diamond~ black widow

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this is before Endgame (obvi) i miss my baby ;(

"you're all clear, not a heat signal in sight" my best friend Dylan speaks through my ear piece

"thanks" i whisper back before i launch myself off the roof I'm perched and onto the museums glass roof trying to make no loud sounds to set of the security "I'm dropping now" i mutter not to Dylan but myself. i use  the small laser located in one of my many belt pocket (idk) to cut a big hole through the glass to get me out. The glass nearly drops through to the ground below but I'm quick to stretch my arm through the glass and catch the falling objected with my gloved hand.
"that was close" I hear Dylan mutter making me nod slowly and let out a shaky breath
"i forgot i wasn't going through a vertical window where i have to push the glass but a horizontal one where it was gonna fall" i explain lifting the bottom of my shirt to wipe my forehead revealing my toned stomach. I hear someone whistle making me quickly drop trying to hide myself. i look over the ledge where the two glass roof panels meet in a small concrete triangle to see a lady my age with beautiful Red hair (if you can't tell my type is mainly red heads) i can see her green eyes and her face from the bright spots light that are on the sides of the building, luckily none are on the roof so I can't be seen. I stand straight before dropping through the glass and dropping onto the ground with a quiet thud
"who was that?" I ask Dylan before i hear typing on his keyboard
"i-i-i don't know...i can't find anything about her"
"shit" i curse when i see her drop to the floor across the room from me. i quickly grab the gun out of my ankle holster and hold it towards the red head "name and business here!" i yell harshly making her turn her head in my direction. she lets out a heavenly chuckle before smirking at me
"I'm Black Widow and I'm here to get that diamond" she says pointing to the diamond through the double doors of another room "how about you take off the mask" she states staring at me with her lush green eyes, looking into my soul, making me feel weak
"o-okay" i go to pull off the mask but get cut off by Dylan
"y/n! what do you think you're doing?!" he screams in my ear making me flinch
"come on darling" she urges me making me look up at her
"don't y/n!" Dylan yells again
"it's like she's got some sort of spell on me" i murmur to the boy in my ear piece
"she'll use that against you y/n, remember what Ash did to y-"
"shut it Dylan, you don't need to remind me" i scold him before looking back at the girl who goes by the name, Black Widow
"i can't do that ma'am" i explain "you'll have to take me out to dinner first" i shamelessly flirt  making her go red, nearly as red as her hair. I smirk and hold my gun towards her, making her look at me in shock "i need that diamond more than you" i explain to her

"why do you need it so bad?" she asks making me look at her
"my-my..." i shake my head and run towards the Diamonds case. Black Widow stays close on my tail, running an arms distance from me, i jump over a few small exhibits hoping ti loser her, i stop when i jump over a larger one and smirk knowing she wouldn't be able to do that like me. I start to walk forward a cocky smirk toying on my face, that smirk falls when the red heads face in centimeters from mine "shit, you're good" i let out an airy laugh while i recover
"better in bed" she flirts making me laugh even more. this girl.
i look away from her when i realize I've been staring too long and look towards the diamond, then remembering the task at hand, she catches me looking behind her and turns before sprinting away , she dodges a few other statues while i jump them making my trip shorter then hers. I reach the case before her, as she reaches it i tackle her to the ground "i need it more than you" i say through gritted teeth
"No you don't" she says flipping us over so shes on top
"yes i do" i say kicking her, sending her flying backwards narrowly missing the case of the purple Diamond. she stands up holding her side that went straight into the corner off one of the bases of the exhibits. I frown knowing i hurt her "I'm sor-"
"y/n" Dylan scolds making me stop talking and look towards the girl again
I grab the laser out of my belt again and start to cut the top off the cabinet.
"no" the red head says gritting her teeth before launching herself towards me, making me fall the the ground again, she straddles me and leans down,  is-is she going to kiss me?, No, she rips my mask off my head making me gasp
"no!" i almost scream
her smirk disappears and she looks at me in shock. her mouth agape and her eyes opened wide
"see! you should have just left the mask on!"
"y/n get up don't b-" i reach up with my free hand and rip the earpiece out of my ear before putting it by my side with a sigh. she looks at it and smashes it with her fist before looming down at me again

she shakes her head, as if she needs to get out of her head
"you with the fairy's up there Black Widow" a heavenly noise sounds falls from her plump lips again making me blush even more then i already am
"maybe" she says quietly before slowly leaning down and laughing into my shoulder making me stiffen "i won't hurt you" she almost promises "even though Tony might kill me if i don't" she laughs even more
"yeah, he works for me" she nods before smirking again
"alrighty, now you better get that Diamond" i state as she starts to get up
"you, you get it"
"what?, no way"
"how about-how about, we ummm...we s-share it?" she asks shyly making me chuckle
"alright" i grab the diamond quickly and pass it to her

"My names not actually Black Widow" she states making me laugh
"i figured"
"It's Natasha Romanoff"
"not sure if i should tell you my name, you might stalk my Instagram" i state making her laugh and nudge me
"come on cutie, whats ya name?"
"y/n,y/n y/l/n"
she nods and mumbles "Natasha y/l/n" i let out a loud laugh making her look at me "did you-did you hear-"
"i did red, but i have to say, that has a nice ring to it" i smirk at her blushing face before pulling her into me by her waist and shooting my grappling hook through the hole in the roof. we fly up and through the hold and onto the roof, we both stick the landing and i sit down on the edge of the building next to Natasha
"why did you need the diamond so bad?" she asks softly making me sigh
"have you ever been in love Nat?"
"i-i have,yes" she nods
"my ex girlfriend...i thought if i g-gave her a nice big, shiny diamond she m-might want to get back together" i wipe a tear that rolls down my cheek "it was stupid...i-i just thought i needed her to survive, but now i know i don't" i wipe some more tears before i feel an arm go around my waist
"you're okay...I've got you now...shhh...shes not worth it" Nat mumbles into my arm as she holds me against me
"i-i know shes not, ive found someone better anyways" i smile softly
Natasha looks slightly dissapointed "w-who's that?" she asks looking down at the Diamond in her arm
god, shes stubborn. i lean up and peck her lips quickly "i don't know red, but i know she goes my the name of Black Widow and she owes me a new ear piece"
she blushes and laughs quietly making me smile at her.
"come on" i say holding out my hand, she grabs it without hesitation and i pull her up
"where we going?"
"well i was thinking dinner then a movie at my place if you're up for it"
she nods and follows me towards the fire-escape of the building.

i was thinking of making a part 2? but i'm not sure.

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