I don't feel so good ~Natasha Romanoff

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Infinity war y'all.

I look over at Natasha and smile as she takes down one of the many members of Thano's army, the love struck smile falls from my face when I hear someone running towards me. I bring my large sword and chop their head off knowing it's just another Army member.
Once the body fell to the ground another came from behind. Making me turn around. I grunt as my suit gets hit by something . I look down to see a tiny scratch in the metal of my suit. Maybe it does work. I smile and run towards the figure. Chopping it in half before I hear a loud snap. No no no no no. I look towards thano's to see his fingers still clamped together. We lost. We lost one of the biggest battles of our lives.
I start to feel a weird feeling flooding through my body. An airy sort of feeling. The one you get when you feel like your falling I suppose. I look at my hand to see the tips of my fingers disappearing. Fuck no. No no. Don't do this. No fuck.

I stumble towards Natasha "Nat!?"
Her head snaps in my direction. Once landing on me she gasps and starts running towards me. She skids to a stop just before I collapse into her arms
"No no no no no no" she repeats staring down at me. I stare back up at her. Feeling weak and tired.
"I don't know what's happening Natasha" I gasp out
"I don't know either but Don't leave me. Please don't leave me" she pleads making me chuckle
"I could never. I'll be back"
"No no don't leave. Please"
"I'll be back"
"And how about if you don't come back?!" She yells
"I will" I say before gasping at the slight pain that floods my body. The pain makes me forget what happened a few moments again "ms Romanoff....I-I don't feel so good"
"No!" She screams pounding on my rapidly disappearing chest "you can't leave me you bitch, you little shit"
"That's no way to talk to your future wife" I gasp out again not caring about her hitting me but me leaving her
"I love you" she mumbles leaning down to kiss my lips deeply
"I-I love-"

Natasha's POV:

Shes gone. She disappears into thin air. In front of my eyes. Her ashes drifting off around me. I close my eyes tight trying to forget about this. This has to be a dream I repeat quietly under my breath. This can't be real. When I feel a hand on my shoulder I jump making the person pull away slightly. I turn to see Steve standing there. Looking down at me with a sad smile. I stand up only to collapse into his arms as sobs rack through my body. I look up at him, he looks back at me in shock but other then that hugs me back while rubbing my back.
"She's gone! She's gone and it's my fault" I sob out looking into us blue eyes
"That's not true" he states
"Yes it is"
"No no no"
"Who else is gone?"
"A lot of us....Black panther, Peter, strange, Wanda, most of the guardians, Nick, Bucky and some more"
I hug him tighter
"We need to get them back"

Sabrina Carpenter and Sadie Sink imagines + others~ open~Where stories live. Discover now