Director~ Sabrina Carpenter

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"Action!" i shout, leaning back in my directors chair and running a hand through my hair as i watch some actresses and actors play out my scene, this isn't how i imaged my dream job, I  thought it would be a lot different, more...enjoyable
"cut" i sigh as i stand and grab my clip board "sorry everyone, i know you all want to go home, and i promise that will happen as soon as this scene is at least close to perfect" i send the crew I'm working with an apologetic sigh as i continue to walk towards the center of the set where the actors and actresses are trying to do their job.
"could i maybe get several background actors in here please, there's not enough people to put this across as a school" (i was gonna do a bar but Sabrina looks too young tbh ahahaha)

i look towards the set door as several people walk in, the last being a short blonde that sends my heart into cardiac arrest, who the hell is she?
"ma'am?" a camera man says making me shake my head and look towards him
"sorry, whats up?"
"you just stopped talking and we didn't know what was going on"
"sorry, i-i-i" i sigh "sorry, i didn't mean to do that"
i run a hand through my hair as i take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to clear my mind. not that it works, all i can think about is the short blonde with the amazing blue eyes, god damn it, i can't do this right now. i have too much work to do in too little time, plus i can't fall for a crew member again.I take another deep breath and force myself to look anywhere else but that girl.
"okay, this looks better" i say smiling at everyone around set before going back and sitting in my chair, i flip through the thick wad of pages on my clipboard for a few seconds before i yell "action" again

*Time skip*

"cut! that was perfect!" i exclaim jumping out of my chair and clapping excitedly, you may think I'm overreacting but we've been trying to film this scene all day and I'm sick of it, this is only the first scene, i don't want to think what the rest of the movie is gonna be like
"thank you all so much for your time today!" i smile as i go up to the set and talk to the lead.

Sabrina's POV:

People told me the director was young, but they didn't tell me she was really fucking pretty. like god. I would have come better prepared. my knees nearly gave out when i walked onto the set. I couldn't take my eyes off her, i hope i wasn't staring too much. i shake my head lightly, snap out of it Sabrina. i sigh and run a hand through my hair, i haven't felt like this since...well ever.

I slip the prop school bag off my shoulder and start walking towards the exit of the film set. thank god, i finally get to go home and take a much needed na-
"hey!" i hear someone yell from behind me "blondie!" i turn around to see none other then y/n jogging in my direction, a small smile spreading across her plump lips as she gets closer to me.
"hey sorry" she appologises "for the nickname i mean, and holding you probably just wanna get home but i was wondering..." she rubs the back of her neck, making a vein pop out on her exposed forearm, her muscle fully visible for me to drool over "whats your name?" she asks shyly making me smile, how did she go from hot to cute in 0.25 seconds?
i giggle at her embarrassed state "Sabrina" i smile
"I'm y/n" she states holding out her hand
i extent my hand and go to shake hers but she swiftly pulls my hand up to her mouth and places a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. Her hands are so soft! just like her lips, god, she could kiss me to death and id be thankful.
"i-i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go get some dinner, the food on sets not the nicest and i know a pretty good diner not too far away, i know this is a long shot because its already 10:30 but i dont know..." she trails off looking down at the ground making me giggle
"of course, im staving" i smile at her when she looks up and clenches her jaw proudly
"awesome. this way" she leads me over to her car and opens the passenger side door for me before getting in 

this is bad, but i tired and i feel sick so ill finish it later

Sabrina Carpenter and Sadie Sink imagines + others~ open~Where stories live. Discover now