Chapter Seventeen: Future Ahead

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That happened. Sarah and I are now in mutual understanding. This blows everything up. Feeling super happy right now. I don't know what to do. Sarah...the most beautiful person in the world is going to be my girlfriend, hopefully. But it's a long distance one. But I don't care! Can't wait to see her again.

It's the end of my freshman year and I'm moving on to my second year here in UCLA. Sarah and I are together for about a year now. I decided to buy a small house near my college and it looks great. Sarah is still in Chicago. Not really sure if she wants to move in with me here in Cali. I decided to talk to her on Skype.

"Hey, what's up, babe. So how's it going?"

"I'm fine here, babe. Pretty cozy in there...."

"Yeah, I know right. So babe...I'm thinking if you want to move in here with me. I really want to be with you right now."

"Awww. Me too babe but I can't. I'm not yet done here in the art school. Still a year until I graduate."

"I understand, babe. I still have to wait for a year to be with you. By the way, what did your parents say? About me?"

"Well...they were shocked...that I have a boyfriend. Because your my first one and.....they didn't expect I'd be with a guy at this age."

"You're my first one too....really? Is it an honor for me to have you as my girlfriend?"

"Well. You're the only guy I know that liked me back in high school. As far as I know."

"Well, because you're beautiful. And....really?? What about Josh?"

"Josh? Josh Stevens? The smart guy?"

"Yeah. Come on. You hang out with him all the time while I was waiting for you to talk or maybe hang out with me at some point."

"Come on....we're just friends back then. We also share a common interest which is anime. And...Josh liked Trish."

"Okay. Okay.....I trust you, babe."

"Well, I still have homework. I need to paint an artwork. Bye, babe! Sweet dreams! Mwaahhh!"

"Aww...well...good night too babe...and finish the artwork! Love ya!"

Time stops whenever I speak or talk to Sarah...every moment is just....magical. Anyway, I'm really loving this new house I bought. Feels really cozy but still feels kinda lonely due to the fact that I am all alone.

So I'm pursuing my career in DC Comics and I want to maybe apply for a job once I graduate or I could be an intern. But I still need more knowledge and studying before I write for them. So second year in UCLA is still okay. Thinking of trying out for the basketball team. But really? Why now? I should've practiced basketball and joined the varsity back in high school. But, maybe....I could be a writer for the basketball website of UCLA. YES! GREAT IDEA!

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