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A couple of months later

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A couple of months later...

Happy? what was that feeling anymore, I could only feel numbness, which is worst then being sad. I don't feel anything and days just past by and I don't remember what happened in those days. My hairs longer I guess and I'm friends with the gang again, even though I still hate them for what they did. I just didn't want to feel alone again, without Kai. After I visited Jo's house that night I broke down and she let me in with open arms and I became friends with her shortly after.

Every day I woke u looking over to Kai's side of the bed to see nothing, I hoped one day I would wake up and see him laying there. With a soft smile on his face looking at me and we would enjoy the moment before facing the world together if only he listened to me. 

Buzz Buzz

I looked over at my phone buzzing on my nightstand, it was Jo calling me, I wanted to talk to someone but I also wanted to be alone. So I went against my urge of wanting to stay alone and I grabbed my phone to answer the call. "Hey Mel today is the last wedding rehearsal and I was wondering if you're coming." Jo invited me to the wedding but I planned on leaving Mystic Falls soon because as much as I love Kai, I need to move on to remove this numbness from my life. I know Kai would have wanted me to live a happy life with or without him. "I honestly don't know." She sighed and I could feel her pain, out of everyone Jo made the most effort to be there for me.

"Well I was going to keep this a surprise, but I want you to be in the wedding." I sat up in shock and my heartfelt warm, a feeling I haven't felt in a while. Happiness, I missed this and I didn't know how much I needed it. "I know how hard these months have been for you so I'm trying to help." Tears were falling down my cheek because I missed this feeling of someone being there for me. Sure the group says their there for me but they sent Kai away to help me and they do everything they can to make me forget him. "Jo I will gladly be in it and thank you for even letting me." Jo laughed. "Well, I can see why Kai liked you but don't worry about showing up today I have everything ready for you so I'll see you tomorrow." We said our goodbyes and for the first time in a while, I got out of bed happily.

Getting out of bed I walked over to my dresser looking at the picture of me and Kai like I did every day, but this time I also grabbed a picture of Mac and Zag. I haven't seen them in a while, they still want me to come home before I end up losing my powers. Sighing I walked out of the bedroom and to the kitchen where a full breakfast meal was there. I searched around the room to see who did this and there was no one, but I had a feeling that someone was watching me. The last time I had a meal like this is when Kai was around. Walking over to the meal there was a note.

Meet me in the woods, xoxo - comic book nerd.

My heart sank, Kai was back and why was he trying to hide, he knew I wouldn't sell him out to the group. A knock at the door caused me to jump and I grabbed the note crumpling it, as I walked over to the door and opened it to see Bonnie in front of me. "We have a problem." Bonnie walked in my apartment without saying hi and she sat at the counter grabbing a fork and eating my meal. "Um okay just help yourself." I could see the stress in Bonnie's face but what was making her like this. "Kai's back." How could she know that, but I just stood there in confusion instead of saying anything. "I saw him in my dream." Rage filled my body and to think Kai came to me first, but no he went to Bonnie and she got to see him.

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