Broken Home (LUKE PT1)

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Again, for the go knows how many nights in a row mum and dad were arguing.

Luke was coming back home from the Sounds Live Feels Live your today and thank god. I can't take this anymore. All the shouting and abuse is all too much.

"Well Luke isn't gonna bring money back all the time is he?!" Mum shouted as I cuddled into my little koala that Luke got me when I was born.

"I know liz! I'm just saying that we can't keep doing this! We can't!" Dad shouted louder than mum making me feel scared.

Thankfully I was saved by the bell.
My phone rung from across the room.


"Hey bubs." I said trying not to get a voice crack from the fear.

"Hey! Um I'm at the park if you wanna see us." He said as I herd muffled shouting.

"Sure! I'll be there in 10." I said hanging up.

I sighed and pulled my backpack out of my pile of teddy's.

I put my earbuds in and played broken home on repeat.

I put my jacket in my bag, along with my koala as I take it with me everywhere I go and zipped
It up.

I opened my window and stepped onto the windowsill pushing it open more.
I squealed as I herd a vase smash.
I carefully stepped onto the slats on the roof, holding onto the window for balance.
I shut the window over shuffling along the side of the roof as slowly as I could.

I jumped from the roof onto the grass landing on my feet elegantly.

I put my hood up as I saw my mum and dad downstairs still arguing.
I didn't get caught.
I walked to the park as the sun set slowly as I hummed to Jet Black Heart.

I took a deep breath as I reached the park, takings my earphones out.

"Y/N!" Luke shouted running over to me as I ran to him.

"L-Luke! I-I missed y-you!" I said as tears filled my eyes as he held he tight.

We got some strange looks from strangers as we held each other close.

"Hey Y/N!" Ashton said as I let go of Luke hugging the others.

"Hey guys! I-I missed you so-so so much!" I said tears falling.

"Don't cry koala." Michael said making me giggle softly through tears.

"I-I'm sorry. I-i just mi-missed you guys s-So much." I said wiping tears away.

"We missed you too sweetheart." Calum said as softly as he could, hugging me.

"Luke cried a lot." Ashton said making me giggle.

"What? It's the longest I've been away from her." Luke said as I felt my phone vibrate.


"Where are you?!" He yelled as I flinched at the sudden outburst.

"I'm just seeing friends Jack." I lied as Luke and the boys looked in confusion.

"Sure Y/N. I've herd better fucking excuses from 6 year olds. Now where are you?!" He said, this time way more stern.

"I-I'm at the park Jack! I'm fine." I said trying to keep calm.

"get back right now or else!" And he hung up.

"What? Who?" Luke asked all flustered.

"L-Luke, when-when you went away, um Jack-Jack and Ben." I stuttered as he looked at me as did the boys.

"Go on." Michael said angrily.

"T-t-they started sh-shouting. And-and mum and d-dad." I froze as Luke looking at me angrily.

"What Y/N? Tell me!" He said pulling me close to him.

"T-they star-started arguing. I-it got ph-physical." I said pulling my top up revealing bruises and cuts making them gasp.

"Y-Y/N, y-you-you should h-have pho-phoned." Luke said tearing up as he looked at them.

I broke down in tears as Luke pulled me close to him hugging me again.

"Right, you two are staying with me tonight." Ashton cut in.

"I don't want you guys to get hurt." He said as me and Luke pulled away from each other's arms.

"T-thank you Ash." I said hugging him as he smiled sweetly hugging me back.

"Wait?! T-that's a massive slit. W-wha-Who?" Michael asked as I looked to where he traced.

"It's a glass slit I think?" Calum said as Luke sat me on a small bench.

"Holy shit. Y/N, you should have phoned." Ashton said as I cried harder than ever.

"I-I'm so-Sorry." I cried into Luke's shoulder.

"Bubs, let's go." Luke said lifting me up into his arms as my legs dangled sand my arms wrapped in neck.

"How come we never got a call?" Michael asked as I looked at the people judging us.

"I-I couldn't m-muster any courage." I said as Luke sighed.

"What did I tell you before I left Y/N?" Luke said looking at me.

" I-i know. I'm-I'm sorry." I cried into his chest as he sighed.

"It's fine, just tell me next time."

"Luke, there won't be a next time. I won't fucking allow it." Ashton said making me giggle.

We walked to the car in silence as I tried to calm down. I never wanted them to find out about the whole thing. I new this would happen and I was stupid enough to spill everything. Now our family is in deep water.

"You doing ok bubs?" Luke asked as we got into the car.

"I-I guess." I mumbled as he sighed.

"C'mere koala." Michael said pulling me closer to him.

I instantly felt safe at the hands of him, he wrapped his arms around me as I laid my head into his chest.
Luke put his hoodie on top of me, acting like it was a small blanket. I felt my eyes grow heavy and my breaths steadied.

"Koala, get some sleep. You need it." Michael whispered softly.

"Bubs, put your legs up." Luke said softly but with a tinge of disappointment and anger.

"A-are you sure?" I asked as he giggled softly.

"Of course sweetheart, c'mon." Luke said lifting my legs up onto his lap.

I snuggled into Michael as he kept his arms around me. I felt my eyes grow tired as I shut them.

Part 2 coming soon!!

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