Just us ~Natasha Romanoff

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Can she punch me in the face?

"Who are you?" The lady who I'm helping says in her language "get out. There is sickness here!"
A little girl mumbles something back before speaking louder "my fathers not waking up! He has a fever and he's moaning but his eyes won't open"
"Slow down" I say back still speaking in their language
"My father..." she trails off
"Like them?" I ask pointing behind me to two sick kids
"Yes" she mumbles nodding
I jog beside her before putting my arm out in front of her and stopping her before I turn so the car driving past doesn't see my face. When the car leaves I start jogging behind her again up into a house. She runs up into a room before jumping out a window making me gasp.
"Should've got payed up front banner" I sigh
"You know for a woman who's supposed to be avoiding stress, you picked a hell of a place to settle" a young woman says as she walks out of the shadows
My breath catches in my throat as I look at her. I drop my bag to my side and start taking my jacket off. Did it just get hot in here?
"Avoiding stress isn't the secret"
"Then what is it? Yoga?"
"You bought me to the edge of the city. Smart." I state watching her closely "I ughhh assume the whole place is surrounded" I look out the widows around the house trying to spit other people. Which I don't
"Just you and me" she states unwrapping a thin fabric from around her perfect frame. My knees almost buckle with the thought of being alone with the woman
"A-and your actress buddy? Is she a spy too? They start that young?"
"I did" she states making me frown. She didn't have a childhood.
"Who are you?" I ask
"Natasha Romanoff" she states stepping closer to her
I look at the ground for a few seconds trying not to stare at the girl in front of me "are you here to kill me, ms Romanoff? Because that's not gonna work out for everyone."
"No, no no" she steps forward slightly panicking "Umm" she clears her throat before speaking again "of course not. I'm here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D.
"S.H.I.E.L.D" I repeat
She looks at me. Her head turned to the side slightly making it hard for me not to smile. Cute.
"How did they find me?" I question
"We never lost you, doctor"
"Please call me y/n"
"Y/n" she smiles lightly making my heart flutter "we just ugh kept our distance. Even helped keep some other interesting parties off your scent"
"Nick fury seems the trust you. But now we need you to come in"
"What if I say no?"
"I'll persuade you" she smirks. That's not going to be hard.
"That might be hard" I lie
"Yeah?" She says stepping closer to me
"Ahuh" I nod lightly. She stands close to me now. Our faces nearly touching
"I don't think it Will be" she says as she runs her hand from my hip up to my lips when she drags her thumb down while hitting her own lip. My knees buckle and I stumble into her making me catch me. She giggles before leaning up to my ear "doesn't seem to hard"
"Ughhhh and what if the other guy says no?" I state my voice cracking
"You've been more than a year without an incident. I don't think you want to break that streak"
"Well, I don't every time get what I want"
"Doctor" she says walking away to grab something out of her bag
"Y/n" I correct
"Y/n we're facing a potential global catastrophe"
I chuckle "well, those I actively try to avoid"
"This" she says holding up a picture on a phone for me to see "is the Tesseract" she states skidding it across the table for me to see. I walk over and look down at the small phone
"It has the potential energy to wipe out the planet" she states as I take out my glass to get a better look. I pick up the phone and lift it closer to my face. She stares at me making my cheeks flare up
"What does fury want me to do, swallow it?"
"He wants you to find it. It's been taken. It emits a gamma"

Sabrina Carpenter and Sadie Sink imagines + others~ open~Where stories live. Discover now