Boxer ~Sabrina Carpenter (aka the loml)

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I stand tall in front of a man twice my height and size, all muscle. This could be the fight that makes my career sky-rocket or fall into a steaming hot pile of dog shit, which one? so far i don't know...this guys big and has probably been fighting or at least working out really obsessively for years. myself on the other hand have been boxing for about a year and....maybe three months? but i've won every fight i've fought...this might be my first to lose. I spread my legs apart slightly and put my hands in front of my face. this could go so badly...if i get too hurt and i go home to my girlfriends and my shared apartment, she might panic. i don't want to scare her. but this is how i make a living...this is how ALL of us boxers make a living...Sabrina thinks I'm a bar attender which i am about 6 nights a week the other night i fight, i fight till my legs give out, which is usually after the other persons.

i wait for him to hit first...see what techniques he uses. maybe i could use it to my advantage
he goes for the first blow, aiming his  first hit for my nose, i duck and hit him in the stomach making him flinch from surprise slightly, i smile but that gets wiped clean off my face when he punches me in the cheek, my head goes to the left and he uses this as an advantage, he brings another punch to my right cheek, then to my left, then right, then left. fuck. my now i feel the blood streaming down my chin from my nose and mouth, i move back and put my arm up, covering my face fully. he hits my arms before stopping, i wipe the blood with one glove and push my mouth-guard up more onto my teeth with my tongue, i put my hands just in front of my mouth and sigh lightly before bouncing from one foot to another lightly, quick y/n his weight will slow him down. he runs towards me making me douge, which makes him run right into the rope of the wing probably winding him. i use this and kick the back of his knees out making him fall to the ground on his knees, i punch him in the face a few times before upper-cutting him making him fall onto him back, once hes on his back the bell rings for half time

my manager comes up behind me "that was great" he says happily "you've taken a bit of a beating though, black eye, bloody nose...could be broken, bloody mouth, a cut on your forehead and cheek"
Sabby's not gonna be happy
"hmmm" i hum while rinsing the blood out of my mouth guard before drinking some water out of the bottle
"you've got this" he says handing me a towel
"thanks" i mumble as i wipe down my exposed abdomen
"you're doing great"
"thanks" i mumble again before putting my gloves back on and standing in the middle of the ring
the big guy comes up and nods to me making me nod back.he swings a punch at my head but i duck slightly making him loose his balance and stumble, i punch him making him go down onto the ground again.

*time skip*

"y/n?" i hear Sabrina call from inside out apartment as i walk in the door
"hey babygirl!"i call back making her giggle
"you're home late, was work busy?"
"something like that" i sigh as i walk into the room shes in, the moment she takes a look at me she gasps and stands, making her laptop, notepad and some pens fall off the couch onto the floor. she rushes towards me and cups my cheeks gently, making sure she doesn't hurt me.
"w-w-w-what happened? a-are you okay?!"
"yeah sab" i say smiling making her frown
"h-how did this happen?" she asks as she leads me into the bathroom to clean me up

"fight" i say making her look at me confused
"with who?"
"another boxer" i say so quietly she almost couldn't hear me
"another boxer? what do you mean?"
"sab...i don't work on Sundays" i breath out "i an illegal underground boxing facility"
"calm down sabby, it's okay" i cup her cheeks but shes quick to move out of my grip
"no! No it's not okay!" she pushes my hands away and presses them against my own chest
"don't 'baby' me" she snaps making me look at her sadly
"don't you dare say anything" she says harshly making me stay quiet "i-ive got to go"
"fuck no" i say standing up off the toilet lid and walking in front of her "you are not leaving"
"yes i fucking am now fucking move before i punch you in the chest"

she punches me in the chest as she says, but i stand still not even flinching
"fuck you" she says before going to punch me again, this time i grab her hand and pin her against the wall "let me go!" she says almost in tears
"no" i state calmly "never, you're the love of my life and im going to fight for our relationship because i love you and im happy!" i say as i let go of her hands but leave my body against hers so she can't move
"w-why? why would you fight?"
"i needed the money sab, i needed it really badly and i still do. this is how i pay for this apartment, for school, for everything"
"you could have asked me for money" she whispers making me sigh
"no,no,no. thats not right, i need to help myself, i need to do this for myself" i state making her nod
"why couldn't you have done something else though, something that wouldn't get you hurt!"
"sab, you know i've always wanted to when i heard some people at work talkin' i needed to take my chance"
"do you win?"
"so far? only every match i've played...i versed a guy twice my size and height today. he bashed me so hard first round but towards the end i got him down, then second i had him down with a punch!" i explain happily making her chuckle
that smile she wears soon turns into a frown as she studys my face before walking out of the room
"sabrina no! please don't leave me" i cry out as the tears start to burn my eyes. i follow her out of the bathroom and see her turn into the kitchen just as the tears escape my eyes and the sobs rip from my throat
"im not leaving you" she explains walking towards me holding a first AID kit
"oh-" i choke out trying to stop my sobs but it doesnt work, i wipe the tears that are now red from the blood covering my face
"im sorry i scared you" she drops the kit and runs towards me, engulfing my shaking body in a warm loving hug "im not leaving love, youre okay, i love you, youre alright"
"i-i" another sob racks through my body "i l-love you t-too"

she kisses my head gently and drags me into the bathroom to fix me up

this went shit towards the end. ill fix it later, for now im planning to take a bunch of kids to the movies ahaha
but like guess who made a cute girl smile/laugh at me while i was playing with a giggling 3 year old today?

Sabrina Carpenter and Sadie Sink imagines + others~ open~Where stories live. Discover now