my enemy - florence pugh

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"fuck i hate you" i whisper yell at the blonde girl in front of my bed as she places the bucket she just used to jump cold water over me as i slept in my warm cosy bed on the floor. i look over and see my window wide open and curse under my breath. this girl really broke in
"i hate you too. that's why i did it" she smiled widely jumping back as i swing a pillow towards her face only missing her by millimetres.
"oooo we got a feisty one tonight!" she yells loudly before laughing her contagious laugh and that breath taking smile. what! y/n don't fucking think like that are you dumb! Florence is our enemy!
"feisty tonight aren't ya kitten?" she whispers with her perfect smooth deep voice as my face goes brighter then a fire truck. i roll my eyes as i walk behind her to my closet and strip of my clothes and change into clean pj's and a jacket. i stand back in front of her still feeling my face hot as ever.
"you horny bastard!" she yells watching my face go red under the candle light produced by the few candles around my room and the moonlight shimmering in through the window. i jump towards her before covering her mouth with my hand as i hear footsteps running down the hall towards my room
"shut up, shut up, shut up" i whisper into her ear as i drag her down onto the end of my bed, straddling her before laying down on top of her.
my door fly's open revealing one of the many guards that are positioned all over the palace 
"Mrs y/n" i feel Florence lift her head and look over my shoulder towards the guard "and Mrs...Pugh?"
"fuck" i mutter standing and pulling Florence up with me
"you had to look over my shoulder you dumb bitch" i whisper yell towards her slapping her arm harshly 
"Mrs Pugh i will have to take you to the king" he says walking closer to my bed, hand resting on his sword located at his hip 
"run" i mutter into Flo's ear 
"okay" she smirks at me, the moonlight and candlelight mixing smoothly into her perfectly soft hazel green eyes 
she grips my hand tightly and pulls me forward and past the guard and out the door as he yells behind us 
"stop! y/n stop this instant!" the guard demands as he starts to chase after us down the halls.

i hear more footsteps starting to chase behind us as we sprint down the long white corridor's of the palace that i call home, paintings of past kings, queens and royalty decorate the walls in gold sparkling frames that are so finely designed that the fine details cant be seen by far away on the other side a long line of windows with the moonlight shining through, displaying the beautiful view that sits outside the castle, a wide and mysterious ocean lapping over the white sanded beach below the large green hill the palace sits on, the small town we live in sits along the beach, the occasional little yellow light shinning out from the tiny windows of the houses that seem no larger than one you find in one of those little display towns people make  the starts shining bright along with the moon. a beautiful night. and I'm spending it running through the halls of my fathers palace with Florence Pugh my dads enemy's daughter and my enemy. yet that seems to only make it more thrilling and exciting. it makes my smile only grow. the butterflies in my stomach triple in size and swarm around faster. my heart speeds up a bit more and my mind rushes fast with thought, no negative. only positive ones. something that is seen as so wrong, should be so wrong feels so good damn fucking right. so right that it makes me want this every night. makes me want this forever and always.

"Florence what are you doing!?" i whisper yell at her as we run down the dark hallway the only lights being the moonlight shining through the many windows. 
"having fun baby, let loose"
my heart only seems to speed up more at the nickname, at the way it rolls off her tongue as she directs the pet name at me. the lights of the palace suddenly flick on and light up the many hallways and open doored rooms that surround us. 
"daddy's awake isn't he princess?" she smirks turning her head slightly towards me as we run faster down the hallway
"next right!" i yell over the loud footsteps of us and the thumping footsteps of the guards that chase after us down the hallway, the loud clinking of their armour echoing through the large nearly empty hallways of my home.

Sabrina Carpenter and Sadie Sink imagines + others~ open~Where stories live. Discover now