I'm getting one!~ Natasha Romanoff

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still miss my baby ;(((

I punch happy in the stomach before shifting on my feet to catch him off guard, it works and I punch him in the side making me grunt
"stark!" he growls before chuckling
"you love me happy" I pant out before punching my boxing gloves against his gloves. He try's to deal forward and punch me but I'm too fast, I punch him straight in the head making me yelp and throw his head backwards making me laugh
"sorry" I snort while putting my hands up in defence when happy glares at me
"what the hell was that?!" he asks shocking
"you know-" I cut myself off with a grunt as I punch him in the stomach again "your name doesn't suit you too well...I mean your names happy and from what I see and what my dad has told me...you're not very happy" I laugh as he looks at me offended "I'm sorry" I punch him in the chest again making him look at me even more offended.

He looks behind me making me turn and look at a stunning red head girl in the doorway, I drop my hands down giving happy the perfect opportunity to punch me in the side of the jaw making me fly back onto the ground
"and you say I fight dirty!" I yell flying towards him, my shoulder connects with his right shoulder and he fly's to the ground with me on top "my dad said I couldn't take you down! Guess you and he were both wrong" I shrug while getting up and helping happy off the ground
"Oi! I'm never wrong!" my father speaks making me turn and smirk at him
"how many times have you said that, and how many times have a proved you wrong?" I ask him "I could always I don't know...maybe tell everyone in the tower" I say rubbing my chin with my index and middle finger making him go quiet "yeah that's what I thought" I smirk again while sending a wink in the red heads direction while she looks at me

Pepper speaks to my dad while the hot red head walks over to them and shows her something, I continue to stare at the women before happy hits me in the back of the head making me turn my head to look at him again "lesson one" he state pointing his boxing glove at me "never take your eye of-" I kick him in the stomach hard making me stumble backwards into the side of the boxing ring, I run over and punch him in the stomach repetitively making him groan. I stand straight and look towards the lady again to see her looking at me, when I smirk, she blushes and looks down
"what's your name lady?" I ask leaning against the ropes of the ring, my arms holding me up as I gaze at the woman, taking all of her in, everything about her captivates me, her eyes, her lips, her curves, her che-
"eyes up please y/n" my father snaps me out of my trance and I look towards him as a blush covers my face
"Rushman, Natalie Rushman" she says a small smile taking over her plump pink lips making me smile
"front and centre" I command wanting to be closer to the stunning woman
"y/n, she's no-" my dad starts making me point at him
"come on dad, let me have a little fun, you may be iron man but I'm not a little girl anymore" I state looking towards him
"please y/n, don't be disrespect-"
"I meant no disrespect" I state looking towards the red head "I'm very sorry if it seemed like I did, I meant no disrespect" I suddenly become worried. What if she hates me? What if she thinks I'm rude?

"its no problem" she smiles at everyone individually making me smile, what a sweetheart
"I'm sorry, she's very...very eccentric" Pepper says making me let out a loud laugh
I hold up the ropes high enough so she can get under, she ducks under and comes up while looking me in the eyes making me knees go out, I lean against the ropes for support and shake my head, a large smile invading my lips. I put my drink bottle up to my lips taking a long sip while she continues to stare at me

I stop drinking my drink and look at her "what?" I ask quietly making her avert her gaze
"happy?" I ask the name
"can you...ugh..." I get lost in her green eyes for a second "can you give her a lesson?" I ask him while getting out of the ring
"y/n" my father growls making me look at him
"Tony, just watch, I think she has potential" I state making him glare at me, I lean up and kiss his cheek gently before looking back at the girl who's name I have learnt is Natalie

I sit down and starts to google her on the table making Pepper gasp "y/n, stop that!" she exclaims when she sees me zoom into a very interesting photo of the red head
"leave me be" I whine going through the rest of the photos, with ever swipe I seem to feel more attracted to the red head, god I met her ten minutes ago and I'm whipped. She speaks Russian?! Oh god that's hot
"y/n" Pepper warns again
"Did you model in Tokyo? Cause she modeled in Tokyo" I say licking my lips as I check out the red head once more
"I need her..." Natalie turns around and looks at me "she's got everything I need" I smirk while checking her out again
"y/n I will kick you out of this room" my father scolds making me smile innocently at him

"rule number one: never take your eye of your oppon-" happy goes to punch her but she grabs his hand and twists it backwards, using it as a support as she flips up and takes him head between her legs and flips him onto the ground.




"that's what I'm talking about!" I yell jumping up and fist pumping the air
"I just slipped" happy says getting up
"you did?" I ask while ringing the bell
"yep" happy states
I zone out watching her get out of the ring and stand a few centimetres in front of me, her warm breath fanning onto my face making me swoon
"I just...I need...umm...your impression"
"you-you already have it...I'm very impressed...I mean the way you took happy out like that and how you look...just everything about you impresses me... I bet there's a lot of other things you're good at though. Maybe ill have to find those things ou-"
"I meant your finger print" she states making me blush and look down. She chuckles and holds her clipboard out
"right" I take the clipboard from her gently and stamp my finger onto it, leaving an ink mark.
"so how we doing?" Pepper comes over and smirks at me knowingly while looking between Natalie and I.
"good, I think umm..." i look at the ground nervously  before looking up towards Natalie
"y/n is a pleasure" Natalie winks at me making me blush even more
"see!" I yell pointing at my father "I'm a pleasure, you're lucking I'm your daughter" I laugh making everyone else laugh loudly, except for Natalie who laughs quietly
"will that be all Miss Stark" Natalie says getting awfully close to me, her free hand comes up and rests against my chest as she looks at my face closely, her nose touching mine. Shit.
"ummmmmmm..." I grab her waist feeling like I'm about to collapse "y-yeah, t-t-thank you v-v-v-very much...Miss R-R-Rushman" I stammer while looking at her face closely
"it's no problem at all, моя любовь (my love)"

Holy shit, I think I'm pregnant
she kisses my jawline quickly before walking out of the room, swaying her hips I collapse into my dads arm, my head back slightly and a large smile invading my lips "I want one!"
"no!" Pepper states firmly
"I'm getting one!" I say standing up straight and running after the red head

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