Chapter Three: Falling Apart

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It was on a Saturday night and I went to Dustin's house for a sleepover. It was Dustin, Chris, Michael and I. We were about to sleep then I decided to talk about what to give Skye on Valentine's day since it'll be a week from now.

Fast forward to February 14th, Valentine's day. I decided to give her a necklace that I bought. She liked it. Everyone in our class teased us. I was happy not until this happened. Her parents didn't want her to have this crush thing because it might distract her in her studies and it also might distract me. It did distracted me. My grades are not good and I felt that she's on my mind all the time. The sad part is that she gave the necklace back to me. She told me that she doesn't like me anymore and she likes somebody. It was the saddest February ever in my life. I decided that we can just be friends. Yeah, FRIENDS. My life was falling apart ever since she said that. I felt awkward talking to her. Everyone in our school knows that I have a crush on her since Skye is kinda popular. My life sucks now. As the school ends, I went home and cried.

Ever since the saddest February I ever had, my grade are falling like waterfalls, I kept on eating and becoming fat. As the school year ends, Skye became the highest in our class, I was one of the bottom. There were ups and downs in my first year at Charlton.
So it was summer. I didn't really had much to do anymore. I just sat at home, play some video games, watch television and I become fatter. That was the highlight of my summer before I start my second year as a seventh grader at Charlton. Sadly, Skye isn't part of my class. I still said hi to her and she said hi back. It was again, awkward!

The second month begins and as I remembered, it wasn't pretty good. Skye had a crush on this sporty, hearthrob, most popular who happened to be Tyler Wills. I didn't like him when I saw him. He's arrogant and I don't even know the looks is now part of Skye's standards and Tyler's more handsome than me and it bugs me.

We're about to have a sports day where all of the students at Charlton get to participate in any event. Since, Tyler is good at running, he joined in the running event. I forgot to tell you guys that I suck at sports. I play some sports but I'm not just good at them. My best friend, Chris signed up for the running event and he made me join it too and I didn't even know Tyler joined too before.
It's the sports day and the 5km running event which Chris and I joined is about to begin. Chris and I went down to our oval in our school. It's not yet starting and I felt so embarassed. Skye is cheering for Tyler. The whistle blows and we ran. I ran and ran as fast as I can but I was the last one. Tyler was the first one and he smiled and brags that he was the champ. I was exhausted and can't catch my breath. I felt that anger inside of me that I just want to punch Tyler and that he's not the right guy for Skye. But if I did that, I might get suspended.
As the running event ends, we move over to the basketball event. I saw Skye hugging Tyler and I went on. I just wanna go home.

Fast forward again to January the following year. I decided to give Skye some flowers for her birthday. This time, it was Michael's idea.

"Give her roses, dude. It'll be perfect"

"Roses? One's enough right?"

"Yeah. If you can't give it to her, I'll deliver it for you"

I said thanks and I hope she'll love it. Michael gave it to Skye and she received it. By the end of the day, the guys told me that the roses I gave to Skye was torn apart, lying on the ground at the classroom. Her classmate, Bobby Summers who's a friend or Tyler said that Skye ordered him to rip and tear the roses apart. I felt bad after that and I'm just trying to regain our friendship again. For days I tried to ask Skye why did she tore the roses that I gave her.

Fast forward to our recognition day, I finally asked Skye why did she tore the roses apart.
"I just wanna ask that umm....why did you tore the roses?"

"Roses? What roses? You gave me roses?"

"Yeah. Michael delivered it to your table."

"Table? When?"

"On your birthday. You ordered Bobby to rip it."

"Trust me, Arthur, I didn't received any."

"My suspect would be your crush, Tyler. He ripped it."

"Tyler? Why would he even do that? I like him and don't you ever blame him without any proof."

Wow. Yeah, Skye did that to me. I ended yet another year at Charlton a loser. My grades were okay and I felt that ever since Skye and I aren't that close anymore, I stopped focusing on my studies.
It's summer and our batch decided to have a three day summer fun at the Whirlpool Resort near our school. Not all of us came, only half and Tyler and Skye were there too. We swam at the pool, ate at the steakhouse and we also rode the go karts. There were news that Skye and Tyler are not together anymore. I felt hope inside of me and that I can finally ask Skye out.
" and Tyler aren't together anymore..."

"Yeah. After I gave her a kiss. I decided to stop this, he's kinda mean and stupid to rip the roses you gave me. Thanks by the way and sorry for what happened at our recognition day."

"It was nothing." {on my mind, KISS???!!! KISS????!!!?!! No!!!!!!!!!!}
So yeah. They kissed. It was her first kiss. Michael even saw it. It took like over a minute. Damn. If only I was Tyler. When will the tables ever turn? By the end of the three day summer fun, I invited the guys to have another sleep over at my place. We had a movie marathon, chubby bunny (we did it before it was cool), took selfies (again, we did it before it was cool) and we just talked about stuff. Michael and Alisson are in mutual understanding, Chris and Madison Johnson, the not-so-beautiful but acceptable for Chris' standards are also in mutual understanding. So that leaves Dustin and I without any girl.

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