snow ~Sabrina Carpenter

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I watch as the snow falls in like rain outside my bay Window, landing into the already semi deep snow in front of my flat from the night before.
I'm snapped out of my peaceful state as my phone rings against my wooden desk across the room, I stand up and slowly walk over to it before picking it up and pushing my glasses further up my nose to see who's calling me. Liza's name flashes across the screen making me click the green phone Button.
"Hey y/n!" I hear multiple girls yell from the other side of the phone
"Ummm Hi?"
"It's Sabrina, Joey, Sarah and I" Liza speaks
"What's up girls?"
"Can we come over?" She asks bluntly
"You're all are always welcome here" I reply smiling
"Okay cool cause we're outside your door"
I laugh and stand before walking to my door. I open it and let the four girls around my age into my home.

Liza's POV:

Joey,Sarah, Sabrina and i have been at Y/N'S for about an hour before i pull Joey and Sarah aside "are you guys ready to get out of here?" i ask as the two girls look between each other before nodding at me.

We've got a plan, We're going to tell Y/N and Sab that we're going to go get coffee and come back, but we're not going to come home in hopes that Sab and y/n will hook up or something. we know damn well they both like each other a lot. Sarah wont stop complaining to me about how much Sabrina talks about y/n to her and y/n wont stop talking to Joey and i about Sabrina. so its about time they get together. we walk back into Y/N's lounge room to see her and Sab sitting on the bay window, Y/N's back against the left hand side of the window with Sabrina curled up against her chest between her legs, i pull my phone out and snap a quick photo before i walk further towards them. "girls" i say softly making Y/N look towards me. Sabrina on the other hand stays facing outside the window
"shhh. she fell asleep" Y/N smiles as she runs her fingers gently through the other girls hair
"We're going out, bye bitches!" joey yells as she walks towards the door
Sabrina moves in the y/h/c haired girls lap making her lean down and whisper things in her ear while pulling her closer and running a hand through her blonde hair again. when Sabrina snuggles closer to Y/N and lays still the older girl seems satisfied and sits back up straight. turning towards me and flipping me off as she seems me filming i ask "you really like her don't you?"
"more then anything in the world" she admits sighing and looking down "i shouldn't get my hopes up though. where you all headed?"
"don't get your hopes up? bro don't get your hopes down, were going to grab some coffee from Starbucks. you want anything?"
"a y/f/d (your fav drink) and a hot chocolate not to hot not to cold with two pink and one white marshmallow for Sab"

i raise an eyebrow at the girl in front of her making her shrug gently "its what i get her whenever i pick her up"
"and you remembered?"
"how could i forget?"
"okay. ill go get those. we'll be back"
"see ya lover girl"


i sit with Sabrina in my lap for another fifteen minutes before Sabrina moves in my arms making me runs a hand through her hair a few times. she yawns and leans into my palm making me smile.
"hello sleepyhead " i chuckle making her hum in delight
"hey beautiful" she says in a raspy sleepy tone making me melt. holy fuck shes hot and cute, how the fuck?

i pull my hand away slowly but she grabs it and puts it right back into her hair making me smiles and scratch at her scalp more. she looks up at me while biting her lip making me turn away.
she cups my cheek and makes me look back towards her.
"don't look away" she whispers monotone wetting her lips with her tongue and bringing her bottom lip between her teeth as she looks between my eyes and my lips. i wet my lips nervously before looking back outside
"hey look its snowing" i say looking back out the window trying to avoid the explainable tension between my best friend and i.
she turns her head towards the window and squeals in excitement before standing and grabbing her coat.
"you coming?" she asks turning towards me and seeing i haven't moved
"yeah yeah yeah. give me a second im older then you"
"yeah by four months now hurry up granny"
"kids these days" i sigh as i walk towards the blonde beauty slowly
she rushes towards me and grabs my hands before pulling me hurriedly towards my flat door. i grab my coat off the rack just before she pulls me out the door and into my snow filled yard. i check the pocket of the coat, sighing in relief when i find my keys in there.
"you're a very lucky girl miss carpenter, could've locked me out of my darn flat" i say trying my best to sound like an old lady. Sabrina laughs loudly before running into the snow
"be careful. i don't need you falling over" i chuckle watching her play around cutely. i look away from her for a second before getting hit in the face by snow. i look towards Sabrina to see her arm out like she just threw something.
"oh its on!" i say scooping up some snow and throwing it towards the girl. we continue to do so before she gives up "don't challenge a softball player at their own game sweetheart even if it is with snow" she lays down in the snow making me follow her lead and lay beside her
"Yeah, yeah i get it you're hot and play five sports"
"five?how do you know that?" i ask turning towards her
"soccer, lacrosse, softball, basketball and football" she states making me look towards her in shock
"how do you reme-"
"I've been to every single one of your games. no matter the sport, guess i'm like every other girl AND boy who drool about you at school" she stands slowly and walks over to a flat patch of snow where she starts to roll up a large ball of snow. i catch onto what shes doing and start to help her by packing snow onto the ball shes making as well.
i sigh making her look over at me. you know... you're so much better then all those other people. so so much better...they all just use me sab, you know what. all they want is popularity and're nothing like're so much better" i explain as she looks up at me. we continue to built the snow man before we stand and walk towards a tree outside my flat. i look over at the snowman we built and smile "we needa think of a name for him"
"Kevin" she says turning back to look at the snowman
"Kevin it is"
she spins around fast making her slip and stumble forwards. i catch her in my arms but manage to slip over as well. she lands on top of me with her face millimeters away from mine. i feel the warm puffs of arm on my face as she gasps and stares down at me. I look up at her. god shes breathtaking. dozens of freckles litter her face, her cheeks pink from the cold, her gorgeous blue eyes, her plump pink lips, her perfect white teeth. i lean upwards and collide my lips against hers making her breathing hitch, but none the less she kisses me back deeply. our lips move in sync, time seems to stop and all that matters is how Sabrina's lips feel against my own. her hands make their way into my hair where they tug. but all i can really think about is how plump and sweet her lips are. she pulls away to catch her breath and stares down at me before standing. i look at her confused before standing as well. she grabs my hand and hurriedly pulls me inside

"whats going on?" i ask her genuinely confused but before she even answers she smashes her lips against mine again and pushes me against the nearest wall.
"i need your help" she pants pulling away only slightly

*time skip*

Lizas POV:

we we back into y/ns flat but cant seem to find the two girls we left here. "ill look in y/n's bedroom" i state walking towards the back of the house. i knock on her door but when i don't get an answer i open it up and see the two girls sleeping in y/n's bed, y/n had got her arm wrapped around Sabrina's torso as Sabrina lays on her back and y/n on her side. i snap a photo before i walk closer to see Sabrina has no top on, her hair is a mess and she has countless masks scattering her neck and bare back
"really tired her out didn't you y/l/n" i mumble
"yeah now get the fuck out so we can sleep"
"this is my doing" i tell her before she pulls Sabrina closer and snuggles her face into Sabs neck
Sabrina lets out a soft moan making me look back at the y/h/c haired girl, she smirks and Sabrina lets out another quiet moan making me rush out of the room and towards the two other girls
"we're leaving" i state dragging them out of the house.

this has been n my drafts forever oml. can some of y'all please send me some request in running out of people and things to write about. and im on lockdown so i dont even go to school anymore, im so bored. send help.

Sabrina Carpenter and Sadie Sink imagines + others~ open~Where stories live. Discover now