You come out (Calum)

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Im still closeted and I want you guys to help, if you can think of fun and creative ways for me to break the news to my family that I'm bi! Only if you guys want to.

TW: Abuse⚠️
Calum: Age 14
You come out as Gay
Your PoV
I sat in my seat waiting for my teacher to come back to our class. I tapped the table with what little nails I had and looked out of the window. I felt something hit the back of my head and I looked to see a piece of paper, I un-balled it. The only thing that was written on it was:
Queer Whore.
I looked behind me to see a group of boys and girls laughing.

I sighed and stood up and threw it in the bin. As I took my seat, another piece of paper was thrown at me again. I didn't even read it but I left it on the floor. It happened  again and again throughout the period.

As the period ended, I made my way to the cafeteria.
I walked down the staircase to see the same group of people who chucked paper at me blocking the door.

"C-can you please move?" I asked barely above a whisper.

"What was that Queer?" A girl asked teasingly.

"I said can you please move?" I asked again but more loud.

"I don't think so, we've been wanting to talk to you." Another said more sternly.

I tried to barge past them to get to the door but they pushed me to the ground, I whimpered in pain slightly.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted as I tried to stand up.

They all laughed and pounced on me, hitting and punching me.

"G-get the fuck off of me!" I yelled pushing them away.

After a few minutes they left. I was covered in blood, bruises and redness.
I started trying to stand but I couldn't. I was trapped.
I started crawling to the fire exit door and pushed it open to crawl out to the back of the school.

I started crying and coughing blood. I pulled my phone out and called Calum.

"Y/N? Why are you calling?" Calum asked sounding pissed.

"C-cal, please. I-I can't breathe or-or stand. Please, p-pick me up." I cried scared for my life

"Shit. What happened?" He asked sounding way more worried.

"I'll t-tell you later. I'm-im at the back of the school. P-please hurry." I choked out with a strong taste of blood in my mouth.

"Ok, me and Ash will come, it'll be Ashtons car and we'll park around the back ok? Hang on Y/N. We won't be long, I promise."

"Thank you."

I sighed and hung up, coughing more blood up.

I gasped when I had a realisation.
I'm going to have to come out! Shit.

I started crying more as the car pulled up. Instantly, Ashton and Calum ran ran up to me.

"Shit! Oh my god, Y/N. What happened?" Ashton asked picking me up.

"I-I... I."
I couldn't speak, I just started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hey hey, shhhh baby. It's ok." Calum said as Ashton put me in the car.

Calum sat beside me, pulling out some baby wipes.

"Y/N, look at me. It's ok. It's going to hurt but I promise it will be ok after.

I weakly nodded as he pulled a wipe out. I winced slightly but soon relaxed more.

"How did all this happen?" Ashton asked as he started driving.

"Well people started c-calling me names and throwing paper at me with rude comments on them, I walked to lunch and got attacked by them." I said hoping they wouldn't ask what.

"What words were they?"


"Cal, I-if I tell you something. C-can you promise m-me that you won't be- you won't be mad?" I asked now crying uncontrollably.

"Y/N, you know you can tell me anything. Go on." Calum softly spoke running a hand through my hair.

"I-I'm- I'm gay."
I instantly broke down and he sighed pulling me close to him.

"Baby, it's not that big of a deal. If you like girls so be it, I like them too. It isn't a problem to me at all. I'm not gonna hurt you or anything for liking girls ok?" He said kissing my head as I cried into his chest.

"I-it hurts. Being th-there. With them." I stuttered as he sighed.

"I'll get you to move schools sweetheart. It isn't a problem to me, I'm more concerned about your safety than anything." Calum assured.

We sat in silence for a bit until ash spoke up.

"Girls are great. They have quality's that men don't possess."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well they have manners, they're classy and they have boobs."

"I guess." Calum said making me giggle.

IM BACK!!! So I needed time to focus on school and family for a bit so I've been absent for a bit. I hope you guys understand!! ❤️❤️

Lots of ❤️- Chloe X

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