Dancing Queen ~Sabrina Carpenter ♡

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~Sabrina Carpenter ♡
I watch as Sabrina dances in a charismatic way, that has myself and probably any other person with eyes and a brain in a trance, i watch closely as she sway her hips to the beat as well as jumping up and down on the spot slightly, just enough that the time of her heals descend off the the ground before meeting it again seconds later. she holds a red solo cup in one hand and her phone in the other as she films the interaction she's having with her friends. She's a queen, anyone who saw her would know that....

A man, older than myself and her walks over and scans her up and down making me cringe...hes got to be at least thirty-five. she laughs loudly, but not loud enough for me to hear even though i wish it was, her laugh is like heaven, a sound that everyone wants to listen to. she throws her head back slightly and laughs even more making me frown and turn away from the scene. but not competely, i turn away just enough so i can't see whats going on fully, only what i can see out of the corner of my eye, he moves closer to Sabrina making her back away from her friends slightly because hes standing in the way.she laughs awkwardly and steps back again trying to get away from him. this catches my attention and i sit up straighter and get ready to get out of my chair at any moment, just in case he pulls anything. He puts his hands on her waist and leans down, whispering something in her ear which i know she doesn't like because she scrunches her nose up and frowns making me stand up and walk towards the stairs at the bar down to the dance floor. once i'm down there Sabrina's friends seem to realize and start to head off knowing somethings about to go down.

"please just leave me alone, i'm not interested" Sabrina says and by the tone in her voice i can tell Shes uncomfortable and scared
"no" he says firmly "i can't pass a doll like you up" he slurs clearly drunk of his head
"hey, hey, hey" i say stepping in between Sabrina and this man who is clearly two times my height and size "i think she told you to back up mate, so how about you listen to the lady" i look back at Sabrina over my shoulder and see relief flashing her over beautiful features
"how about you mind your own business tiny"
"sir, im sorry to say that i cant help but notice that this beautiful girl behind me is quite uncomfortable with your presence"
he laughs, an airy dark laugh "that's my girlfriend, she's mine you Dyke so how about you leave" he growls
"she's not your girlfriend, you pervert" i say full of anger, i push his backwards aking him stumble but not fall
"you little" i throws a punch at me but i duck, pulling Sabrina onto the ground with me, her falling on top of me making me grunt slightly in surprise
"hi" she whispers gently looking me in the eyes
"hey" i whisper back before she starts laughing into my neck making me chuckle

"im sorry to ruin this little moment but um-" i clear my throat "i have a fight to win" i state proudly standing up with the shorter girl in my arms
"good luck" she states before kissing my cheek and walking away to watch

i smile genuinely and walking towards the older man who throws a punch straight away, i duck enough to get a clear blow to his stomach making him double over, once he does i lift my knee up into his face making him whip his head back. i kick his knee out making him fall to the ground, i chuckle and stand over him.
"dont underestimate me you dickhea-"
he brings something up and smashes it across my head making me fly onto the ground with a cry. i bring my hand up to my temple and feel the blood gushing out. i stand quickly and throw another punch at him before he punches me a few times making my breathing stop for split seconds. i force his head down with all my might and bring my knee up into his temple making him fall the the ground cold.
"fuck you" i state at his limp body. I fall into a sitting position on the ground and slip my leather jacket off my shoulders, leaving me in my white nirvana shirt and tight ripped jeans. i pull my shirt off over my head before slipping my jacket back on and zipping it up. i hold my shirt up to the gash in my head and starts to stand slowly.

"oh my god y/n!" i hear Sabrina yell for the first time when she comes into view
"oh hi" i chuckles before hissing in pain
"Oh my god. You're hurt"
"No I'm fine...as long as you're okay"
"I'm gon- wait what?"
"I'm fine, as long as you're okay" I repeat looking at the blonde who's crouching beside me, her breathing caught in her throat, her eyes wide, a pink hue on her cheeks and a small smile playing on her lips. She looks down at me before hooking her finger in the collar of my shirt and pulling my lips to hers. I gasp and kiss back immediately
"You idiot" she laughs as we pull away. She takes the shirt out of my hands and looks at the cut "you absolute idiot"
"Only for you" I whisper making her look into my eyes and kiss me again.
"Stop being cheesy" she states
"But nothing. We're going to my house"
I raise an eyebrow at her
"To clean you up!"
I laugh and stand up, she brings her arm under mine and walks me to the door of the bar "thank you" she states as we walk down the street towards her apartment "thank you so much" she states making me smile
"You're welcome sweetheart" I state looking down at her

Part 2 coming sooonnnnnn

Sabrina Carpenter and Sadie Sink imagines + others~ open~Where stories live. Discover now