smile on my face for her." I couldn't feel Care's pain but I could see how much it was hurting her, so I hugged her and I could feel her let all her pain out. "Forbes laddies are strong." I pulled back to look Care in the eyes as she was crying. "She will surpass this Care, not for herself but for you." Care smiled it looked like the first time she has been happy in a while. "Hey, Mel I don't hate you, I don't why I let my emotions get in the way of my judgment and I never should have cut you off." I laughed because I'm letting my emotions get in the way of my judgment. "Don't stress it Care but I need to get Elena out while you rest, you need it." She just nodded not rejecting my offer and I quickly put on an outfit and putting on boots so I could head out the door.


I pushed open the door to my old highschool making my way through the hallway passing my old locker along the way. Passing every classroom without calling out for Elena, which was hard, but if I did Kai would know I was here. Finally, I passed a room and I looked in to see Elena, I was instantly filled with relief as I ran up to her. "Thank god someone came." Elena looked relieved to see me too, but no one beat me here, which surprised me. From the looks of it, Elena had gotten tied up and when I went to untie her she disappeared. "W-what the hell?" I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things and went to turn to leave the room but I ran into something. Looking up it wasn't something...it was someone.

"Where the hell is she, Kai." Grabbing his collar and throwing him up against the wall next to us, but he just laughed. "I knew you would show up." He paused moving closer to my ear. "You always do." A shiver was sent down my spine while I threw Kai back because I wasn't playing his game today. "Kai where is she!" I shouted and he looked displeased by that, but I could give two shits what he thought. He pushed me back causing me to let him go and I stepped back crossing my arms, waiting for him to answer. "Fine but let me tell you one thing." Kai had a smug look on his face and he moved closer to me. "Motus." My whole body was flung against the wall, I tried to get up and fight but I just feel to the ground blacking out.

"So you can care about an inanimate object, but not the people you kill." I was slowing coming back and I could hear someone talking faintly. "Is this going to be an episode of Ricki Lake, where I come face to face with my demons and change for the better." My vision was hazy as I looked around and the room to see Elena tied up and Kai. "Have you really not cared about anyone?" Elena asked and none of them noticed I was listening so I closed my eyes to see where the conversation goes. "I guess I liked my brother Joey." Kai paused. "And a girl." My eyes shot open and I caught Kai staring at me and he smiled. "Look who decided to wake up." Elena turned to me. "Don't try to reason with him Elena, not everyone is good, we can't just change like that and I know based on experience." I shot my anger at Elena and I knew she didn't like that. "Sorry Mel but don't get me wrong but I reasoned with you and you changed, that's why you have the friends you have now." Kai laughed and I can't believe she just said that, giving herself all the credit.

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