Chapter Four: New Beginning

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It's another school year and I am now in eighth grade. Skye is yet again not on my class. There's this new student in our batch and it's a guy. Evan Wilkinson. He's a dancer and he seems to be popular even though it's just his first time here and his first day. I just found out that he was Skye's former best friend who left the year before I went at Charlton and that he just came back. Seems like Tyler is gone but Evan is here. Damn.

The hugs, the cuddly talks that Skye and Evan I see at our corridor makes me sick. Man, when will I ever get my chances again with my ever beloved Skye?
Since there's this new dance contest at Charlton, why not I'll TRY to compete with Evan to win Skye's heart.

So I needed to practice for this, I asked help from my best buds. I invited them at my house to try this new game called Dance ReVolution Xtreme. We had a lot of fun and I still tried to become a pro but I'm just a noob. 😔

The contest begins and I'm not here to win but I'm just here to compete with Evan. The bracket was revealed and surprisingly, Evan and I will really compete at each other. The showdown begins. He did the killer moves such as The Worm, Moonwalk, some backflips and front flips and you know what I did? I broke a leg. Literally. I tried to do this really hard move but I felt a snap at my ankle. It hurts so bad. The pain when I have cramps, the pain when I broke my ankle was 5x more.

I was brought to the hospital and my parents were there to guide me. I'm not sure if the students at my school laughed that I broke my ankle and failed. My right ankle hurts and I'm really scared that I can't walk properly for a long time. I eventually returned at Charlton after a week and alot of people felt worried. Skye and Evan went to me at the cafeteria.

"Hey umm Arthur. I hope you recover fast and we're all here for you."

"Thanks alot, Evan. I appreciate it."

Four months later, I was able to walk properly. There's a sensation and the happiness. Everything's back to normal for me. But with every good feeling there will be a sad one. We had to stay at school until 8 pm for the design since we're having a Halloween party and maybe they felt tired so they had to do this. Evan and Skye kissing at a corner. They thought they were the only ones left at the school. Yeah, I had to watch this bullshit. If only Skye knew I still have feelings for her but I can't say it. I can't say it now. Second kiss in her life. Can i be third? I wish I could only report it to her parents but it would just make Skye hate me more.

It was March and it was our fieldtrip and I'm really excited because we are going to the SkyZone Park. I was also more excited because my buddy at the fieldtrip was Skye! Yeah, Skye! I was happy and really smiling before we get to the bus. So we got to rode some sky dropping rides and the partners should stick together at all times. I had the moment with Skye and I was happy. I was also happy that summer's almost here and Evan had to return to Miami and will leave Charlton. Alot of us felt sad but there's also a bit of happiness inside me.

"Yeah! Woohoo! Evan's gone!!!"

"Chill, dude. Evan's gone, so?"

"So? Come on Chris, Skye will be mine."

"You sound really creepy, dude."

"All I'm saying is that I can finally say what I should've said before."

"What's that, Arthur?"

"To tell her I still have feelings for her."

"You're friendzoned, dude. Stop it already."

"I won't, Chris. I won't"

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