That sould be me ~Sadie Sink + Sabrina carpenter ♡

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Sadie Sink + Sabrina Carpenter~

I wipe away that tears that fall down my face as I watch fan made edits of Sadie and I
"Y-yeah, shes really,really beautiful. She's absolutely stunning actually"
"What's her name?" The interviewer asks
"Her names Sadie...and she's an absolute angel" My voice comes out of my phone before the music becomes louder and photos of Sadie and I fill the screen.
"I look good? Come on, look at her...she looks bloody amazing" my voice says again while I watch myself point at Sadie in her as she wears a white dress. The video shows her lean towards me slightly and slap my chest gently "stoppp" she whines before she kisses my cheek and hides her blush. The tears stream down my face more frequently and I can't help but let out the quiet sob that has been stuck in my throat. I scroll down and start to watch another. The song breath by Mako plays while Sadie and I play on the screen "But...I love you y/n" she giggles
"I love you too Sadie" I smile as she gives me a side hug while still looking at the camera

"I love you sadie" I speak to myself "as more then a friend" I sob again and scroll down more. I watch another edit and examine how her hand touches mine as we hold a blue bunny stuffed toy, how she looks at me in interviews, how she smiles at me when we make eye contact or when I'm not looking, how she hugs me and kisses my cheek, how she puts her hands on my shoulders and leans over me as I kneel down in photos, but all of it is just...platonic...why does it have to be platonic.

I wipe my nose and my eyes with the sleeve of my over sized hoodie once again just before "Millie 💓" flash's across my screen
"Not now Millie" I groan before declining the call "sorry Mills" I mumble before I turn my phone off and place it on my bedside table
My phone starts to ring again and I look at the screen, oh my gosh Millie. I decline again but she calls back straight away
"Yes Miss Brown?"
"Y/n, come over right now"
"Millie, I can't. I'm busy"
"Busy? What? Crying over Sadie? Yeah okay, get your ass over here right now"
"Millie" I warn
"I'm not coming over it's one am"
"You didn't think I knew that? Come over right now"
"Millie no"
"Y/n y/m/n y/l/n"
"Fineee" I whine before hanging up and standing up, I slip my vans on and walk downstairs

When I arrive at Millie's house, I climb up the drain pipe and into Millie's room.
"What do you want Millie?"
"We're going to a party"
"What? No, are you serious? You called me over here to go to a party? You know what? I'm going home, bye Millie"
"Y/n no stop" she grabs my wrist gently
"Millie I'm not in the mood. Let me go home"
"Give the party one chance, we'll go, stay for... forty five minutes and if you don't like it we'll leave straight away, sound okay?"
"I don't wanna" I cross my arms
"Please" she pouts
"Fine. But only twenty five minutes"
"Fine, that's enough time anyway" and with that she's dragging me into her closet doing my makeup and trying to get me to put on one of her dresses
"No, not that one, or that one, or that one" I say before grabbing a pair of skinny, black, ripped jeans, along with a white cropped top and my pair of black and white checkered vans.
We sneak out of Millie's house and she drives us to the party. "I won't drink" she states making me roll my eyes. She knows damn well she's gonna drink. We walk in and as soon as we do my eyes land on a certain red head that makes my knees go weak when I look at what she's wearing a skin tight black dress, that shows off some of her cleavage, her hairs down in waves, as well as being matted in a slight layer of sweat, her cheeks flushed a dark red as she jumps up and down to the music, it amazes me how she's wear heals and not falling over. That's talent
"Millie, okay, I'm leave, I can't be here" I speak as I keep my eyes on Sadie who continues to jump
"Wh-...oh" she says sadly "I didn't think she would've been here y/n. I'm sorry"
"It's fine, I'm just going home. I'll see you Monday" I go to walk out but I feel gentle arms slip around my waist and strawberry perfume fill now nose. No, not today, please not today, I've broken down already
I turn in the persons arms and see Sadie's red hair and cherry red cheeks covered in freckles "hi" she says in her sweet honey coated voice, that's somewhat raspy from all the yelling she's been doing
"H-hey" I say back feeling like I'm about to cry even more
"Come dance?...please"
"Sadie, I don't think she wan-"
"Okay" I force the words out
I can't say no to the ginger, no matter how hard I try, it's always gonna be yes, yep, yeah,okay,fine or anything else that means yes.
"Cool!" She says dragging me towards where other people are dancing. As soon as we get there she starts to grind against my front. I look around for Millie and see her almost instantly. She catches my gaze and smirks, with that the tears start to fall down my face. Sadie gently grabs my wrists and places my hands on her waist, still dancing before she turns around, looping her arms around my neck as she continues
"Sadie.." I mumble but obviously she doesn't hear over the music "Sadie" I say louder stepping away from her. She lifts her gaze to me and the lust in her eyes immediately gets replaced with worry
"Y/n? Bub? What's wrong?"
"I-I-i" I let out a quiet sob which makes Sadie gasp and remove her arm from around my neck "I-I can't be here...I can't be here...with you. I'm sorry" I run out of the large room towards the front door. I burst outside and walk over to the curb where I sit. I sit and try to even out my breath for a few minutes before someone comes and sits beside me. I look up and meet piercing blue eyes "hey" she whispers quietly "I-I saw you run out. Are you okay?"
I wipe the tears from my face and study her more. Blonde hair, light blue eyes, light pink lips, freckles, a nice smile
"Y-Yeah I'm fine. Thanks. Umm..." I look around before chucking lightly "hey, I'm y/n"
"Immm Sabrina" she drags out
"Pleasure to meet you" I hold my hand out for her to shake which she does "Ugh... what are you doing at this party?"
"Trying to have fun. But party's suck sooo"
I laugh "I got dragged here" I state
"Well I'm glad"
"Why?" I let go of her hand that I for some reason was still holding
"Because I got to meet you"
"Huh..." I laugh out softly "i guess I'm glad too"

Sadie's pov

I run outside a few minutes after y/n ran out. I look around the front yard knowing she came outside. I look again and see her and someone else sitting on the curb. I study the other person...Sabrina. I look down and see their finger intertwined. I watch for a few seconds till Sabrina puts her head on y/n's shoulder before y/n says something to make her laugh.

That should be me...

Hey! Umm so I was thinking about turning this into a full book, ya know, make it longer and stuff instead of it just being an image. Comment what you think I guess. I think I would be really cool 💕💕💕

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