Sick~ Sabrina Carpenter ♡

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She's trying to kill me with that photo.

⚠️sensitive content⚠️

I cough as I sit up in my bed, Sabrina stays still beside me as she sleeps. One of her arms falling off my chest and into my lap, but that doesn't make her move. I go into yet another coughing fit. Probably my thirtieth this week. I Try to catch my breath but no air fills my lungs. I stand up and stumble into my bathroom as my face begins to turn red. My coughing fit lessens but doesn't stop until I shove my fingers down my throat making me throw up blood. I groan out in pain as more blood and liquid pours out. My throat raw and stomach churning as I gag up more blood.

When I'm done I slide down the white wall behind me as I wheeze for air. My lungs burning and my throat raw and dry. I look up when I see the door open. A worried Sabrina looking around before catching eyes with me.
"Baby, are you okay? I heard you throwing up just a second you think it's food po-" the sink catches her eye making her let out a loud gasp of shook and fear... "b-blood, w-why is there blood" she looks towards me as I wipe some excess vomit and blood off my chin
"Y-you threw up blood" she states making me nod "how long as this been going on for?"
"A bit over a week" I state still heaving air into my lungs
"Y/n! Why didn't you tell me?! That's not normal!"
"I didn't want you to worr-"
"I'm your fiancé, my job is to worry!"
"Sabrina stop yelling!"
"No! You could be dying! And you didn't tell me! We need to get you checked out"
"Sabrina..." I say softly making her look at me with pained eyes. Those eyes I love so much. Those crystal blue eyes, filled with so much pain and worry
"Tell me you're fucking with me right now you asshole" she whispers back
"I wish I was"
"H-how long?"
"They're not sure"
"We need-we need to go to the ho-hospital right now. Come on" she says trying to hold herself together. But as she turns I see the tears start to escape her eyes. As she walks out she lets out a large Sob, I'm quick to stand no matter how much it makes my stomach churn and my head spin
"Sabrina it's okay" I state pulling her closer to me before I pull her into my chest "I've got you baby"
"What do you have?"
"L-lung cancer baby"
"You smoke?"
"Not anymore. Once I met you I stopped. But I guess it already started developing or something"
"How lun-long have you known?"
"Over a month"
"And you didn't tell me?!"
"I wanted to marry you first. We weren't sure and I didn't want to cause panic before our wedding. But they don't think I have that long. So I was going to tell you when I thought it was the right time...please don't be mad"
"I'm not mad. I'm just upset, come on" she says grabbing my hand and pulling me into the car. She sits me down and asks me to drive to the hospital since she still can't drive. I chuckle at the thought and look over at my future wife
"When I'm gone-"
"shut up"
"Shut it"
"I want you t-"
"Shut the fuck up y/n!" She yells as more tears start rolling down her face. She lets out a loud sob and puts her face in her hands. I pull over and lock the doors before helping her into the backseat and pulling her to my chest
"It's okay baby, you're okay"
"You're dying" she sobs out "the love of my life is dying and I can't do anything about it"
"Baby, don't blame yourself. You can't do anything. No one can"
"I-I should just give you my lungs"
"You deserve to live"
"Sabrina stop it"
Her breath stare to become more shallow and I'm quick to cup her face.
"Sabrina stop.  Breath" I inhale "out" I exhale (oop-) as she does. She starts to calm down after a while making me smile softly "it's okay. Everything's okay" I kiss her forehead softly making her sigh out and grip my sweatshirt tight. I pull it over my head and slip it onto her small figure making her look up at me. I lean down and kiss her nose gently making her scrunch it up cutely
"I'm gonna miss you a lot" she whispers
"You'll see me again. Up there" I state pointing to the sky out my car window
"Yeah...I Will angel"
"Ready?" I say before I start to cough again. I pull a few tissues out of my pocket and cover my mouth as the blood spurts onto the once white tissue
"Y/n" Sabrina crys out
"It's okay. It doesn't hurt" I state as the coughing stops "let's just go" I say as I climb into my seat again. Sabrina climbs over too and grabs my hand making me grab hers. I start driving before looking over at the blonde
"You need to move on sabrina" I say fast making sure she doesn't have the time to interrupt me. I pull my hand away from hers and put both my hands on the wheel as I start to turn the car
"No" she whispers
"Sabrina. I'm dying. I don't even have a month" I state as I watch her pale
"I thought you said-"
"I have less then a month. No more then that. Unless I get a lung transplant. Which is very unlikely and risky"
"Don't talk back right now. Let's just- let's just enjoy the time we have together" I state making her nod

As I pull into the hospital, Sabrina starts to cry again making me hold her. Once she's calmed down we start to walk into the hospital
"Can I see doctor Jane, please...tell her it's y/n" I ask the receptionist making her nod and run off to find the doctor who's been helping me the past few months

"Y/n, is everything alright? What's going on?" My doctor asks as she runs over to me
"Bloods become more frequent and sometimes I have to shove my fingers down my throat to unblock it. Otherwise I start choking"
"Okay, come on. Let's get you into the examination room"
We walk towards the room and Doctor Jane looks at me and Sabrina as she clutches my arm
"Are you two da-"
"Yeah. We are" I say proudly as I wrap my arm around the shorter girl beside me
"Congratulations. I recognised the sweater"
Sabrina giggles nervously and kisses my cheek quickly before trying to make me walk faster. I chuckle before I start to feel extremely sick again.
"Shit" I hiss as I pull away from Sabrina and fall backwards against one of the best by walls. Doctor Jane turns around quickly and looks at me in shock.
"Y/n" Sabrina exclaims in shock
"I'm okay. I'm alri-" I throw up making blood splat onto the floor in front of me. "I'm not ok-" i start to feel extremely drained and tired. And before I know it everything goes black.

Part 2 soon

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